No. |
Title |
Author |
Year |
Publisher |
Abstract |
1001 |
Hybridization between Iterative Simulated Annealing and Modified Great Deluge for Medical Clustering Problems |
Anmar Abuhamdah and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri, Anas Quteishat and Rawnaq Kittaneh |
2012 |
1002 |
Current Arabic (Hindi) Hand Written Numbers Segmentation and Recognition Advance Image Processing and Neural Network |
Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri |
2012 |
cisjournal |
1003 |
Adaptive Iris Localization And Recognition: Modification On Daugman’s Algorithm |
Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri |
2013 |
1004 |
Protein Family Recognition based on Fuzzy Logic |
Bassam. El-Zaghmouri and Marwan Abu-Zanona |
2013 |
1005 |
An Enhanced Queue Management Approach for Greedy Routing in MANETs. |
Ahmad Habboush, Mahmoud AlShugran |
2018 |
Canadian Center of Science and Education |
1006 |
Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Contour Matching and Feed-Forward Neural Network |
Marwan Abu-Zanona and Anmar Abuhamdah ,Bassam. El-Zaghmouri, |
2019 |
Computer and Information Science |
1007 |
Hybrid Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Based on Self Organized Map Neural Networks |
Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri |
2016 |
1008 |
Investigating Software Maintainability Developme: A case for ISO 9126 |
Haboush, A., AL-Badareen, A. B., Alnabhan, M., Al-nawayseh, M. and EL-Zaghmouri, B |
2014 |
1009 |
An Evaluation Framework for Requirements Definition of Software Development |
Alnabhan, M., Haboush, A., AL-Badareen, A., Al-nawayseh, M., & EL-Zaghmouri, B |
2014 |
Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center |
1010 |
Multi-level encryption framework |
Ahmad Khader Habboush |
2018 |
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, |
1011 |
The Translator as a Communicator: Bracketed Insertions Eliciting Mutual Cooperation with Receptors |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh |
2021 |
Australian International Academic Centre |
1012 |
دراسة موجزة حول أبرز محطات الترجمة وأثرها في العربية على المستويين الفكري واللغوي |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh, Khalid Salim Al-Zubi, Ala' Mohammad Ibrahim |
2021 |
Emirates College of Educational Sciences |
1013 |
The Characters of Children in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”: A Comparative Study |
Fual Abdul Muttaleb |
2021 |
Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue |
1014 |
The Conceptualization of Terrorism: Don DeLillo’s Falling Man |
Rasha Maqableh |
2021 |
Common Ground Research Networks |
1015 |
Too Good to be White: A Journey to Lose Identity in Tony Morrison’s The Bluest Eye |
Rasha Maqableh, Aya Akkawi |
2019 |
Yarmouk University |
1016 |
Robert Heinlein's Space Cadet and the Young Adult Reader: Understanding the Real World through Narrative Transportation Approach |
Aya Akkawi, Rasha Maqableh |
2020 |
Librarie Du Liban Publishers |
1017 |
قراءة نقديَّةٌ في روايةِ صبحي فحماوي التاريخية "أخناتون ونفرتيتي الكنعانية" |
فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2021 |
1018 |
Nutrient intake, in vivo digestibility, growth performance and carcass quality of growing lambs fed concentrate diets containing sweet lupin grain (Lupinus angustifolius) |
Belal S. Obeidat, Rami T. Kridli, Mysaa Ata, Kamel Z. Mahmoud, Pawel M. Bartlewski |
2021 |
Elsevier |
1019 |
تورغنييف وشكسبير وقضية هاملت الروسي |
فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2018 |
جامعة زيان عاشور |
1020 |
كتاب لونجين في السمو: محاولة كلاسيكية مبكرة في النقد الفني والرومانتيكي والمقارن |
فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2019 |
الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية - إسلام آباد في باكستان. |
1021 |
المستشرقون الجدد: صور ما بعد حداثية للإسلام من فوكو إاى بودريار |
فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2020 |
مركز رفاد للدراسات و الأبحاث |
1022 |
الثنائية اللغوية بين اكتساب اللغة الأم (العربية) وتعلم اللغة الأجنبية (الإنجليزية) |
شفيق بنات، فؤاد عبدالمطلب
2015 |
1023 |
آليات التفكيك والسيطرة في رواية تشينوا أتشيبي (الأشياء تتداعى) |
بلال بني عمر، فؤاد عبدالمطلب
2017 |
مخبر الللغة العربية وآدابها- جامعة البليدة |
1024 |
نظرات في العلاقة بين الأدبين العالمي والمقارن: النشأة والمصطلح والمجال والوظيفة |
محمد أحمد رقيبات، فؤاد عبدالمطلب
2019 |
مخبر قضايا الأدب المغاربي/جامعة البويرة |
1025 |
النظرية الأدبية واتجاهاتها الأساسية الحديثة |
علي المومني، فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2018 |
مخبر الشعرية الجزائرية |
1026 |
شكسبير (هاملت) وتشيخوف (إيفانوف) وأنموذج المثقف الروسي في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر في روسيا |
فؤاد عبد المطلب |
2020 |
جمعية كليات الآداب في الجامعات أعضاء اتحاد الجامعات العربية |
