Page 15 - Jerash University Strategic Plan
P. 15
Improving knowledge to serve as a
Improving the quality of academic basis for supporting decision-making
programs at the University by on Jordanian society issues through
providing an effective learning networking with universities, scientific
environment and developing new and research centers and civil society
programs institutions at the local, regional and
global levels
Attracting, caring for, and developing
Satisfying the needs of the academic the scientific, cultural and social
and administrative staff to enhance capabilities of students from inside and
their achievement of the tasks
assigned to them in a university outside Jordan, and instilling the
environment where job stability and concepts of citizenship, belongingness,
faith, and culture of difference
security are achieved;
between students of the University
Applying quality assurance standards
by controlling academic and Rehabilitating the infrastructure and
administrative procedures, and providing a green university
enriching the educational process by environment that contributes to
obtaining local and international preparing a productive and creative
accreditations, and quality assurance university student
certificates for the University programs
Contributing to sustainable social
development by providing educational,
Developing the administrative staff of technological, informational, research,
the University according to the
advisory and volunteer work services,
University’s vision, mission and core in partnership with official institutions,
civil society institutions, and the
private sector
Strengthening the University's financial Deepening relations with universities
position, in order for it to be able to and foreign scientific centers, and
perform its tasks and roles according exchanging experiences, in order to
to its strategic plan achieve the University's future vision
Organizing institutional performance
through an effective organizational
structure, based on university
instructions and the laws of the
Ministry of Higher Education, capable
of realizing the university’s vision,
mission and values