Page 7 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 7


              Since my appointment as President of Jerash University on 02/01/2019, strategic planning for the future
              of the university has been at the top of my priorities, as strategic planning is a fundamental pillar of the
              success of the institutional development process in order to prospect the future with clear visions.

              Hence, it was my duty to strive to build a comprehensive strategy aimed at developing the university,
              achieving its vision, mission, values, and goals, so that the Strategy becomes a basic reference for the
              University, its colleges, centers, departments and units in preparing annual plans.

              I formed a committee of professors under my chairmanship to prepare a strategic plan for the University,
              driven by my belief that the academic, administrative and financial development of the University is no
              longer dependent on individual visions, but rather a collective responsibility according to principles,
              objectives and themes unanimously agreed upon, and in order to keep abreast of developments in higher
              education on a global level. The strategic plan of the University depends on specific timetables that extend
              over a period of four years (2019-2022), to bring the University to the desired reality.
              The development of this plan went through successive implementation stages, namely:

              Stage 1: formulating the university's vision, mission, core values, and goals.

              Stage 2: studying the current environment, where the study is based on analysis of four factors (SWOT).
              In this stage, the internal environment was analyzed; the Strengths were identified against Weaknesses,
              as well as the external environment; the Opportunities available to the University were identified against
              the Threats and challenges it faces.
              Stage 3: defining the main plan themes, coupled with the core strategic objectives.

              Stage 4: analyzing the gap between the current situation and the targeted/desired situation.

              Stage 5: preparing the executive matrix that included the core strategic objectives, coupled with the
              operational activities, their time phases, outputs, achievement indicators, and the bodies responsible for
              each procedure. This matrix included eleven main themes.

              I must emphasize that the success of the Strategic Plan depends on:

                 1.  The  concerted  efforts  of  all  University  employees  in  implementing  the  required  operational
                     activities, each within his/her specialization;
                 2.  It  must  be  comprehended  that  this  plan  came  to  fulfill  the  quest  for  development,  quality
                     assurance, excellence, and internationalism;
                 3.  The required reviews, continuous evaluation, follow-up, and feedback must be conducted, and
                     semi-annual reports on achievement must be prepared.
              Here, I must point out that the success of this Strategic Plan depends greatly on the generous financial
              support from the Board of Directors, otherwise, there is no power except from Allah.
              Finally,  I  would  like  to take  this  opportunity  to extend  my  thanks  and  appreciation  to  the  Strategic
              Planning  Team  at  Jerash  University  for  their  diligent  work,  and  my  appreciation  to  all  those  who
              participated in development of this plan from among the University and community employees. I promise
              you that the ambitions will soon become a tangible reality, with the concerted efforts of all parties and
              by the help of Allah the Almighty.
                                                                             President of Jerash University
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