
No. Title Author Year Publisher Abstract
1001 Hybridization between Iterative Simulated Annealing and Modified Great Deluge for Medical Clustering Problems Anmar Abuhamdah and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri, Anas Quteishat and Rawnaq Kittaneh 2012 WCSIT
1002 Current Arabic (Hindi) Hand Written Numbers Segmentation and Recognition Advance Image Processing and Neural Network Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri 2012 cisjournal
1003 Adaptive Iris Localization And Recognition: Modification On Daugman’s Algorithm Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri 2013 IJCSIS
1004 Protein Family Recognition based on Fuzzy Logic Bassam. El-Zaghmouri and Marwan Abu-Zanona 2013 IJERMT
1005 An Enhanced Queue Management Approach for Greedy Routing in MANETs. Ahmad Habboush, Mahmoud AlShugran 2018 Canadian Center of Science and Education
1006 Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Contour Matching and Feed-Forward Neural Network Marwan Abu-Zanona and Anmar Abuhamdah ,Bassam. El-Zaghmouri, 2019 Computer and Information Science
1007 Hybrid Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm Based on Self Organized Map Neural Networks Marwan Abu-Zanona and Bassam. El-Zaghmouri 2016 IJCSI
1008 Investigating Software Maintainability Developme: A case for ISO 9126 Haboush, A., AL-Badareen, A. B., Alnabhan, M., Al-nawayseh, M. and EL-Zaghmouri, B 2014 IJCSI
1009 An Evaluation Framework for Requirements Definition of Software Development Alnabhan, M., Haboush, A., AL-Badareen, A., Al-nawayseh, M., & EL-Zaghmouri, B 2014 Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology Research Center
1010 Multi-level encryption framework Ahmad Khader Habboush 2018 (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
1011 The Translator as a Communicator: Bracketed Insertions Eliciting Mutual Cooperation with Receptors Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh 2021 Australian International Academic Centre
1012 دراسة موجزة حول أبرز محطات الترجمة وأثرها في العربية على المستويين الفكري واللغوي Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh, Khalid Salim Al-Zubi, Ala' Mohammad Ibrahim 2021 Emirates College of Educational Sciences
1013 The Characters of Children in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”: A Comparative Study Fual Abdul Muttaleb 2021 Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue
1014 The Conceptualization of Terrorism: Don DeLillo’s Falling Man Rasha Maqableh 2021 Common Ground Research Networks
1015 Too Good to be White: A Journey to Lose Identity in Tony Morrison’s The Bluest Eye Rasha Maqableh, Aya Akkawi 2019 Yarmouk University
1016 Robert Heinlein's Space Cadet and the Young Adult Reader: Understanding the Real World through Narrative Transportation Approach Aya Akkawi, Rasha Maqableh 2020 Librarie Du Liban Publishers
1017 قراءة نقديَّةٌ في روايةِ صبحي فحماوي التاريخية "أخناتون ونفرتيتي الكنعانية" فؤاد عبد المطلب 2021 IMJST
1018 Nutrient intake, in vivo digestibility, growth performance and carcass quality of growing lambs fed concentrate diets containing sweet lupin grain (Lupinus angustifolius) Belal S. Obeidat, Rami T. Kridli, Mysaa Ata, Kamel Z. Mahmoud, Pawel M. Bartlewski 2021 Elsevier
1019 تورغنييف وشكسبير وقضية هاملت الروسي فؤاد عبد المطلب 2018 جامعة زيان عاشور
1020 كتاب لونجين في السمو: محاولة كلاسيكية مبكرة في النقد الفني والرومانتيكي والمقارن فؤاد عبد المطلب 2019 الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية - إسلام آباد في باكستان.
