Page 39 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 39

Fourth Theme - Students

                              4                                               • Deanship of Student   • The percentage of
                              -                             • Updating the                         updating alumni’s
                              3  • Updating alumni     2019-2022   Continuous   Affairs.
                              1                             alumni databases                       data compared to
                                 databases.                 annually.         • University’s       the total number of
                              4   • Holding a forum for                       • Public Relations   • The number of
        4                     -                        2019-2022   Continuous                      participants in the
        -  Follow up on       3  University alumni          • One forum for the  Department.
        3                     -  2                                                                 forum is compared
          alumni affairs.        periodically each          alumni every year.   • Deanship of Student   to the number of
                                 year.                                        Affairs.

                              4   • Creating a page for     • Create a page for   • Public Relations   • Increasing the
                                                            alumni on two
                                                                                                   number of
                              3                         2019 – 2020
                              3  alumni on social           social networks and  • Deanship of Student   subscribers to
                                 networks.                  on the University’s   Affairs.         alumni groups on
                                                            website.          • Computer Center.   social networks.
                              4   • Seminars and            • Seminars and    • Deanship of Student
                              -                             workshops.        Affairs.             • Satisfaction rate
                              4  workshops.            2019-2022   Continuous
                              -                             • Awareness       • Language Center.   and complaint rates
          Developing          1  • Educational
          students' loyalty,     brochures.                 campaigns and     • Departments.       per year.
                                                                              • Faculties.
        4-4   belonging and love
          of work and
          accepting the other   4   • Increasing                              • Department Councils.  • The level of
          opinion.            -  4  interaction between   2019-2022   Continuous   • Seminars and   • Deanship of Student   student satisfaction
                              -  students on one side       meetings.
                              2                                               Affairs.             with seminars and
                                 and faculty members        • Panel discussions.   • Faculty Councils.   discussion panels.
                                 on the other side.
                                                                              • Deanship of Student
                                 • Develop an
                              4                             • Surveys and     Affairs.             • The extent of
                              -  emergency plan to
                              5                         2019-2020   studies.   • Faculty councils.   readiness for the
                              -  face risks at the
                              1                             • Equipment.      • Council of Deans.   emergency plan.
          Providing a safe       University.                                  • Board of Directors.
        4   environment for
        5  students at the                                                                         • The level of
          University.         4                             • Training        • Deanship of Student   training provided.
                              -                             programs.
                              5  • Training programs   2019-2022   Continuous   Affairs.           • The level of
                              -                             • Program
                              2                                               • Faculties.         student
                                                            evaluation system.
                                                                                                   activities per year.
          Meeting the                                                                              • Number of
        4                     4   -  • Holding activities   • Two events
        -  requirements of    6                        2019-2022   Continuous   • Deanship of Student   • The number and
        6                     -  1  for students with       annually for people
          people with special                                                 Affairs.             percentage of
                                 special needs.             with special needs.
          needs.                                                                                   participants in
                                                                                                   those activities.
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