JPU Video - 2019
Isra' And Miraj Video 2019 - 1440
Hearts with Jerusalem - 2019
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Prof. Hasan Shammout Doctorate / Full Professor
Download Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Professor of jurisprudence specializing in Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University
1- PhD in Sharia judiciary from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations at the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan, 2005
2- Master of Sharia judiciary from the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations in the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan 1998.
3- BA in Jurisprudence and Legislation from the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jordan in 1996.
1- Professor of jurisprudence specializing in Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University since 1/10/2018, and I am still in my work.
2- Associate Professor in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations in the specialty of Sharia law at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University for the BA and MA levels from 10/1/2014 AD until 9/30/2018
3 - Assistant Professor in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Foundations at the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University for the BA and MA stages from 1/10/2009 until 30/9/2014.
4- Dean of the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Jerash from 01/10/2013 until 18/1/20017.
5- Acting Dean of Student Affairs and Acting Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies more than once at Jerash University.
1- Chairman of the Preparatory Committee at the Twelfth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Sharia at Jerash University: “Exaggeration: its concept, causes and implications for the balance of Islam, 2015
2- Member of the Preparatory Committee for the First Conference of the Scholars of the Association of Jordan Scholars, 2015
3- Attending the Arabic Language Conference for Speakers of Other Languages, Gerson University in Turkey, 2019.
Recent Research Publications 1- Self-defence in Islamic law Hasan Taisir Abdelrahim Shammout, Mohammad Ahmad Abdelraziq Al-Jabali Download × Self-defence in Islamic law This study sought to explore the issue of self-defense in Islamic law and to define the circumstances under which a person can defend himself, his honor, and his property. It also aims to define the sharia laws for warding off an assault. The importance of this research is stemmed from the topic it addresses which is the human beings whom Allah Almighty has honored, and the rulings of dealing with the cases of assault he encountered. The study concluded that it is obligatory to defend oneself, wealth, and honor against the aggressor, and it clarifies that the defender does not incur any damage or reimbursement as a result of self-defense Hasan Taisir Abdelrahim Shammout, Mohammad Ahmad Abdelraziq Al-Jabali Journal: Journal of Positive School Psychology (JPSP) 2- The Nature of Treaties in Islamic Jurisprudence and International Law Hasan Taisir Shammout Download × The Nature of Treaties in Islamic Jurisprudence and International Law Legal scholarship has confirmed that international Islamic law and international law are considered as influential systems of reference rules. Recent studies neglect several individual fields of Islamic law, particularly the area of foreign relations. These studies overlook specific features of treaty-conduct in Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the nature of treaties in Islamic jurisprudence and international law by explaining the relation between Islamic jurisprudence and international law in terms of the nature of treaties. The findings revealed that treaties based on international law are consistent with Islamic law. Further studies may be conducted on treaties relevant to the contemporary world. Conclusions will be presented accordingly. Hasan Taisir Shammout Journal: International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 3- سلطة القاضي في إجبار الزوج على طلب زوجته للخلع بين الفقه الإسلامي وقانوني الأحوال الشخصية الأردني والفلسطيني جابر، طارق، شموط، حسن تيسير Download × سلطة القاضي في إجبار الزوج على طلب زوجته للخلع بين الفقه الإسلامي وقانوني الأحوال الشخصية الأردني والفلسطيني . The Authority of the judge in forcing the husband to divorce his wife according to her demand between Islamic jurisprudence and the Jordanian and Palestinian personal status laws (comparative study( Abstract: This study dealt with a very important issue which is the case of forcing the husband to respond to the wife's request for divorce. What are the powers of the judge in that, and whether he has the authority to force the husband to do so. The importance of this study stems from the modifications to the personal status laws in many Arab countries according to internal and external factors. Based on that the researcher tries to root for this issue and extract the legitimacy of it from the trusted books of the four scholars and compared with the Jordanian and