Prof. Hasan Shammout

Prof. Hasan Shammout

Doctorate / Full Professor

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Professor of jurisprudence specializing in Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University 


1- PhD in Sharia judiciary from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations at the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan, 2005

2- Master of Sharia judiciary from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations in the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan 1998.

3-  BA in Jurisprudence and Legislation from the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan in 1996.

Skills and Experiance

1- Professor of jurisprudence specializing in Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University since 1/10/2018, and I am still in my work.

2- Associate Professor in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations in the specialty of Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University for the BA and MA levels from 10/1/2014 AD until 9/30/2018

3 - Assistant Professor in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University for the BA and MA stages from   1/10/2009 until 30/9/2014.


4- Dean of the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jerash from 01/10/2013 until 18/1/20017.

5- Acting Dean of Student Affairs and Acting Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies more than once at Jerash University.


1- Chairman of the Preparatory Committee at the Twelfth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University: “Exaggeration: its concept, causes and implications for the balance of Islam, 2015

2- Member of the Preparatory Committee for the First Conference of the Scholars of the Association of Jordan Scholars, 2015

3- Attending the Arabic Language Conference for Speakers of Other Languages, Gerson University in Turkey, 2019.

Indexed Journals

Recent Research

1- Self-defence in Islamic law
Hasan Taisir Abdelrahim Shammout, Mohammad Ahmad Abdelraziq Al-Jabali
4- أحكام الخنثى بين العلم والأحوال الشخصية، دراسة فقهية مقارنة
شموط، حسن تيسير، جابر، طارق، وردات، عبدالله مناور
Hasan Shammout, Moawiah Khatatbeh, Omar Al Omari

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