Page 47 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 47

Eight Theme -Community Service

                                                                          • Deanship of Student
                                 • Opening the                            • Consulting Center.
                                 University                • Holding a                              • The number of
                               8                                          • University and Local
                               -                      2019 – 2022   Continuous
                               - facilities for the        number of      Community Committee.      events held at the
                               1  various activities       local events                             university
                                 and events of the         every year.    • Faculties and centers.   annually.
                                                                          • Public Relations
                                 local community.
                                                                          • University Presidency.
                                                                          • Deanship of Student
                                 • Participation in                       • Consulting Center.      • The percentage

                               8   supporting and          • Participation   • University and Local   of faculty
                               - revitalizing the     2019 – 2022   Continuous   by faculty   Community Committee.
                               2                                                                    members
                                 local cultural and        members in     • Faculty of Arts.        participating in
                                 intellectual              events.        • Faculties and centers.   events annually.
                                 movement.                                • Public Relations
           Openness to the                                                Department.
        8   local community                                               • University Presidency.
        4  and participation

           in its                • Holding periodic
           development.          meetings                                 • Consulting Center.
                                 between the
                               8                           • Holding a    • University and Local    • Number of joint
                               4 University           2019 – 2022   Continuous   Community Committee.
                               -  administration           number of                                events held
                               3                                          • Public Relations
                                 and                       meetings.                                annually.
                                 representatives                          Department.
                                                                          • University Presidency.
                                 of the local
                                 • Inviting school                        • Deanship of Student
                                 students in Jerash        • Visits by a   Affairs.
                                 to visit the                             • Consulting Center.
                               8                           number of      • Faculty of Education.
                               4 University and       2019 – 2022   Continuous   schools in the     • The number of
                               -  get to know its                         • Faculties.
                               4                           Governorate                              annual visits.
                                 facilities in             to the         • University and Local
                                 coordination with         University.    Community Committee.
                                 the Education                            • Public Relations
                                 Directorate.                             Department.
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