Palestinian personal status laws. The researcher reached the conclusion that it is not permissible to release a law that forces the husband to divorce his wife according to many evidences presented in the study. Keywords:The husband's response to his wife's request for divorce, the judge's power to divorce. جابر، طارق، شموط، حسن تيسير Journal: المجلة الإسلامية للدراسات الشرعية والقانونية 4- أحكام الخنثى بين العلم والأحوال الشخصية، دراسة فقهية مقارنة شموط، حسن تيسير، جابر، طارق، وردات، عبدالله مناور × أحكام الخنثى بين العلم والأحوال الشخصية، دراسة فقهية مقارنة Abstract This research deals with the subject of HERMAPHRODITE and its provisions in the personal status, where in the first requirement of the concept of the HERMAPHRODITE between Islamic jurisprudence and Doctors, and found that there was a large consensus between the concept of the HERMAPHRODITE in the doctrine and its significance in medicine scientists, where they agreed that the collection between the reproductive tract of humankind. In the second requirement displays the search of the types of HERMAPHRODITE and the existence of an agreement between the Islamic Jurisprudence and the medicine scientists as a hermaphrodite two types, in the doctrine: the problem and non problem HERMAPHRODITE, and in Medicine scientists: True hermaphroditism and Pseudo-hermaphroditism. A third requirement was to determine the gender of the HERMAPHRODITE where Islamic Jurisprudence adopted the external signs in determining sex, while the doctors relied on the clinical and laboratory testing, the external signs may be incompatible with the phenomenon as a result of the tests, so the reliance on virtual signs of Islamic Jurisprudence is not enough. The search then discussed issues related of personal status, where marriage is not allowed to HERMAPHRODITE until it becomes clear, also prevents the Khalwa. HERMAPHRODITE Legacy inherits the inheritance of the female and stops the rest of the heirs. Keywords: HERMAPHRODITE, True hermaphroditism, Pseudo-hermaphroditism. HERMAPHRODITE marriage, legacy of the HERMAPHRODITE Keywords: hermaphrodite, True hermaphroditism, hermaphrodite marriage , hermaphrodite's legacy الكلمات المفتاحية: الخنثى، الخنثى المشكل، نكاح الخنثى، ميراث الخنثى شموط، حسن تيسير، جابر، طارق، وردات، عبدالله مناور Journal: مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية والدينية 5- نكاح اليتيمات في الفقه الإسلامي شموط، حسن تيسير Download × نكاح اليتيمات في الفقه الإسلامي يتناول هذا البحث الأحكام الفقهية الخاصة باليتيمات، وقد تعرض الباحث فيه إلى بيان معنى اليتيم وأنه من فقد أباه قبل البلوغ، ثم تكلم عن رأي الفقهاء في حكم نكاح اليتيمات، وأدلتهم في المسألة، ورجح الباحث جواز تزويج الولي غير الأب اليتيمة بشرط أن يكون الزوج كفؤا، خاليا من العيوب شموط، حسن تيسير Journal: مجلة البحث العلمي الإسلامي 6- الأحكام الفقهية الخاصة بالقضاء الشرعي والأحوال الشخصية لحديث واحتجبي منه يا سودة شموط، حسن تيسير Download × الأحكام الفقهية الخاصة بالقضاء الشرعي والأحوال الشخصية لحديث واحتجبي منه يا سودة ملخص يتناول البحث دراسة فقهية لحديث النبي r :" واحتجبي منه يا سودة"؛ حيث قام الباحث بتقسيم البحث إلى ثلاثة مباحث، الأول تناول تخريج الحديث وبيان معناه، وإزالة الشبهة الخاصة به، وأما الثاني فتناول الأحكام الخاصة بالقضاء الشرعي، وأما الثالث فتناول الأحكام الخاصة بالأحوال الشخصية المستنبطة من الحديث الشريف، وتوصل الباحث إلى أن أفهام الفقهاء في استنباط الأحكام الفقهية متفاوتة، كما بين مدى اهتمام الإسلام بإثبات النسب عن طريق الزواج، وتقديمه على الطرق الأخرى، وأن الإسلام لا يمانع من استخدام الشبه في إثبات النسب إذا لم توجد لدينا وسائل مرجحة. الكلمات المفتاحية: القضاء، الأحوال الشخصية، النسب، الولد للفراش، القافة Abstract The research deals with the study of the Fiqh of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "And hide from him, O Sawdah." The researcher divided the research into three sections. The first dealt with the hadeeth and the meaning of it, The researcher concluded that the scholars' understanding of the jurisprudential rulings differed, as did the extent of Islam's interest in proving the ratios through marriage, and making it in advance on other ways, and that Islam does not mind using similarities in proving ratios if we do not have a weighted means. key words: Judgment, personal status, descent, child of bedding, resemblance شموط، حسن تيسير Journal: مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية ف 7- حجية القرائن في إثبات الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية، وقانون العقوبات الأردني شموط، حسن تيسير Download × حجية القرائن في إثبات الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية، وقانون العقوبات الأردني الملخص الكلمات المفتاحية: الزنا، الإثبات، القرينة جاءت هذه الدراسة للحديث عن القرائن ودورها في إثبات جريمة الزنا في الشريعة والقانون، حيث تعرض الباحث لمفهوم القرينة، ثم ذكر دور القرائن في الإثبات، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن هناك قرائن قوية قاطعة يجب العمل بها، أما القرائن الضعيفة فلا يعمل بها ولا تعتبر حجة من حجج الشرع. كما اعتبرت الدراسة أن ظهور الحمل لا يعتبر قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية، كما أنا القانون لم يعتبرها قرينة قاطعة، كما لا يعتبر زوال غشاء البكارة والتحاليل الطبية قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الأردني. أما امتناع الزوجة عن اللعان دون أدنى سبب قرينة على ارتكابها للزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية. وبالنسبة للتصوير والتسجيل فلا يعتبران قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية لاحتمالية الغش والتزوير، بينما يعتبر القانون وجود وسائل أو وثائق مكتوبة قرينة على ارتكاب الزنا. ولم يعتبر القانون الصور الفوتوغرافية قرينة على الزنا. Authentic clues to prove adultery in Islamic law, and the Jordanian Penal Code By: Dr Hasan Taisir Shammout Abstract This study came to talk about the clues and their role in proving the crime of adultery in a Sharia and Law, where was a researcher for the concept of the presumption, then he mentioned the role of evidence in the prosecution, and the study concluded that there is evidence of a strong conclusive should work out, but the weak clues do not work out is not considered an argument of the argument of Shara. It also considered the study that the appearance of pregnancy is not considered a presumption of adultery in the Islamic Sharia, and I am the law did not consider it as the wife of the inconclusive, nor does the demise of the hymen bioanalysis presumption of adultery in the Islamic Sharia. The failure of the wife lea'n without any reason for the Wife to commit adultery. For the filming and recording is not considered a presumption of adultery in Islamic law for the possibility of fraud and forgery, while the law and the existence of a written documents presumption to commit adultery. Keywards: Adultery, clues, evidence شموط، حسن تيسير Journal: مجلة الإلهيات 8- شهادة الكافر على المسلم شموط، حسن تيسير Download × شهادة الكافر على المسلم يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان حكم شهادة الكافر على المسلم، وقد تضمن البحث ثلاثة مطالب رئيسة ناقش فيها الباحث موضوع شهادة الكفار من حيث مفهوم الشهادة، وتحديد المقصود بالكافر، ثم بين الباحث حكم شهادة الكافر على المسلم، وقد ذهبت الدراسة إلى أن الأصل عدم جواز شهادة الكافر على المسلم، ويستثنى من هذا الأصل الوصية في السفر؛ فتجوز شهادتهم على المسلمين بشروط الكلمات المفتاحية: القضاء، الشهادة، الكافر، الوصية في السفر Abstract: This research aims to explain the extent of acceptance of infidel’s witness on a Muslim. The research has included three demands that discussed the issue of the infidel’s witness in terms of the concept of the witnesses, and determine the meaning infidel, then the research explained that the inadmissibility of the Muslim infidel witnesses, with the exception of the commandment at travel; may their testimony to the the conditions of Muslims. Key words: Judiciary, Witness, Infidel, the command-ment at travel شموط، حسن تيسير Journal: مجلة جامعة العلوم التطبيقية 9- PREMARITAL SCREENING TESTS: AN ISLAMIC VIEW Hasan Shammout, Moawiah Khatatbeh, Omar Al Omari Download × PREMARITAL SCREENING TESTS: AN ISLAMIC VIEW Despite the wide spread of many diseases, advancements in genetic engineering have led to considerable improvements in diagnosing these diseases. Therefore, pressure on prospective spouses to undergo premarital medical exams has increased significantly. Many Islamic countries have responded to this emerging need by making some premarital screening tests compulsory for a marriage. The adoption of these policies comes from the core message of Islam, which encourages counselling to protect future generations and to guarantee the continuity of worshipping God. However, some people reject the compulsory test, considering them against Islam rules. In this letter to the editor, the authors explore the view of Islam towards premarital medical tests. Hasan Shammout, Moawiah Khatatbeh, Omar Al Omari Journal: EURO MEDITERRANEAN BIOMEDICAL JOURNAL
This study sought to explore the issue of self-defense in Islamic law and to define the circumstances under which a person can defend himself, his honor, and his property. It also aims to define the sharia laws for warding off an assault. The importance of this research is stemmed from the topic it addresses which is the human beings whom Allah Almighty has honored, and the rulings of dealing with the cases of assault he encountered. The study concluded that it is obligatory to defend oneself, wealth, and honor against the aggressor, and it clarifies that the defender does not incur any damage or reimbursement as a result of self-defense
Legal scholarship has confirmed that international Islamic law and international law are considered as influential systems of reference rules. Recent studies neglect several individual fields of Islamic law, particularly the area of foreign relations. These studies overlook specific features of treaty-conduct in Islamic jurisprudence. Therefore, this study aims at exploring the nature of treaties in Islamic jurisprudence and international law by explaining the relation between Islamic jurisprudence and international law in terms of the nature of treaties. The findings revealed that treaties based on international law are consistent with Islamic law. Further studies may be conducted on treaties relevant to the contemporary world. Conclusions will be presented accordingly.