1027 |
Chekhovs' Ivanov: A Portrait of The Russian Hamlet of The Eighteen Eighties |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb |
2016 |
Babylon University |
1028 |
Macbeth Political Imagination: The Struggle for Kingship in Macbeth |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb, Mohammad Khair Rawashdeh |
2019 |
Jerash University |
1029 |
The Double Colonization of Women in Tayeb Salih's Season of Migration to the North and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb |
2020 |
Al-Kindi Center for Research and development |
1030 |
English Renaissance Tragedy: Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy and Marlow’s Dr. Faustus in Perspective |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb |
2020 |
Jerash University |
1031 |
War Poetry: Wilfred Owen as a Soldier and Poet |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb, Tarek Hamadneh |
2019 |
Laxmi Publication, Osmanabad |
1032 |
Dramatic Transformation: The Hamlet-Type in Shakespearian and Chekhovian Versions |
Fuad Abdul Muttaleb |
2019 |
Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue |
1033 |
Water Resources Management by Aquifer storage and Recovery in Jordan |
Dr Mohammad Fawzi Al Ajlouni |
2019 |
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication |
1034 |
Turn-taking in Tennessee Williams' THE GLASS MENAGERIE |
Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli and Marei Mahmoud Abu Atherah |
2019 |
1035 |
Investigating Color Idioms and their Translation from English into Arabic |
Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli |
2012 |
Baghdad University |
1036 |
Investigating Arabic Satire with Special Reference to Translating Satirical Expressions in the Glorious Quran |
Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli and Suhail Ahmed Hussain |
2011 |
Diyala University |
1037 |
Calque in Arabic: the Bright Side of Borrowing |
Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli and Mohamed TawfiqBataineh |
2020 |
1038 |
Cultures Think Alike and Unlike: A Cognitive Study of Arabic and English Body Parts Idioms |
Mohamed Tawfiq Bataineh and Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli |
2020 |
International Journal Documentation & Research Institute (IJDRI) |
1039 |
Proper Names and Translation |
Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli |
2009 |
Jerash University/ Jordan |
1040 |
Politeness Violated: A Study of Selected Tweets by Donald Trump |
Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli and Mohammad Al-Santareesi |
2021 |
Jerash University/ Jordan |
1041 |
Convolvulus pluricaulis as a Cognition Booster: Relevance to Alzheimer‘s disease |
Syed Waseem Bihaqi, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Manisha Tiwari |
2024 |
1042 |
Development and validation of a simple and sensitive HPLC method for the determination of liquid form of therapeutic substances |
Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaisah, Kareem M. Younes, Abduzhappar Gaipov, Mohamad Aljofan |
2019 |
Modestum Ltd. |
1043 |
Antibacterial activity of commiphora molmol in wound infections |
Abdulkalig Mohamed, S.M.A. Shahid, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Mohammed Qumani Ahmed,, Fahd Oudah Al |
2017 |
1044 |
Prevalence of use and reported side effects of herbal medicine among adults in Saudi Arabia |
Alkhamaiseh, S.I., Aljofan, M. |
2020 |
Churchill Livingstone |
1045 |
Prevalence and factors influencing use of herbal medicines during pregnancy in hail, Saudi Arabia a cross-sectional study |
Aljofan, M., Alkhamaiseh, S. |
2020 |
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman |
1046 |
A new xanthone dimer and cytotoxicity from the stem bark of Calophyllum canum |
Muhammad Taher, Wan Mohd Nuzul Hakimi Wan Salleh ORCID logo, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Farediah Ah |
2021 |
De Gruyter |
1047 |
A Concise Review of the Principles and Procedures of ‘Explicitation’ as a Translation Universal |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh, Khaled Saleem Alzu'bi |
2020 |
Lasting Impressions Press |
1048 |
Toward a Sublime-to-Translate Literary Genre: The Quran Self-explained by Micro- and Macro-stylistic Conventions |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh |
2019 |
Arab Society of English Language Studies |
1049 |
In Search for New Translational Norms: Textual Additions in Parentheses as Devices of Textuality |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh |
2018 |
Australian International Academic Centre |
1050 |
Explicitation by Textual Addition in Parentheses in Translating the Quranic Text into English |
Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh |
2018 |
Australian International Academic Centre |