Page 22 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 22

Gap Analysis

                                 Degree of    degree                                      Degree of  degree
           Positive Aspects (O & S)                    weight     Negative Impacts (T & W)                      weight
         Available Opportunities   Significance   of impa  (E * T)   Weakness and Threats      Significance  of impact    (E * T)
                                   (0, 10)   ct (-5,5)                                    (0, 10)     (-5,5)
                                                             1- The increased societal
        1- Increasing demand                                 pressure on the University
        for postgraduate            8          5       40    to contribute to reducing      5          3        15
        programs                                             the high unemployment
        2- The available
        opportunities to secure                              2- Weak levels of
                                                             competition with many
        funding for scientific      7          4       28                                   9          2        18
        research projects from                               local and regional
        external parties
        3- The increasing                                    3-The poor levels of
        growth in the number of                              graduates compared to
        foreign students coming     9          5       40    the expectations of            7          1        7
        to the University from                               employers in the private
        Arab countries                                       sector
        4- The availability of                               4- The annual increase of
        attractive qualitative      9          4       36    the operating costs, and       8          2        16
        programs                                             the rising costs of various
        (specializations)                                    devices and supplies
        5- The availability of
        opportunities for the
        University to offer                                  5- Instability in higher
        programs jointly with       8          5       40    education legislations         9          4        36
        reputed international
        universities, especially
        graduate programs
        6- Increasing population                             6- The tremendous
        density in the northern     9          5       45    advances in information        8          1        8
        Jordan, especially of                                technology and
        non-Jordanians                                       educational technology
                                                             7- The changing labor
                                                             market requirements
                                                                                            8          2        16
                                                             related to graduate
                                                             8- The continued
                                                             deterioration in the levels
                                                             of students coming from
                                                                                            8          3        24
                                                             secondary education in
                                                             Arabic and English
                                                             9- Public universities
                                                             competition with private
                                                             universities, especially
                                                             with respect to the            9          2        1 8
                                                             standards of students’
                                                             admission in the Parallel
                                                             10- Declining employment
                                                             of labor force in the local    9          1        9
                                                             and regional markets
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27