Prof. Jalal Aljamal

Prof. Jalal Aljamal

Doctorate / Full Professor

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Research Interests:


Ion Channel Receptors:

The broad objective of my research is to understand the molecular mechanism underlying the voltage control of membrane channels. I focused on the macromolecules, mainly proteins that are lodged within cell membranes and translocate molecules and ions across the membranes. Channel-forming proteins that are under voltage control are responsible for processes such as action potentials, muscle excitation, hormone release. The channel-former being studied is called VDAC. It is located in the mitochondrial outer membrane and may control most of the energy production in animal cells.

The research is highly interdisciplinary and includes isolating and purifying cell organelles, purifying soluble and membrane proteins, reconstituting proteins into vesicles and planar phospholipid membranes, making electrophysiological recordings on individual channel-forming molecules as well as ensembles of molecules, and studies of chemically-modified channels.


Current work deals with:

1- The effect of fetal and neonatal hypothyroidism on the developmental changes in the amount of the hexokinase binding protein as a marker of mitochondrial differentiation.


2- Role of voltage dependent anion selective channel in various forms of mitochondrial changes in mammalian cells.




Awards Received:

The University of Philadelphia award for excellence in research, 2004 – 2005



Skills and Experiance


Indexed Journals

Recent Research

3- In vitro inhibition of human erythrocyte hexokinase by various hyperglycemic drugs
Jalal A. Aljamal, Muwaffag Badawneh
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology

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