Page 37 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 37

Fourth Theme - Students

                                                                             • Deanship of
                                                                             Student Affairs.     • The extent of
                                                            • Development
                                                                                                  development that
                                                                             • Department of
                               4   • Facilitating           of admission     Admission and        has occurred in the
                               - procedures related    2019-2022   Continuous   and registration   Registration.   admission,
                                 to student                 programs and     • Department of      registration,
                                 transactions.              student          finance.             financial and
                                                            transactions.    • Faculties.         various other
                                                                             • University’s       systems.
                                                                                                  • Number of
                                                            • Holding at                          seminars and

                                 • Holding seminars         least three                           lectures held
                               4                            seminars         • Deanship of        annually.
          Developing           1 and lectures and      2019-2022   Continuous   annually.         • Number of
                               -  7  distributing                            Student Affairs.
          and qualifying                                    • Distributing at                     brochures per year.
                                 awareness                                   • Faculties.
        1-4   the                brochures.                 least three                           • The percentage
                                                                                                  of students
          staff of the                                      annually.                             participating in
          University.                                                                             each seminar
                                                                             • Deanship of
                                 • Conducting                                Student Affairs.
                               4                                             • Faculty of         • Number of
                               1 surveys to find out   2019-2022   Continuous   • An annual
                               -  the opinions of                            Education.           surveys conducted
                               8                            survey, at least.
                                 students on                                 • Questionnaires     per year.
                                 university issues.                          Committee.
                                                                             • Computer Center.
                                                            • Allocating an                       • Amount for

                                 • Supporting               amount of        • Board of Trustees.   allocated financial
                                                            money annually
                               9-1-4   distinguished and   2019-2022  Continuous   to support   • Board of Directors.   • The number of
                                 creative students
                                                                             • University's
                                 annually.                  distinguished    president.           students annually
                                                            and creative                          benefiting from
                                                            students.                             this support.
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