Page 38 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 38

Fourth Theme - Students

                                                                                                 • The rate of
                                 • Activating               • An active                          students visiting the
                               4                            psychological      • Deanship of     psychological
                               2 psychological         2019-2022   Continuous
                               -  counseling                counseling         Student Affairs   counselor compared
                                 programs.                  service.                             to the number of
                                                                               • Computer
                                 • Activating               • Activating the   Center.           • The percentage of
                               4                            electronic         Registration.     students who
                               2 programs to guide      2019 – 2020   academic                   benefited from the
                               -  students in                                  Heads of
                               2                            counseling                           programs in each
                                 university faculties.                         Departments.
                                                                               • Faculty deans.   department.
                                                                                                 • The percentage of
                                                                                                 defaulting students
                                                                                                 benefiting from the
                                 • Establish a              • Decision by the   • Registration.   program compared
           Taking care of      4   follow-up program        Deans Council                        to the total number.
           students and        -  - for students who    2019 – 2020   and instructions   Heads of   • The percentage of
        2-4   refining their   3  are scientifically        for following up   • Faculty deans   annual decrease in
                                                            with the students.
                                                                                                 the number of
           scientifically and                                                                    students who are
           behaviorally.                                                                         academically
                                                            • Provision of                       • Number of offers
                                 • Developing the           competitive        • Board of        for student housing.
                                 level of services          offers for student  Directors.       • Number of
                               - provided to           2019-2022   Continuous   housing.   • Deanship of   beneficiaries
                               4  students, such as         • Modernization    Student Affairs.   annually.
                                 transportation and         of the             • University's    • Modernizing the
                                 playgrounds.               transportation     president.        transportation fleet
                                                            fleet.                               by 25% annually.
                                                                                                 • The number of
                                 • Activating                                  • Department of   agreements
                               4   student exchange                            International     concluded per year.
                               - agreements with       2019-2022   Continuous   • Agreements   Relations and
                               5                                                                 • The number of
                                 local, regional and        with universities.   Foreign Projects.   students annually
                                 international                                 • University’s
                                 universities.                                 Presidency.       benefiting from
                                                                                                 these agreements.
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