JPU Video - 2019
Isra' And Miraj Video 2019 - 1440
Hearts with Jerusalem - 2019
Achieving excellence in the fields of education, scientific research, and community service, and promote the university to the level the prestigious universities locally, regionally and globally.
Contributing to building and developing the knowledge community by creating university environment and community partnership that stimulate creativity as well as freedom of thought and expression. Also, keeping abreast of technological developments in the field of education, thus providing the society with the qualified human resources that can meet the needs of the labor market.
The University is committed to consolidating the following fundamental values: 1. Social and moral commitment. 2. Sense of belonging. 3. Justice and equality. 4. Creativity. 5. Quality and Excellence. 6. Transparency and accountability. 7. Responsible freedom. 8.Futurity.
JPU students expect to change the world, and they are ready to start right now. We help them become leaders; launch commercial and non-profit companies based on their own inventions,
An internship is the opportunity to work at a company to learn new skills and gain experience in a particular industry or job role.
at JPU, We not only transmit knowledge to our students, but through our colleges and research centers we help to create new knowledge.
The university is committed to and intends to be a forerunner in the promotion of equality, prevention of discrimination and in creating an atmosphere of respect for diversity.
The quality of education at JPU is confirmed by the appraisals which show that the majority of students are satisfied with their selection of the university and the education programme.
At JPU we focus on the quality of the learning experience for each student. JPU's “excellence agenda” involves every aspect of the university.
JPU located at the heart of Jordan, and in the main highway that join the northern side with the middel, it is located at the historical city of Jerash - one of the city’s main tourist attractions-.
The International Learning Support Programme is a specialist team helping international students adapt to studying in Jordan and life in JPU.
We welcome international students from over 20 countries worldwide.
Jerash University was established in 1992, and started teaching in 1993. It is the first private university in the north of Jordan and it is the largest investing establishment in Jerash province which has participated in solving the problems of poverty and unemployment in the area. It has been , from the first day of establishment, working to achieve uniqueness in education and serving local and national society.
Faculty Of Business is one of the oldest established faculty in Jerash University, many success stories have been achieved from the time of its establishment until now.
The Faculty of Arts was established at Jerash University since the establishment of the university in 1993/94.
The Faculty of Law at Jerash University is an advanced centre in legal education. Founded in 1993, the Faculty of Law at Jerash University is the second private law school in Jordan.
The Faculty of Science aims to prepare specialists in the fields of Physics,Biology,Chimestry and Mathematical sciences who are able to contribute to the development of the body of Applied Sciences.
Educational Sciences Faculty is one of the distinctive faculty at Jerash University. The faculty aims to provide our beloved country with trained competencies and qualified leadership who are able to improve the national education system.
The faculty of engineering was established in 2007, it mainly consists of two department: civil engineering department and architectural engineering department.
The Faculty of Shari'a at Jerash University is one of the distinguished colleges among its counterparts in Jordanian universities.
The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology is an exceptional community of students, educators, scholars and researchers who embrace the breadth of the computing and engineering professions.
The Faculty of Agriculture aims to prepare specialists in the fields of agricultural sciences who are able to contribute to the development of the agricultural sector.
The faculty of pharmacy at Jerash University was established in 2015. The faculty was prepared with Laboratories and with lecturing halls equipped with the latest educational tools and scientific equipment to fulfill the needs for both teaching and research interests.
The faculty of nursing at Jerash University responds to changes in the field of health care in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through providing nursing education
The Computer Center aims improve the quality of electronic services and to maintain the Network topology at the university
Scientific research is a major objective of the university, and is encouraged and managed to the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, which was founded in the beginning of the academic year 1996
The Deanship carry out its responsibilities with great efficiency in sponsoring, organizing and encouraging scientific research and disseminating results at the local, regional and international levels. The aim is to cooperate with other universities and research centers inside and outside the Kingdom
Consulting Center
Our Vision: pioneering in studies,consulting,community service and contaning education Mission: pranding consultation, scientifical technical studies to organizations and individual Values: -sense of responsipility -insure the satisfication of service recipent -achieve justic and equality -respect and transparency.
