Page 30 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 30

Second Theme
                      Scientific Research

                                • Organizing
                                conferences and         • Holding         • Faculties.        • Number of annual
                              5-2-2   seminars     2019 – 2022  Continuous   conferences and   • Public Relations   conferences and
                                                        seminars on
                                                                                              seminars compared to
                                regularly and
                                publishing the          specific dates.   • University        the targeted number.
                                works of those

                                • Reviewing the
                                mechanisms of
                                issuing the
                                Jarash Journal
           Concluding           for Research                                                  • Percentage of
           agreements           and Studies, and        • Establish a                         accepted research.
        2   with universities   evaluating the          global editorial   • Deanship of      • Percentage of
        -                                               board.
        2  and specialized      research and                              Scientific Research   rejected research.
           centers locally,   6-2-2   studies        2019   • New publishing   and Graduate   • The extent of
           regionally and       submitted for           rules             Studies.            satisfaction of those
           internationally.     publication in          mechanism.        • University's      looking for conducting
                                the Journal, with       • Establish a     president.          refereeing and
                                the aim to raise        global advisory                       publishing in the
                                the quality of                                                journal.
                                research and
                                elevate the level
                                of the Journal.
                                • Developing a
                                website for the         • A new website
                                Jerash                  for the Journal,   • Faculty of       • Approval of
                              7-2-2   Journal for    2019   in both Arabic   Information      establishing the
                                                                                              Journal's website.
                                                        and English,
                                and Studies, and        containing        • University's      • 100% of the Journal
                                uploading all           everything                            issues loaded on the
                                issues of the           related to the                        website.
                                journal to the          Journal.
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