. The Authority of the judge in forcing the husband to divorce his wife according to her demand between Islamic jurisprudence and the Jordanian and Palestinian personal status laws (comparative study( Abstract: This study dealt with a very important issue which is the case of forcing the husband to respond to the wife's request for divorce. What are the powers of the judge in that, and whether he has the authority to force the husband to do so. The importance of this study stems from the modifications to the personal status laws in many Arab countries according to internal and external factors. Based on that the researcher tries to root for this issue and extract the legitimacy of it from the trusted books of the four scholars and compared with the Jordanian and Palestinian personal status laws. The researcher reached the conclusion that it is not permissible to release a law that forces the husband to divorce his wife according to many evidences presented in the study.
Keywords:The husband's response to his wife's request for divorce, the judge's power to divorce.
This research deals with the subject of HERMAPHRODITE and its provisions in the personal status, where in the first requirement of the concept of the HERMAPHRODITE between Islamic jurisprudence and Doctors, and found that there was a large consensus between the concept of the HERMAPHRODITE in the doctrine and its significance in medicine scientists, where they agreed that the collection between the reproductive tract of humankind. In the second requirement displays the search of the types of HERMAPHRODITE and the existence of an agreement between the Islamic Jurisprudence and the medicine scientists as a hermaphrodite two types, in the doctrine: the problem and non problem HERMAPHRODITE, and in Medicine scientists: True hermaphroditism and Pseudo-hermaphroditism.
A third requirement was to determine the gender of the HERMAPHRODITE where Islamic Jurisprudence adopted the external signs in determining sex, while the doctors relied on the clinical and laboratory testing, the external signs may be incompatible with the phenomenon as a result of the tests, so the reliance on virtual signs of Islamic Jurisprudence is not enough.
The search then discussed issues related of personal status, where marriage is not allowed to HERMAPHRODITE until it becomes clear, also prevents the Khalwa. HERMAPHRODITE Legacy inherits the inheritance of the female and stops the rest of the heirs.
Keywords: HERMAPHRODITE, True hermaphroditism, Pseudo-hermaphroditism. HERMAPHRODITE marriage, legacy of the HERMAPHRODITE
Keywords: hermaphrodite, True hermaphroditism, hermaphrodite marriage , hermaphrodite's legacy
الكلمات المفتاحية: الخنثى، الخنثى المشكل، نكاح الخنثى، ميراث الخنثى
يتناول هذا البحث الأحكام الفقهية الخاصة باليتيمات، وقد تعرض الباحث فيه إلى بيان معنى اليتيم وأنه من فقد أباه قبل البلوغ، ثم تكلم عن رأي الفقهاء في حكم نكاح اليتيمات، وأدلتهم في المسألة، ورجح الباحث جواز تزويج الولي غير الأب اليتيمة بشرط أن يكون الزوج كفؤا، خاليا من العيوب
يتناول البحث دراسة فقهية لحديث النبي r :" واحتجبي منه يا سودة"؛ حيث قام الباحث بتقسيم البحث إلى ثلاثة مباحث، الأول تناول تخريج الحديث وبيان معناه، وإزالة الشبهة الخاصة به، وأما الثاني فتناول الأحكام الخاصة بالقضاء الشرعي، وأما الثالث فتناول الأحكام الخاصة بالأحوال الشخصية المستنبطة من الحديث الشريف، وتوصل الباحث إلى أن أفهام الفقهاء في استنباط الأحكام الفقهية متفاوتة، كما بين مدى اهتمام الإسلام بإثبات النسب عن طريق الزواج، وتقديمه على الطرق الأخرى، وأن الإسلام لا يمانع من استخدام الشبه في إثبات النسب إذا لم توجد لدينا وسائل مرجحة.
