Page 20 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 20

Gap Analysis

                                 Degree of    degree                                      Degree of  degree
           Positive Aspects (O & S)  Significance   of impa     weight     Negative Impacts (T & W)     Significance  of impact       weight
        Opportunities & Strengths                    (E * T)    Weakness and Threats                          (E * T)
                                   (0, 10)   ct (-5,5)                                    (0, 10)    (-5,5)
        1- The diversity and
        multiplicity of academic                             1- Low university fees
        programs in                 8          5       40    compared to other private      8          1-       8-
        the undergraduate and                                universities
        postgraduate stages;
        2- The University's
        distinguished geographical
        location, as it serves many
        governorates, and this
        location ;
           attracts students from
           most of the kingdom's
           governorates ;             9        5         45
           It is located in an
           attractive                 8        4         32  2- Weak investment activity    9          2        18
           cultural tourist area ;
           It is located on a        9        5         45
           highway linking the
           north with the capital,
           and is characterized
           by heavy traffic,
           which facilitates
           access to and from
           the university .
        3- The University offers
        programs that are rarely    8          4       32    3- Lack of periodic training   8          3        24
                                                             programs for human
        offered by                                           resources
        other universities
                                                             4- Insufficient administrative
        4- The quality that is                               and academic facilities in
        characterized by some       8          5       40    light of the continuous        9          4        36
                                                             increase in student number
        5- The good academic
        standing achieved by the
        University locally and
        regionally since its
        establishment through a
                                                             5-Students' general
        number of international
                                    8          5       40    weakness in Arabic and         8          2        16
        conferences, as well as the
                                                             English languages
        University's association
        with a number of
        cooperation agreements
        with universities of high
        scientific reputation
        6- Existence of a scheme
        to take care of expatriate
        students, where                                      6- The absence of strategic
                                                             planning at the university,
        the appropriate             7          4       28    college and department         6          4        24
        and assistance in various                            level
        fields is provided to them
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25