Applying the Big Bang-Big Crunch Metaheuristic to Large-sized Operational Problems
Yousef K Qawqzeh, Ghaith Jaradat, Ali Al-Yousef, Anmar Abu-Hamdah, Ibrahim Al-Marashdeh, Mutasem Al-Smadi, Khalid Shaker
Title: post-acne hyperpigmentation: evaluation of risk factors and the use of artificial neural network as a predictive classifier
Firas Al-Qarqaz, Khaldon Bodoor, Ala Baba1, Ali Al-Yousef , Jihan Muhaidat, Diala Alshiyab
The impact of using e- learning on the student's performance in 3rd developing countries: a pilot study
Ali Al-yousef , Yousef Aljaraideh, Mamoon Obiedat, Eyad Barakat, Ahmad Habboush
The impact of the digital storytelling rubrics on the social media engagements
Rami Malkawi Malek Alzaqebah, Ali Al-Yousef, Bilal Abul-Huda