Page 43 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 43

Sixth Theme – Infrastructure

                                                       • Clean squares,   • Supplies Department.
                              • Maintenance of         streets and        • Engineering           • The level of
      6   Development of    6   6 internal road        sidewalks.
      -                                           2019 – 2022   Continuous   Department.          realized
      6  campus squares     -  1  network,             • Maintenance of
         and roads.           sidewalks and            all internal roads,   • Bidding Department.   development and
                                                                          • Board of Directors.
                              squares.                 sidewalks and
                                                       squares.           • University's president.
                                                                          • Supplies Department.
                                                                          • Engineering
                                                       • Ample green
      6   Expanding green   6   -                      spaces and an      Department.             • The percentage of
      -                     7  • Choosing typical   2019-2020             • Faculty of Agriculture.
      7  areas and          -  1                       attractive                                 green spaces in the
         spaces.              garden designs.          university         • Faculty of Engineering.   University.
                                                                          • Bidding Department.
                                                                          • Board of Directors.
                                                                          • University's president

                              • Choosing
                              economically             • Financial        • Faculty of Agriculture.   • The percentage of
      8-6  Establishing new   6   8 feasible      2019 – 2022   Continuous   income for   • Supplies Department.   income increase
                                                                                                  compared to
         projects.            projects.                • High agricultural   • Bidding Department.   previous year's
                                                                          • Board of Directors
                              • Implementation         production.                                income.
                              of the work.
                              • Delivery of            • A wireless
      6  Establishing a     6   wireless network       network covering   • Computer Center.
      9 wireless            -  - service to the     2019-2020   all University’s   Board of Directors.   • Percentage of
         network at the     1  University              buildings and      University's president.   100%
         University           buildings and
                                                                          • University’s
         Improving and                                                    Presidency.
         developing the       • Modern                 • Modern           • Board of Directors.   • Number and
      6   - required        - scientific          2019 – 2020   Continuous   scientific   • Supplies Department.   specifications of
                                                       laboratories and
                              laboratories and
      10  scientific        10  -                                         • Maintenance           laboratories.
                            1  equipment that          equipment that
         equipment and        meet the needs           meet the needs     Department.             • Accomplishment
         educational                                                      • Engineering           rate of 100%.
                              of specialists.          of specialists.
         laboratories.                                                    Department.
                                                                          • Computer Center.
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