Our Vision: To be a leading center in learning and teaching Arabic, and other foreign languages to provide educational, professional and culfural sectors with competent employees who are acquainted with language skills.
Our Vision: To strive to use the latest technologies in the field of information technology to improve the quality of electronic services provided to put the university in a prestigious place among the local and international universities.
A New and Distinctive Translation by. Dr. Fuad Abdul Muttaleb
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المؤتمر النقدي السابع والعشرون \"الطبيعة والإنسان في الأدب العربي\"
صدور العدد الثامن والعشرين من مجلة جرش الثقافية
دعوة لحضور اجتماع الهئية العامة العادي لجامعة جرش ذ.م.م
المنطقة العربية لحوض المتوسط مركز التغير المناخي والأردن والعراق أضعف الحلقات - بقلم الأستاذ الدكتور بشير جرار
خبراء البيئة والمناخ: كورونا فركة أذن أمام التغير المناخي فالقادم أعظم - بقلم الأستاذ الدكتور بشيرجرار
فراشات الأردن خلابة ومتنوعة - بقلم أ. د. بشير جرار و ضحى الشيشاني
تسجيل منصة التطعيم
عمادة ضمان الجودة واعتمادها في جامعة جرش تعقد ندوة الاجتماعات الاكاديمية تحدث فيها الدكتور مفيد الحوامدة
ترقية الحوامدة والربيع في كلية الاعمال الى رتبة استاذ مشارك
ترقية الملكاوي وحمد لرتبة استاذ مشارك
بدء التسجيل للفصل الأول الثاني 2020/2019
المؤتمر العلمي الثالث - الذكاء الإصطناعي والتنمية الإقتصادية
المؤتمر العلمي العاشر - كلية العلوم التربوية
المؤتمر النقدي الثالث والعشرون
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Non- Dimension Chart to Determine the Thickness of CNS Soil to Minimize the Effect of Expansive Soil Exerted on Circular Footing
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Prof Dr. Osama Abdul Moniem Ali1, Dr. Ala Jaber Matarneh2, Dr. Ahmed Almalkawi3 & Dr. Hamzeh Mohamed Alhawamdeh
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISSN 2312-7589, Volume 30, NO. 4, Dec 2023
Adaptive Dynamic Update for Greedy Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic Controller and Mobility Prediction
Mahmoud Al-shugran, Mohammed M. Abu Shqier, Ghaith M. Jaradat
2018 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT)
Building Information Modeling Strategy in Mitigating Variation Orders in Roads Projects
Musab Abuaddous, A Ja’far, Mohammed A KA Al-Btoush, Abdulrazzaq Jawish Alkherret
Civil Engineering Journal
Nurses’ Autonomy: Comparative Study between American and Jordanian Registered Nurses
Shaher H. Hamaideh, * 1Majd T. Mrayyan,2 Rola Mudallal, 3 Ali Ammouri,4 Omar Khraisat, 5Abed Al-Gader Nashwan, 5 Ohoud Al-Nami5
J Med J 2009; Vol. 43 (4):
Arabic phonemes recognition using hybrid LVQ/HMM model for continuous speech recognition
Khalid M. O. Nahar, Mohammed Abu Shquier, Wasfi G. Al-Khatib, Husni Al-Muhtaseb, Moustafa Elshafei
International Journal of Speech Technology, Springer - Volume 19, Issue 3, pp 495–508
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Jerash is an amazing blend of Greco-Roman and Oriental influences. A great place to visit during the spring with its beautiful rolling hills and lush greenery, Jerash has a rhythm not seen anywhere else in Jordan. Also, every year Jerash hosts the Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, a three week summer program filled with folk dance, music, and theatrical performances.
Temple of Artemis - Top choice temple in Jerash - Dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of hunting and fertility and the daughter of Zeus and Leto, this temple was built between AD 150 and 170, and flanked by 12 elaborately carved Corinthian columns (11 still stand). The construction is particularly impressive given that large vaults, housing temple treasure, had to be built to the north and south to make the courtyard level. The whole building was once clad in marble, and prized statues of Artemis would have adorned the niches.
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