Page 50 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
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Ninth Theme

                     Strengthening the University’s Financial Position

                            • Addressing local
                            and regional bodies      • External   • Department of
                         9   to support the
                         -                      2019 – 2022    support for   International Relations,
                         1  University's projects.   Continuous                       • Receiving global grants.
                         5                           the •       Projects and Technology
                            Seeking to obtain                    Transfer.            Percentage of raised funding.
                            support for local and    University   • University Presidency.
                            regional projects of     projects.
                            the University.
                            • Activating the
       -                 9   production and          • Industrial
       1                 -                                       • Faculty of Agriculture.
                         1  manufacturing       2019 – 2022    Continuous   and
                         6                                       • Faculty of Engineering.   • Completion rate.
                            programs for the         agricultural
                            University's             products.   • Engineering workshops.
                            • Activating
                         -  electronic services   2019 – 2022    • New e-  • Computer Center.
                         1                         Continuous                         • Number of new programs.
                         7  programs to reduce       services    • Faculty of Information
                            the need for             programs    Technology.          Completion rate.
                                                                                      generated annually from this
                         9                           • A plan to   • Marketing Committee.   • The percentage of revenue
       9                 -                                       • Faculty of Information
       -                 2  • Preparing a        2019 – 2020   market the             marketing.
       2                 -
                         1                                       Technology.
                            marketing plan.          University's                     • Publishing the materials of marketing
                                                     programs.   • Faculty of Business.   media on the University's website, and
                                                                 • University Presidency.
          Marketing study                                                             on the main social networks.
          programs                                                                    • Approval of the graduate database
          locally,                                               • Deanship of Student   by the end of 2019.
          regionally and    • Building a database    • Financial   Affairs.           • A newsletter for graduates about the
       9   internationally.   9   -  for alumni and   2019 – 2022    support   • Faculty of Information   University news and achievements
       -                 3                         Continuous   from the
       3                 -
                         1  communicating with                   Technology.          every year.
                            them to support the      alumni to   • Heads of Departments.   • An annual honoring ceremony for
                            University's progress.   the         • Faculties deans.   distinguished graduates.
                                                                 • University Presidency.   • An annual project at least supported
                                                                                      by graduates.
                            • Benefiting from                                         • Number of diplomas and training
                         9   academic and            • Provision   • Consulting Center.   courses offered annually.
          Activating the   -  4  practical      2019 – 2022    Continuous   of external   • The number of consultations
                         -                                       • Faculties.
          role of the    1  qualifications in        consulting                       provided annually.
          Consulting        providing various        programs.   • University Presidency.   • The amount of revenue generated
       9   Center in
       -                    consultations                                             from these consultations.
       4  providing
          services, advice                           • Offering
          and training to   9                        new
          the local      -  4  • Offering new   2019 – 2022    Continuous   training   • Consulting Center.   • Offering at least ten programs
          community.     2  training courses and     diplomas    • Faculties.         annually.
                            programs.                and training   • University Presidency.
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