Page 54 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 54

Eleventh Theme
                      Governance & Strategic Planning

                Strategic Objective
                Organizing institutional performance through an effective organizational
                structure based on University’s Regulations and the laws of the Ministry of
                Higher Education, so that such organizational structure is capable of realizing
                the University’s vision, mission and values.

                                 • Work in line with                                                  • Approval of
                                 the vision,              • Minutes of meetings,   • Department Councils.   the vision,
           Verifying the       11   mission, and          recommendations and   • Faculty Councils.   mission and
           extent of           -  1                  2019 – 2022    Continuous    • Deanship of Quality.
                               -  values of the           questionnaires related                      values of the
           adherence to the    1  University,             to the vision, mission,   • Assistant President for   various councils
           content of the        faculties, centers,      and values.          Administrative Affairs.   for the year
           vision, mission and                                                 • University Presidency.
         11                      and departments.                                                     2019.
         -  values and their
           consistency, and      • Spreading the                                                      • Percentage of
           publish the vision,   vision, message                                                      administrative
           mission and values   11   and values                                • Computer Center.     units committed
           and review them     -  through             2019 – 2020   • Published vision,   Heads of Departments.   to spreading
           on an ongoing       -  2  wallboards media,    mission and values.   • Deanship of Quality.   100% of the
           basis.                various paper and                             • Deans.               vision, mission
                                                                               • University Presidency.
                                 electronic                                                           and values in the
                                 publications.                                                        year 2019/2020.
           Verifying the                                  • Correspondence
           operating units’                               between the university
           compliance with       • Follow-up,             and the Ministry of   • Department of
           the regulations and   adherence to, and        Higher Education and   Admission and        • Number of
           instructions        1-2-11   circulation of   2019 – 2022    Continuous    the Accreditation   Registration.   legislations
           emanating from                                 Authority.           • Council of Deans.    reviews carried
                                 regulations and
           the laws of the                                • Participation in the   • Deanship of Quality.   out annually.
           Ministry of Higher                             dialogue sessions held   • University Presidency.
           Education and                                  by the Ministry and the
         2-11   Scientific Research                       Authority.
           and the
           Commission for        • Organizing
           Accreditation of      courses and              • Holding one course   • Consulting Center.
           Higher Education    2-2-11   workshops that   2019 – 2022    Continuous    at least annually.   • Colleges.   • Number of
           Institutions and      enhance the              • Holding one        • Deanship of Quality.   courses and
                                                                                                      workshops held
           ensure their          professional and         workshop at least    • Assistant President for   annually.
           quality applied       institutional            annually.            Administrative Affairs.
           within the            concepts.
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