Page 55 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 55

Eleventh Theme - Governance & Strategic Planning

                                                                                               • The number of
                                • Realizing the                                                beneficiaries of these
                              11   principle of fairness    • Announcement    • Academic and   incentives per year.
                              -  and equality in        2019 -2020   of these   administrative   The amount and
                              1  granting incentives        incentives.       leaderships.     percentage of
                                to employees.                                                  incentives from the

                                                                              • Appointment
          Promoting             • Realizing the             • A profile for
          principles of         principle of justice        each promotion    and Promotion    • The number of
        11   fairness, equality,   11   and equality in the   or service
        -                                                                     • Council of     promotions per year.
        3  transparency and   -  procedures of            Continuous   termination
                              3                        2019 – 2022            Deans.           Number of members
          institutional       -  2  faculty members’        process showing
          accountability.       promotion and               the practical     • Faculties      whose services are
                                termination of              steps for such    Councils.        terminated annually.
                                                                              • Department
                                services                    process.

                                                                              • Competent
                              11   • Realizing the          • Provide a       committees.      • The number of the
                                                                              • Assistant
                              -  principle of justice     Continuous   complete profile
                              3                        2019 – 2022
                              -                                               President for    members sentenced
                              3  and equality in            for each violation   Administrative   to penalties annually.
                                imposing penalties.         case.             Affairs.
                                                                              • Faculties.
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