
No. Title Author Year Publisher Abstract
1201 The impact of lamb diets containing either barley or corn on growth performance and carcass quality Mysaa Ata, Belal S. Obeidat 2021
1202 Novel approach in multilingual and mixed English-Arabic test collection Mohammed M Ali, Mohammed M Abu Shquier, Afag Slah Eldeen, Mohamed E Zidan, Ra'ed M Al-Khatib 2020 Inderscience
1203 Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Pain Management among ICU Nurse's Yara Olimat, Mohammad Albashtawy, Ibrahim Ayasrah, Jamal Qaddumi, Shereen Hamadneh, Ayman Bani Salam 2021 Institute of Medico-legal Publications
1204 The Impact of Intellectual Capital on the Development of Efficient Accounting Information Systems Applied In the Contributing Jordanian Industrial Companies – Viewpoint of Jordanian Accountant Audi Sulaiman Mustafa Al-Dalahmeh, Usama Abdilmune'm, Khalil Ebrahim Al-Dulaimi, Jamal Al-Afif 2016 Macrothink Institute
1205 Preparation and evaluation of ternary polymeric blends for controlled release matrices containing weakly basic model drug Wasfy M Obeidat, Shadi F Gharaibeh, Abdolelah A Jaradat, Osama Abualsuod 2021 Bentham Science Publishers
1206 Tablet splitting practice in Jordan Shadi F Gharaibeh, Linda M Tahaineh, Afaf H Khasawneh 2018 OXFORD ACADEMIC
1207 Perceptions of patients and nurses towards nurse caring behaviors in coronary care units in Jordan Ferdous H Omari, Raeda AbuAlRub, Ibrahim RA Ayasreh 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
1208 Assessment of Self-Medication Use among University Students Abdullah Alkhawaldeh1 , PhD, Omar Al Omari2, PhD, Mohammed ALBashtawy3, PhD, Omar Khraisat4, PhD, 2020 American Research Institute for Policy Development
1209 Spray Drying for Direct Compression of Pharmaceuticals Nizar Al-Zoubi, Shadi Gharaibeh, Ahmad Aljaberi, Ioannis Nikolakakis 2021 MDPI
1210 Spray drying of naproxen and naproxen sodium for improved tableting and dissolution–physicochemical characterization and compression performance Nizar Al-Zoubi, Faten Odeh, Ioannis Partheniadis, Shadi Gharaibeh, Ioannis Nikolakakis 2020 Taylor & Francis
1211 Effect of different splitting techniques on the characteristics of divided tablets of five commonly split drug products in Jordan Shadi F Gharaibeh, Linda Tahaineh 2020 SCIELO
1212 Mechanical energies associated with compaction of form I and form II paracetamol powder Shadi F Gharaibeh, N Iba'a 2011 Elsevier
1213 Nurse students’ attitudes toward the nursing profession after witnessing workplace violence Ibrahim Ayasreh, Inaam Khalaf 2020 De Gruyter
1214 Workplace violence against emergency nurses: a literature review Ibrahim Ayasreh, Ferial Hayajneh 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health
1215 Anti-factor Xa levels in obese patients receiving enoxaparin for treatment and prophylaxis indications Linda Tahaineh, Sahar M Edaily, Shadi F Gharaibeh 2018 Dove Press
1216 Modeling the Estimation Errors of Visual-based Systems Developed for Vehicle Speed Measurement Abdulrazzaq Jawish Alkherret, Musab AbuAddous 2021 The Science and Information (SAI) Organization
1217 Use of first derivative of displacement vs. force profiles to determine deformation behavior of compressed powders Shadi F Gharaibeh, Aktham Aburub 2013 Springer US
1218 Tablet splitting and weight uniformity of half-tablets of 4 medications in pharmacy practice Linda M Tahaineh, Shadi F Gharaibeh 2012 Sage Publications
1219 A New Enhanced Arabic Light Stemmer for IR in Medical Documents Ra’ed M. Al-Khatib, Taha Zerrouki, Mohammed Abu Shquier, Amar Balla, Asef AlKhateeb 2021 Science Press