صافي الدين الزعبي
5 Exercise part2 _ 22-7-2020-
Problems with verbs Fourth session_ 23-08-2020
Problems with verbs Third session_ 23-08-2020
Problems with verbs _ session II-23-08-2020
Uploading... Problems with verbs _ session I-23-08-202
Comparatives an superlatives Exercises IV-19-08-2020
Comparatives an superlatives Exercises III- 19-08-2020_link
Comparatives an superlatives Exercises II- 19-08-2020_link
Video Comparatives an superlatives Exercises I- 19-08-2020 - link
Comparative and superlative forms III -19-08-20201
Comparative and superlative forms II -19-08-20201
Comparative and superlative forms I -19-08-20201
Parallel structure - additional material- 16-8-2020
Comparative and superlative forms I_ -8-2020_
Parallel structure exercises- 111_ 12=82020
Parallel structure exercises 2_ 12-8-2020-
Parallel structure exercises I_ 12-82020
Parallel structure IV_ 12-8-2020-
Parallel structure III_ 12-8-2020-
Parallel structure II_ 12-8-2020
Parallel structure- I_ 12-8-2020
Midterm exam,- comments and illustrations - 9-8-2020
Subject-verb agreement_ additional session 8-8-2020
Problems with Subject verb agreement _ Book _ 248-Session