1021 المستشرقون الجدد: صور ما بعد حداثية للإسلام من فوكو إاى بودريار فؤاد عبد المطلب 2020 مركز رفاد للدراسات و الأبحاث
1022 الثنائية اللغوية بين اكتساب اللغة الأم (العربية) وتعلم اللغة الأجنبية (الإنجليزية) شفيق بنات، فؤاد عبدالمطلب 2015
1023 آليات التفكيك والسيطرة في رواية تشينوا أتشيبي (الأشياء تتداعى) بلال بني عمر، فؤاد عبدالمطلب 2017 مخبر الللغة العربية وآدابها- جامعة البليدة
1024 نظرات في العلاقة بين الأدبين العالمي والمقارن: النشأة والمصطلح والمجال والوظيفة محمد أحمد رقيبات، فؤاد عبدالمطلب 2019 مخبر قضايا الأدب المغاربي/جامعة البويرة
1025 النظرية الأدبية واتجاهاتها الأساسية الحديثة علي المومني، فؤاد عبد المطلب 2018 مخبر الشعرية الجزائرية
1026 شكسبير (هاملت) وتشيخوف (إيفانوف) وأنموذج المثقف الروسي في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر في روسيا فؤاد عبد المطلب 2020 جمعية كليات الآداب في الجامعات أعضاء اتحاد الجامعات العربية
1027 Chekhovs' Ivanov: A Portrait of The Russian Hamlet of The Eighteen Eighties Fuad Abdul Muttaleb 2016 Babylon University
1028 Macbeth Political Imagination: The Struggle for Kingship in Macbeth Fuad Abdul Muttaleb, Mohammad Khair Rawashdeh 2019 Jerash University
1029 The Double Colonization of Women in Tayeb Salih's Season of Migration to the North and Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart Fuad Abdul Muttaleb 2020 Al-Kindi Center for Research and development
1030 English Renaissance Tragedy: Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy and Marlow’s Dr. Faustus in Perspective Fuad Abdul Muttaleb 2020 Jerash University
1031 War Poetry: Wilfred Owen as a Soldier and Poet Fuad Abdul Muttaleb, Tarek Hamadneh 2019 Laxmi Publication, Osmanabad
1032 Dramatic Transformation: The Hamlet-Type in Shakespearian and Chekhovian Versions Fuad Abdul Muttaleb 2019 Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue
1033 Water Resources Management by Aquifer storage and Recovery in Jordan Dr Mohammad Fawzi Al Ajlouni 2019 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
1034 Turn-taking in Tennessee Williams' THE GLASS MENAGERIE Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli and Marei Mahmoud Abu Atherah 2019
1035 Investigating Color Idioms and their Translation from English into Arabic Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli 2012 Baghdad University
1036 Investigating Arabic Satire with Special Reference to Translating Satirical Expressions in the Glorious Quran Khalid Abdullah AL-Shaikhli and Suhail Ahmed Hussain 2011 Diyala University
1037 Calque in Arabic: the Bright Side of Borrowing Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli and Mohamed TawfiqBataineh 2020
1038 Cultures Think Alike and Unlike: A Cognitive Study of Arabic and English Body Parts Idioms Mohamed Tawfiq Bataineh and Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli 2020 International Journal Documentation & Research Institute (IJDRI)
1039 Proper Names and Translation Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli 2009 Jerash University/ Jordan
1040 Politeness Violated: A Study of Selected Tweets by Donald Trump Khalid Abdullah Al-Shaikhli and Mohammad Al-Santareesi 2021 Jerash University/ Jordan
1041 Convolvulus pluricaulis as a Cognition Booster: Relevance to Alzheimer‘s disease Syed Waseem Bihaqi, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Manisha Tiwari 2024
1042 Development and validation of a simple and sensitive HPLC method for the determination of liquid form of therapeutic substances Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaisah, Kareem M. Younes, Abduzhappar Gaipov, Mohamad Aljofan 2019 Modestum Ltd.
1043 Antibacterial activity of commiphora molmol in wound infections Abdulkalig Mohamed, S.M.A. Shahid, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Mohammed Qumani Ahmed,, Fahd Oudah Al 2017 DR. P. R. YADAV
1044 Prevalence of use and reported side effects of herbal medicine among adults in Saudi Arabia Alkhamaiseh, S.I., Aljofan, M. 2020 Churchill Livingstone
1045 Prevalence and factors influencing use of herbal medicines during pregnancy in hail, Saudi Arabia a cross-sectional study Aljofan, M., Alkhamaiseh, S. 2020 Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
1046 A new xanthone dimer and cytotoxicity from the stem bark of Calophyllum canum Muhammad Taher, Wan Mohd Nuzul Hakimi Wan Salleh ORCID logo, Suhaib Ibrahim Alkhamaiseh, Farediah Ah 2021 De Gruyter
1047 A Concise Review of the Principles and Procedures of ‘Explicitation’ as a Translation Universal Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh, Khaled Saleem Alzu'bi 2020 Lasting Impressions Press
1048 Toward a Sublime-to-Translate Literary Genre: The Quran Self-explained by Micro- and Macro-stylistic Conventions Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh 2019 Arab Society of English Language Studies
1049 In Search for New Translational Norms: Textual Additions in Parentheses as Devices of Textuality Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh 2018 Australian International Academic Centre
1050 Explicitation by Textual Addition in Parentheses in Translating the Quranic Text into English Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh 2018 Australian International Academic Centre