الكلمات المفتاحية:
القضاء، الأحوال الشخصية، النسب، الولد للفراش، القافة
The research deals with the study of the Fiqh of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "And hide from him, O Sawdah." The researcher divided the research into three sections. The first dealt with the hadeeth and the meaning of it, The researcher concluded that the scholars' understanding of the jurisprudential rulings differed, as did the extent of Islam's interest in proving the ratios through marriage, and making it in advance on other ways, and that Islam does not mind using similarities in proving ratios if we do not have a weighted means.
key words:
Judgment, personal status, descent, child of bedding, resemblance
الكلمات المفتاحية: الزنا، الإثبات، القرينة
جاءت هذه الدراسة للحديث عن القرائن ودورها في إثبات جريمة الزنا في الشريعة والقانون، حيث تعرض الباحث لمفهوم القرينة، ثم ذكر دور القرائن في الإثبات، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن هناك قرائن قوية قاطعة يجب العمل بها، أما القرائن الضعيفة فلا يعمل بها ولا تعتبر حجة من حجج الشرع. كما اعتبرت الدراسة أن ظهور الحمل لا يعتبر قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية، كما أنا القانون لم يعتبرها قرينة قاطعة، كما لا يعتبر زوال غشاء البكارة والتحاليل الطبية قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الأردني. أما امتناع الزوجة عن اللعان دون أدنى سبب قرينة على ارتكابها للزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية. وبالنسبة للتصوير والتسجيل فلا يعتبران قرينة على الزنا في الشريعة الإسلامية لاحتمالية الغش والتزوير، بينما يعتبر القانون وجود وسائل أو وثائق مكتوبة قرينة على ارتكاب الزنا. ولم يعتبر القانون الصور الفوتوغرافية قرينة على الزنا.
Authentic clues to prove adultery in Islamic law, and the Jordanian Penal Code
Dr Hasan Taisir Shammout
This study came to talk about the clues and their role in proving the crime of adultery in a Sharia and Law, where was a researcher for the concept of the presumption, then he mentioned the role of evidence in the prosecution, and the study concluded that there is evidence of a strong conclusive should work out, but the weak clues do not work out is not considered an argument of the argument of Shara. It also considered the study that the appearance of pregnancy is not considered a presumption of adultery in the Islamic Sharia, and I am the law did not consider it as the wife of the inconclusive, nor does the demise of the hymen bioanalysis presumption of adultery in the Islamic Sharia. The failure of the wife lea'n without any reason for the Wife to commit adultery. For the filming and recording is not considered a presumption of adultery in Islamic law for the possibility of fraud and forgery, while the law and the existence of a written documents presumption to commit adultery.
Keywards: Adultery, clues, evidence
يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان حكم شهادة الكافر على المسلم، وقد تضمن البحث ثلاثة مطالب رئيسة ناقش فيها الباحث موضوع شهادة الكفار من حيث مفهوم الشهادة، وتحديد المقصود بالكافر، ثم بين الباحث حكم شهادة الكافر على المسلم، وقد ذهبت الدراسة إلى أن الأصل عدم جواز شهادة الكافر على المسلم، ويستثنى من هذا الأصل الوصية في السفر؛ فتجوز شهادتهم على المسلمين بشروط
الكلمات المفتاحية: القضاء، الشهادة، الكافر، الوصية في السفر
Abstract: This research aims to explain the extent of acceptance of infidel’s witness on a Muslim. The research has included three demands that discussed the issue of the infidel’s witness in terms of the concept of the witnesses, and determine the meaning infidel, then the research explained that the inadmissibility of the Muslim infidel witnesses, with the exception of the commandment at travel; may their testimony to the the conditions of Muslims.
Key words: Judiciary, Witness, Infidel, the command-ment at travel
Despite the wide spread of many diseases, advancements in genetic engineering have led to considerable improvements in diagnosing these diseases. Therefore, pressure on prospective spouses to undergo premarital medical exams has increased significantly. Many Islamic countries have responded to this emerging need by making some premarital screening tests compulsory for a marriage. The adoption of these policies comes from the core message of Islam, which encourages counselling to protect future generations and to guarantee the continuity of worshipping God. However, some people reject the compulsory test, considering them against Islam rules. In this letter to the editor, the authors explore the view of Islam towards premarital medical tests.
Email :