Page 36 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 36

Fourth Theme - Students

                Strategic Objective

                Attracting, caring for and developing the scientific, cultural and social capabilities of
                students from inside and outside Jordan, and instill in students the concepts
                of citizenship, belongingness, faith and a culture of difference.

                                 • Developing the          • Implementing at   • Deanship of
                               4                           least three        Student Affairs.   • The number of
                               1 spirit of volunteer   2019-2022  Continuous   • Faculties.      volunteer campaigns
                               -  work among               activities in each
                               1                                              • Consultations    performed annually.
                                 students.                 faculty annually.
                                 • Promote                 • Implementing at   • Deanship of
                               4                           least three        Student Affairs.   • Percentage of
                               1 extracurricular      2019-2022  Continuous                      activities performed
                               -  activities for           activities in each   • Faculties.
                               2                                                                 annually.
                                 students.                 faculty annually.

                                                                                                 • The extent to
                               4   • Promoting             • Preparing a code   • Deanship of    which students
                               -                       2019
                               - students’ code of
                               3                           of conduct         Student Affairs.   maintain University’s
                                                                                                 • The percentage of
        1-4  Developing                                                       • Deanship of      participating in
          patriotism among
                                                                                                 national events
                                                                              Student Affairs.
          students.            4   • Urging students       • Written          • Faculty deans.   annually.
                               -                        Continuous   announcements
                               - to participate in    2019-2022               • Heads of         • Number of books
                               4                           and oral guidance
                                 national events           at lectures.       Departments.       and advertisements
                                                                              • Faculty          directed annually to
                                                                              members.           faculty members to
                                                                                                 urge students to
                                                                                                 • Number of joint
                                                                                                 activities performed
                                                                              • Deanship of
                                 • Holding joint                              Student Affairs.   annually between
                               4                           • Implementing at   • Faculty         faculty members and
                               1 activities           2019-2022   Continuous                     students.
                               -  between faculty          least three        members.
                               5                                                                 • The percentage of
                                 members and               activities annually.   • Heads of     students and faculty
                                 students.                                    Departments.
                                                                              • Faculty deans.
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