Page 26 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 26

First Theme

                      Programs and Study Plans

               Strategic Objective
               Improving the quality of academic programs at the university by availing an effective
               learning environment and developing new programs.

                                   of plans from
                                   departments                                                  • The percentage of
             Developing            and faculty                              • Academic          plans to be modified
                                                                                                from the total
           1-1   study plans    1-1-1   councils.   2019-2022   Continuous   • Modified study   Deanship of   number of plans.
                                   • Report of
             to meet quality
             standards             the Deanship                             Quality.            • Obtaining approval
                                                                            Council of Deans.
                                                                                                for the plans by the
                                   of Quality.                                                  Board of Deans.
                                   • Arbitrators'
                                                                            • Departments.
                                   • Developing          • Decision to      • Faculties.        • Approval of the
                                                         create programs.
                                                                            • Council of Deans.
                                1-2-1   study plans for   2019-2022   Continuous   • Study plans for   • Deanship of   study plans by the
                                   the programs
                                   to be created         the programs to    Quality.            Council of Deans
                                                         be created.        • University's
                                                         • The decision to
                                                         license new
             Creating                                    programs from                          • Obtaining the
             new B.A.              • Licensing           the Council of     • Deanship of       licensing and
             programs           2-2-1   and         2019-2022   Continuous   Higher Education   Quality.   approval decision for
           2-1  (specializations)   approving new        and the Council of  • University's     new programs.
                                                                                                • Two programs at
             to meet
             the needs of                                • Accreditation                        least annually.
             the labor                                   certificate for
             market and                                  new programs.
             society                                                        • Computer Center.
                                                                            • Deanship of
                                   • Self-               • Form of self-    Education.
                                   assessment            assessment         • Deanship of       • Annual assessment
                                3-2-1   procedures for   2019-2022   Continuous   procedures for   Scientific

                                   teaching and
                                                         teaching and
                                                                            Research &
                                                                                                •  Assessment
                                   learning inputs       learning inputs    Graduate Studies.   results
                                   and outputs.          and outputs.       • Council of Deans.
                                                                            • Deanship of
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