Page 33 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 33

Theme Three

                                                                     Human Resources

              Strategic Objective

              Securing requirements and needs for academic and administrative staff to
              enhance their achievement for the tasks assigned to them, in a university
              environment where stability and job security are realized.

                                 • Holding
                                 courses to            • Qualified
                                 develop the
                                 skills of faculty     academic       • Dean of Faculty of
                                                       staff trained
                                 members with          on the use of  Education.              • Two courses for
                               1-1-3   respect to   2019-2022  Continuous   modern   • Deanship of Quality &   each faculty member
                                 using the
                                 modern                technologies   Accreditation.          annually.
                                                                      • Presidency University.
                                 technologies          technological
                                 technological         methods.
                                 • Holding
                                 courses to            • Qualified
                                 develop the           staff capable   • College deans.       • Two courses for
                               2-1-3   language and   2019-2022  Continuous   of using   • Quality and   each faculty member
           Developing the        communicatio          Arabic and     Accreditation Deanship.   annually.
         1-3   capabilities of   n skills of the       English        • Presidency University.
           the University’s
           academic staff.       members.              languages.
                                 • Holding
                                 courses in the        • Qualified    • Dean of Faculty of
                                 field of              academic       Education.              • Two courses for
                               3-1-3   teaching,   2019-2022  Continuous   staff in terms   • Quality and   each faculty member
                                                       of teaching
                                 methods, and          and            Accreditation Deanship   annually.
                                 evaluation            evaluation.
                                 • Increase the                                               • Number of faculty
                                 budget for the        • Faculty                              members who
                               4-1-3   participation   2019   members   • Council of Deans.   participated in
                                 of faculty
                                                                                              external conferences
                                                                      • Deanship of Quality.
                                                       gaining new
                                 members in                           • University Presidency.   annually compared
                                 external                                                     to the total number
                                 conferences.                                                 of faculty members.
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