Page 29 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 29

Second Theme
                                                                     Scientific Research

                                 • Create a
                                 showing the                                                  • Database availability.
                                 names of
                                                                                              • The extent of
                                 donors, and the                           • Department of    researchers'
                              1-2-2   dates for      2019   • Database     International      knowledge of the
                                 applying for
                                 grants,                                   Relations, Projects   supporting internal
                                 especially the                            and Technology     and external bodies
                                                                                              and benefiting from
                                 Research Fund                                                their programs
                                 and European
                                 Union programs

                                 • Encouraging                                                • Amount of annual
                              2-2-2   faculty members   2019 – 2022   Continuous   • Increasing   • Deanship of   increase.
                                 to participate in
                                                                           Scientific Research.
                                                         provisions for
           Concluding            specialized             participation in   University's      • Number of faculty
           agreements                                                                         members participating
                                 scientific              conferences.      president.
         2   with universities   conferences.                                                 in conferences.
         2  and specialized
           centers locally,                                                • Department of
           regionally and        • Signing               • Cooperation     International
           internationally.      cooperation             agreements with   Relations, Projects   • The percentage of
                              3-2-2   agreements    2019 – 2022   Continuous   universities and   and Technology   the number of signed
                                                         local, regional
                                 with universities
                                                                                              agreements out of the
                                 and overseas            and international   Transfer.        targeted agreements.
                                                                           • University's
                                 centers.                centers.
                                 • Follow-up the                                              • Number of faculty
                                                                                              members participating
                                 and                                       • Faculties.       in research projects.
                                 implementation          • Field study of   Deanship of
                                 of projects, and        the concerns of   Scientific Research.   • Number of joint
                                                                                              scientific papers
                              4-2-2   conducting joint   2019 -2022    Continuous    faculty members,  • Department of   published out of total
                                                         and increasing
                                 researches with         the budget for    Relations, Projects   research production.
                                                                                              • Number of joint
                                 faculty members         joint projects.   and Technology
                                                                                              scientific research
                                 inside and                                Transfer.          projects out of the
                                 outside the
                                                                                              targeted number.
                                 university  .
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