Page 44 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 44

Seventh Theme
                      Administrative Development

             Strategic Objective

             Developing the administrative cadres of the University in a manner consistent
             with the University's vision, mission, and core values.

                                                                                                   • Approval of the
                                 • Forming a
                               7   committee to            • University      • Council of Deans.   structure by the
                               -                       2019
                               - review the                Organizational    • University’s
                               1                                                                   competent
                                 University's               Structure        Presidency.           councils.
                                 organizational            Committee.        • Board of Trustees.
                                 structure.                                                        • Percentage of
                                                                             • Deanship of

                                 • Carrying out                              Quality.
                               7                                             • Faculty deans.      • The number of
                               1 administrative        2019 – 2020   • Carrying out   • Assistant President   administrative
                               -  transfers in light
                               2                           annual transfers.   for Administrative   transfers carried
                                 of the annual
                                 structural review.                          Affairs.              out each year.
           Developing                                                        • University’s
        7  administrative                                                    Presidency.
        1 work structures        • Completion of
           and mechanisms,       the electronic                              • Computer Center.
           and enhancing         management
           technical support.   7   1 project.             • Electronic      • All University      • Completion
                               -  • Holding training   2019 – 2020   management by   facilities.   percentage of
                               3                                             • Faculty of
                                 courses for the           correspondence.   Information           100%.
                                 employees in                                Technology.
                                 each faculty
                                                                                                   • Conducting an
                                 • An electronic           • An electronic                         evaluation for the
                                                                             • Computer Center.
                                 form for the              form for the      Deanship of Quality.   faculty members in
                               7   evaluation of the       evaluation the    Faculty of            terms of academic
                               -                       2019
                               - performance of            performance of                          leadership. Such
                               4                                             Information
                                 academic and               academic and                           evaluation to be
                                 administrative            administrative    Technology.           carried out by
                                 leaderships at the        leaders at the    Presidency.           students every
                                 University.               University.                             semester, and by
                                                                                                   deans every year.
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