
No. Title Author Year Publisher Abstract
1151 Adapting eSpeak to Arabic language: converting Arabic text to speech language using eSpeak Taha Zerrouki; Mohammed M. Abu Shquier; Amar Balla; Nabila Bousbia; Imededdine Sakraoui; Fateh Bouda 2016 Inderscience
1152 Brick and Mortar Education vs. SCORM-based Education in Computer-programming Courses: A Comparative Study Mohammed M. Abu Shquier 2021 Canadian Center of Science and Education
1153 MGA-TSP: modernised genetic algorithm for the travelling salesman problem Ra'ed M. Al-Khatib, Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar, Mohammed A. Awadallah , Khalid M.O. Nahar , Mohammed 2019 Inderscience
1154 Arabic-to-Malay Machine Translation Using Transfer Approach Mohammed M. Abu Shquier 2021 Canadian Center of Science and Education
1155 Air Quality Index Using Machine Learning -A Jordan Case Study Khalid Nahar, Mohammad Ashraf Ottom,Fayha Alshibli,Mohammed Abu Shquier 2020 COMPUSOFT
1156 أثر الذكاء العاطفي على سلوك المواطنة التنظيمية من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في "الجامعات الخاصة في إقليم الشمال" محمد تركي البطاينة وسوزان محمد عتوم 2016 The University of Jordan
1157 أثر استراتيجيات إدارة الموارد البشرية على الأداء الوظيفي دراسة ميدانية من وجهة نظر المديرين في البنوك التجارية الأردنية/ محافظة اربد محمد تركي البطاينه 2016 The University of Jordan
1158 The Effect of Visionary leadership on Employee’s Innovation in King Abdullah University Hospital, Jordan Prof. Mohammad T. Bataineh, Prof. Alhazaimeh Ahmad Saleh 2021 Primrose Hall Publishing Group
1159 The Impact of the General Level of Prices and Operating Profit on Economic Value Added (EVA) (Analytical Study: ASE 2001 - 2015) Mohammad Abdel Mohsen Al-Afeef 2017 Canadian Center of Science and Education
1160 The Impact of Small and Medium Enterprises on Gross Domestic Product and Unemployment: Evidence from Jordan 2009-2018 Mohammad Abdel Mohsen Al-Afeef 2020 EconJournals
1161 Some biological studies of greater date moth, Arenipses sabella (Hampson) (Pyralidae: Lepidopetra) at three temperatures Mustafa, T.M., Al Khawaldeh, M. 2014 Hohere Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt fur Wein- und Obstbau
1162 Factors Affecting Market Capitalization: A Practical Study Ase 1978-2019 Al-Afeef, Mohammad Abdel Mohsen 2020 IJSTR
1163 Keys for Identification Arthropods Pests Attacking Date Palm Tawfiq M Al-Antary, Mashhour M Al-Khawaldeh, Mazen A Ateyyat 2014 The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
1164 Importance and seasonal population dynamics of great date moth Arenipses sabella Hampson (1901) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Jordan Valley TM Al Antary, Mashhour M Al-Khawaldeh, Mazen A Ateyyat 2015 Rede Brasileira de Informações Biológicas - Rebibio
1165 COVID 19 IN PAKISTAN: MEDICAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES Salman Hameed, Asaad Alsakarneh, Bilal Eneizan, Kashif Arif , Humera Anser 2021 IAEME
1166 DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL LEVERAGE: AN EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE Mansoor Ahmed, Shahnawaz Baloch, Asaad Alsakarneh, Kashif Arif , Bilal Eneizan 2021 IAEME
1167 Microwave propagation in a magnetized inhomogeneous plasma slab using the Appleton-Hartree magnetoionic theory M.S.Bawa’aneh, A.M.Al-Khateeb, Ayman Sawalha 2012 Canadian Science Publishing ( NRC Research Press)
1168 Economic importance and seasonal population trends of grey date scale Parlatoria blanchardi (Targioni Tozzetti, 1892) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in Jordan Valley Mustafa, T.M., Al Khawaldeh, M. and Atyyat M. 2015 Rebibio - Rede Brasileira de Informações Biológicas
1169 WHEAT CULTIVABLE FUNGAL ENDOPHYTES IN JORDAN Al Khawaldeh M, Araj, S., Alababneh K and Al Antary T. 2020 Parlar Scientific Publications
1170 Human resources practices and job satisfaction on customer satisfaction: The mediating role of quality of customer interaction in online call center Bilal Eneizan, Mohammad Taamneh, Odai Enaizan, Mohammad Almaaitah, Abdul Ngah, Asaad Alsakarneh 2021 Growing Science
1171 Economic importance of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L.(Liliopsida: Arecales: Arecaceae) pests in Jordan Valley TM Al Antary, Mashhour M Al-Khawaldeh, Mazen A Ateyyat 2015 Rede Brasileira de Informações Biológicas - Rebibio
1172 Assessment of genetic variability among Jordanian tomato landrace using inter-simple sequence repeats markers Mohammad H. Brake, Moath A. Al-Gharaibeh, Hassan R. Hamasha, Nuha S. Al Sakarneh, Ibrahim A. Alshoma 2021 Hashemite University
1173 Production and Marketing Problems Encountering palms trees farmers in jordan Ebraheem Altahat Mohammad Altarawneh 2018 King Faisal University
1174 Artificial neural network modeling of the water quality index using land use areas as predictors Nabeel M. Gazzaz, Mohd Kamil Yusoff1, Mohammad Firuz Ramli, Hafizan Juahir, Ahmad Zaharin Aris 2015 Water Environment Federation
