Page 34 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 34

Theme Three - Human Resources

                                 • Creating legal
                                 awareness and           • Knowledge by                         • Number of courses
                                 culture among           the faculty                            and workshops on
                               5-1-3   faculty      2019-2022  Continuous   members of the   • Deans of faculties.   this topic at a rate of
                                                                          • University
                                 members with
                                 respect to the          University's     Presidency.           one workshop per
            Developing the       University's            regulations and                        each faculty member
          1-3   capabilities of   regulations and
            the University’s
            academic staff.
                                                                                                • Issuing and
                                 • Honoring              • Develop        • Deanship of         announcing
                               6-1-3   professors   2019-2022  Continuous   Incentives   Scientific Research.   Incentive
                                 distinguished in
                                                                          • Council of Deans.
                                                         Instructions for
                                                                                                Instructions during
                                 teaching and            honoring         • University
                                 research.               activities.      Presidency            the academic year

                                 • Distribution of
                                 scholarships to
                                 faculties as            • Increasing the                       • The number of
                                 needed.                                  • Departments         scholarship holder
                                 • Preparing a           number of        Councils.             per year.
            Supporting           scholarship             scholarships,    • Faculty councils.   • The amount of
            scholarships to    1-2-3   plan.        2019-2022  Continuous   and reviewing   • Council of Deans.   spending on
            prestigious          • Periodic              the distribution   • University        scholarships and its
            universities         review of               of scholarships   Presidency.          percentage from the
          2-3   in majors        scholarship             among faculties.                       University's budget.
            and fields
                                 policies and
            of knowledge         instructions.
            according to the
                                                         • Scholarships
            University's         • Focusing on                            • Heads of
            needs.               the level of            to universities   Departments          • Percentage of
                                                         ranked from the
                                                                                                scholarship holders
                               2-2-3   universities to   2019-2022  Continuous   first 500   • Deanship of   compared to the
                                 which students
                                                                          Scientific Research
                                 are dispatched          universities that   • Faculty deans    targeted number
                                                         are listed in
                                 for scholarships.                        • Council of Deans
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