JPU Video - 2019
Isra' And Miraj Video 2019 - 1440
Hearts with Jerusalem - 2019
Achieving excellence in the fields of education, scientific research, and community service, and promote the university to the level the prestigious universities locally, regionally and globally.
Contributing to building and developing the knowledge community by creating university environment and community partnership that stimulate creativity as well as freedom of thought and expression. Also, keeping abreast of technological developments in the field of education, thus providing the society with the qualified human resources that can meet the needs of the labor market.
The University is committed to consolidating the following fundamental values: 1. Social and moral commitment. 2. Sense of belonging. 3. Justice and equality. 4. Creativity. 5. Quality and Excellence. 6. Transparency and accountability. 7. Responsible freedom. 8.Futurity.
Prof. Dr. Shadi Gharibeh
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Welcome/ Faculty of Pharmacy
The faculty of pharmacy at Jerash University was established in 2015. The faculty was built with laboratories and lecturing halls equipped with the latest educational tools and scientific equipment to fulfill the needs for both teaching and research interests. The educational system at the faculty of pharmacy depends upon credit hours for theoretical and practical courses in addition to a pharmacy training course to prepare professional pharmacists. The faculty aims toward becoming an advanced scientific center for pharmaceutical sciences by achieving international standards in the areas of pharmacy education, training, research, and community service all within the Kingdom's objectives in the areas of pharmacy education. Earning the degree in pharmacy requires five years with an average of two semesters each year. The duration of each semester is 16 weeks based on credit hours. The total number of credit hours required for earning the degree in pharmacy is 160 credit hours in addition to a training course for a period of 8 weeks in hospitals and pharmacies in the Kingdom.
Achieve leadership and excellence in pharmaceutical education, research, and pharmaceutical and therapeutic services.
To provide an excellent academic environment in order to graduate highly skilled pharmacists in the various fields of pharmaceutical sciences along with an ethical sense of professional responsibility, develop pharmacy practice, conduct innovative research in various pharmaceutical areas, and provide community services through health care education for proper and economic use of medications to achieve its benefits with the least possible side effects.
1. Graduate highly qualified pharmacists. 2. Excel in education. 3. Creativity in scientific research. 4. Develop academic and research capabilities of faculty members.
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