1175 Econometric analysis of medjool date production costs in Jordan Mohammad Altarawneh, Ebraheem Altahat 2013 King Faisal University
1176 Vulnerability mapping of groundwater aquifer using SINTACS in Wadi Al-Waleh Catchment, Jordan Atallah M. Al-Shatnawi1, Mohammad Said El-Bashir, Refaat M. Bani Khalaf, Nabeel M. Gazzaz 2015 Springer
1177 Factors affecting dairy products consumption in Jordan case study in Amman city Mohammad Altarawneh, Ebraheem Altahat 2013 King Faisal University
1178 Water quality assessment and analysis of spatial patterns and temporal trends Nabeel M. Gazzaz, Mohd Kamil Yusoff, Hafizan Juahir, Mohammad Firuz Ramli, Ahmad Zaharin Aris 2013
1179 Artificial neural network modeling of the water quality index for Kinta River (Malaysia) using water quality variables as predictors Nabeel M. Gazzaz, Mohd Kamil Yusoff, Ahmad Zaharin Aris, Hafizan Juahir, Mohammad Firuz Ramli 2012 ELSEVIER
1180 Characterization of spatial patterns in river water quality using chemometric pattern recognition techniques Nabeel M. Gazzaz, Mohd Kamil Yusoff, Mohammad Firuz Ramli, Ahmad Zaharin Aris, Hafizan Juahir 2012 ELSEVIER
1181 Determine the barriers of organic agriculture implementation in Jordan M. ALTARAWNEH 2016 Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria
1182 Performance analysis and enhancement of position-based routing protocols in MANETS Mohammad Alnabhan Saleem Alsaraireh Binod K Pattanayak Ahmad K Habboush Mustafa Hammad 2019 IOS Press
1183 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Based MANET Routing Protocols: A Comprehensive Review Ahmad Khader Habboush 2019 Canadian Center of Science and Education
1184 Economic analysis of carp fish farming in Jordan valley Mohammad Altarawneh, Ebraheem Altahat 2018 King Faisal University
1185 Environmental awareness by vegetables farmers towards usage of pesticides in Jordan Valley Mohammad Altarawneh, Ebraheem Altahat 2019 King Faisal University
1186 Hot Spot Phenomenon and Greedy Routing Failure in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Ahmad Khader Habboush 2019 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
1187 An assessment of the use of agricultural marketing extension among extension methods: Insight from Jordan Radi Altarawneh ,Ali Al-Sharafat ,Mohammad Altarawneh 2020 Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS)
1188 Bim Adoption Strategies–The Case of Jordan Mohammed A KA Al-Btoush, A Aldiabat Al Btoosh 2020
1189 Adopting BIM in the Jordanian Private Construction Industry Case Study Ja`far A. Aldiabat Albtoosh, Mohammed A. K.A. AL-Btoush, Mohammad Al-Rawashdeh and Omar Mostafa Alom 2020 Medwell Journals
1190 The Mechanical Properties of Concrete Incorporating Steel Slag as Supplementary Cementitious Material Xiao Feng Li, Shu Ing Doh, Wei Ying Feng, Ja’far A Aldiabat Albtoosh, Beng Wei Chong 2021 Trans Tech Publications Ltd
1191 A Comprehensive Review of Flexible Pavement Failures, Improvement Methods and its Disadvantages sadia Tasnim, Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh, Prabir Sarker, Shu Ing Doh, Ja’far A Aldiabat Albtoosh 2021 Trans Tech Publications Ltd
1192 Building Information Modeling Strategy in Mitigating Variation Orders in Roads Projects Musab Abuaddous a , Ja’far A. Aldiabat Al-Btoosh b* , Mohammed A. KA. Al-Btoush c , Abdulrazzaq 2020
1193 Factors Effecting the Cost Management in Construction Projects AM Faten Albtoush, SI Doh, Abdul Rahimi Bin Abdul Rahman, Ja'far A Aldiabat Albtoush 2020 IAEME Publication
1194 Performance, Carcass Percentage, and Production Cost for Awassi Lambs Fed High Energy Diet for Short Fattening Period Mysaa Ata, Fatima Al-Lataifeh, Mohammad Altarawneh 2017
1195 The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on intake, nutrient digestibility, and rumen fluid pH in Awassi female lambs Belal S. Obeidat, Kamel Z. Mahmoud, Mohammad D. Obeidat, Mysaa Ata, Rami T. Kridli, Serhan G. Haddad 2018
1196 Replacing Soybean Meal with Sesame Meal in the Diets of Lactating Awassi Ewes Suckling Single Lambs: Nutrient Digestibility, Milk Production, and Lamb Growth Belal S. Obeidat1, Rami T. Kridli, Kamel Z. Mahmoud, Mohammed D. Obeidat, Serhan G. Haddad, Hadil S. 2019
1197 The Potential Use of Layer Litter in Awassi Lamb Diet: Its Effects on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality Belal S. Obeidat1, Mohammad A. Mayyas, Abdullah Y. Abduallah1 Mofleh S. Awawdeh, Rasha I. Qudsieh, M 2019
1198 Protein Supplementation Improves Performance of Lambs Fed Low-Quality Forage Belal S. Obeidat, Hadil S. Subih, Mysaa Ata 2020
1199 Evaluation of Weight and Growth Rates of Awassi Sheep Lambs Ahmad Q. Al-Momani1, Mysaa Ata, Khaled A. Al-Najjar 2020
1200 The inclusion of sweet lupin grain (Lupinus angustifolius) improves nursing performance of lactation in Awassi ewes Mysaa Ata, Belal S. Obeidat 2020