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Jerash University was established in 1992, and started teaching in 1993. It is the first private university in the north of Jordan and it is the largest investing establishment in Jerash province which has participated in solving the problems of poverty and unemployment in the area. It has been , from the first day of establishment, working to achieve uniqueness in education and serving local and national society.  

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صدور العدد الثامن والعشرين من مجلة جرش الثقافية
دعوة لحضور اجتماع الهئية العامة العادي لجامعة جرش ذ.م.م
المنطقة العربية لحوض المتوسط مركز التغير المناخي والأردن والعراق أضعف الحلقات - بقلم الأستاذ الدكتور بشير جر
خبراء البيئة والمناخ: كورونا فركة أذن أمام التغير المناخي فالقادم أعظم - بقلم الأستاذ الدكتور بشيرجرار
فراشات الأردن خلابة ومتنوعة - بقلم أ. د. بشير جرار  و ضحى الشيشاني
تسجيل منصة التطعيم
عمادة ضمان الجودة واعتمادها في جامعة جرش تعقد ندوة الاجتماعات الاكاديمية تحدث فيها الدكتور مفيد الحوامدة
ترقية الحوامدة والربيع في كلية الاعمال الى رتبة استاذ مشارك
ترقية الملكاوي وحمد لرتبة استاذ مشارك

Most Recent Articles

Performance, Carcass Percentage, and Production Cost for Awassi Lambs Fed High Energy Diet for Short Fattening Period

Mysaa Ata,,Fatima Al-Lataifeh ,Mohammad Altarawneh

; Vol. 9, No. 9; 2017

Most Recent Articles

Article Title: Obesity and Related Factors among Jerash University Population

Ahmad A. Gharaibeh, Hani J. Hamad, Basil H. Amarneh, Nizar. Alrabadi

Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

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Determining Microscopic Traffic Variables using Video Image Processing

Abdulrazzaq Alkherret; Ragab M. Mousa; Al Sayed Al Sobky

International Journal of Computer Applications,104(6):10-19. October 2014.

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Novel approach in multilingual and mixed English-Arabic test collection

Mohammed Abu Shquier et. al

11.3 (2020)

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Dissolution of Gypseous Rocks under Different Circumstances

Orabi Al-Rawi , Shehdeh Ghannam and Hamid R. Al-Ani

Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 5, No. 3, 2011

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Performance evaluation of position-based routing protocols using different mobility models in manet

• Almomani, Omar, Mahmoud Al-shugran, Jafar A. Alzubi, and Omar A. Alzubi

Performance Evaluation

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Molecular dynamics simulation strategies for designing carbon-nanotube-based targeted drug delivery

Al-Qattan MN, Deb PK, Tekade RK.

Drug Discov Today. 2018 Feb;23(2):235-250

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The Impacts of Sustainability Practices Disclosure on Financial Performance: Jordan Commercial Banks

Raed Walid Al-Smadi ,Arkan Walid Al-Smadi ,Osama Abdulmunem Ali

Test Engineering and Management

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Video-Based Detection and Tracking Model for Traffic Surveillance

Ragab M. Mousa; Abdulrazzaq Alkherret, Al Sayed Al Sobky


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Investigating Software Maintainability Development: A case for ISO 9126

Ahmad Haboush, Mohammad Alnabhan, Anas AL-Badareen, Mohammad Al-nawayseh and Bassam EL-Zaghmouri

IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 11, Issue 2, No 2, March 2014


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