Page 28 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 28

Second Theme
                      Scientific Research

                Strategic Objective

                Improving knowledge to serve as a basis for decision-making on Jordanian
                society issues, through networking with universities, scientific and research centers,
                and civil society institutions at the local, regional, and global levels.

                                                           • Instructions to
                                                           support scientific
                                   • Restructuring         research.         • Deanship of
                                 1-1-2   and developing   2019-2020   • Developing   Scientific   • Announcement
                                                                                                of this structure
                                                           special forms to
                                   research                                  • Council of       and types of
                                   support.                obtain all forms   Deans             support.
                                                           of support for
                                                           scientific research
                                   • Establishing
                                   instructions on
                                   financial                                 • Deanship of
                                   incentives to
            Promoting              encourage               • Instructions on   Research.        • Approval of
            scientific research   2-1-2   scientific   2019-2020   incentives.    • Council of   Instructions on
            levels in all areas    publishing in                             Deans.             incentives.
                                                                             • University's
          1-2  of knowledge        international                             president
            and making use
            of scientific resea    journals.
            rch provisions
            in the                 • Amending the
            University budget.     instructions on                           • Council of       • Approval of
                                 3-1-2   academic      2019-2020   • Promotion   Deans.         promotion
                                                                                                instructions by the
                                                                             • University's
                                   promotion at                              president.         Deans' Council
                                   the university
                                                                                                • The percentage
                                   • Securing              • Increasing the   • Departments.    of researches
                                                                             • Faculties.
                                   financial               percentage of     • Deanship of      supported by the
                                 4-1-2   support for   2019-2022   Continuous   provisions to   Scientific   scientific research
                                                           support scientific
                                   projects carried        research carried   Research.         • Number of
                                                                             • University's
                                   out by faculty          out by faculty    president.         researches
                                   members                 members                              supported.
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