المجلد العشرون /العدد 2 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد العشرون /العدد 2


Mahmoud Darwish has constantly occupied himself with exile and its severity and weightiness on the sensitive psyche by progressively delving into the culture of pain while closely observing internal as well as external exile. Despite the fact that external exile constitutes a complete break-up with the geography of affect and a serious fracture in the autobiography, internal exile, which resides in the poetic, sensitive self, surpasses external exile because it has no spatial boundaries when it crouches upon a person's chest, a person who has a different vision of life, the world, and existence. How did Darwish meditate exile? How did he interpret it after his journey with exile? How did the artistic and aesthetic momentum co-escalated with the meditative momentum in exile poems? And why did Darwish's residence in his poems strengthen after his prolonged exile? These questions, among others, are the focus of this study; the objective is to critically respond to them by probing exile texts in the verse of a controversial poet like Darwish. Keywords: Exile, Vision, Interpretation, Over Interpretation. .
The semantic theory in circulation is not sufficient despite the numerous attempts to present a theory that accommodates the semantic level, as its procedural concepts and analytical tools did not meet this level and did not contain it, as many of the mothers of books in linguistics that have appeared in the last thirty years - which are the most influential literature - semantics do not pay attention to interest such as American linguistics, for example, which have been adopted for a long time A far cry from the principle that language should be analyzed without meaningful consideration. Keywords: Contextual Theory, Interpretation Rule, Contextual Theory, Semantics Interpretative, Context, Logical Semantics, Intonation, Use, Supra Segmental Elements, Behaviouriste Theory. .
This study handles analytically and critically with the book (Assets and rules of Interpretation (Tafseer) for PhD Khaled Alok, one of the most important categories written deeply in the heart of Tafseer science or rules. All aims at spotting light on the positive as well as negative points of view included in the target of showing the scientific value, this book holds in the field of Osool Altafseer. Notify that this field is in the process of investigation. Keywards: The rules, Tafseer , Kaled Alok. .
The study aimed at identifying the degree of Implementing Jordanian Universities to the Concept of Entrepreneurial University According to the Seven Solidifications by (EC- OECD).The study used the descriptive survey approach. The study population consisted of all Academic Leaderships at Jordanian Universities (1323). The sample was a stratified random sample that consisted of (312) academic leadership. A 28-item with 3 dimensions questionnaire was developed to collect data for this study. The findings of the study revealed that the degree of implementing Jordanian Universities to the Concept of Entrepreneurial University according to the seven solidifications by (EC- OECD) was moderate. The results of the study also showed no significant differences due to the region variable in all dimensions except in the dimension of University external relationships for knowledge exchange in favor of the middle region. on the other hand , the results showed no significant differences due to the type of university variable in all dimensions except in the pathways for entrepreneurs dimension in favor of private universities, In light of the findings, the researchers recommended to transform Jordanian universities to entrepreneurial universities. Keywords: Jordanian Universities, Entrepreneurial University, Entrepreneurship, Seven Solidifications, European Commission- Organaization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Academic Leaderships. .
Duties and responsibilities assigned to the public administrative authorities are not privileges granted to those who occupy public offices. On the contrary, these duties are entrusted to officers with legal powers to carry out their duties to maintain the public interest. Delegation of competence is carried out by formal decisions issued the delegator to allow his delegates to discharge certain duties of according to the delegation. The delegator can only delegate if he is permitted by the legislator. He remains responsible for the delegates acts. The latter becomes, also, responsible before the delegator for his wrongful acts and he cannot delegate his delegated authority. Delegation of authority leads to redistribution of duties between the head and his delegate since it is based on the distribution of duties principle. It reduces the burden of work laid upon the head and it, also allows the delegate to discharge his assigned duties effectively and without delay. Delegation may, as well, improve the machinery of the government and leads to administrative reform. It reduces the defects arising from extreme centralization and may allow a good machinery of administration. Delegation, however, becomes successful if the ministries' heads are convinced and willing to allow delegation at a large scale. It is suggested, also, that an Act of delegation of competence should be enacted. This Act should embody rules that govern the process of delegation including its legal and administrative aspects. The named Act should be applicable to all public authorities in light of a general public policy that promotes delegation within various branches of public administration. .
This research presents an empirical, academic study to illustrate the role of legal education in anti-corruption within the framework of the educational curricula that are applied at the faculties of law, particularly the courses specialized in the integrity, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption issues; and the obstacles that face their teaching in Arab countries that are considered naturally as developing countries within low patterns and levels; that still make the Arab citizen in general and the knowledge seeker in particular in the position of the influenced rather than an influential element in the anti-corruption system. Perhaps the most serious problems faced by the university professor in this framework are how to crystallize the foundations of specific parameters to achieve a delicate balance between anti-corruption and the enjoying basic human rights, taking in consideration that the need to fight the corruption phenomenon as a serious ailment that tears the cultural, economical, and political aspects of the social fabric. Their effective legal consequences cannot be achieved without reviewing the relationship between anti-corruption and human rights, whether towards improving the right which is presented to human beings or to avoid taking measures without studying their consequences that lead to surpassing the human rights state institutions in particular the basic rights, which are naturally inevitable found with the existence of human beings and their enjoyment of human indignity, In the presented ideas, we shall display how the developed teaching methodology of the courses specialized in anti-corruption may approach a lot of issues that used to inflict the anti-corruption methods that were under criticism from legal perspectives since they were not enveloped within the procedures that were compatible to the human rights issues, so that they became the objective of anti-corruption in some positions, as merely formative patterns that lack effective mechanisms and safe procedures. Keywords: Legal Education, Anti-Corruption, Human Rights, Faculties of Law. .
The Elizabethan attitude to kingship and struggle for monarchy differed in several major respects from the modern attitude taken towards those who have responsibility for government. There was a religious element in this issue, as well as a political one, and the concept of the \'divine right of kings\' needs to be understood before several of the comments and attitudes found in Shakespeare\'s plays, especially the chronicles and tragedies, can be understood. This concept stated that God was only responsible for the appointment of a person to kingship, operating as he did through the hereditary principle: the King held his office from God, and was not appointed by other humans. Therefore, an attempt to remove a King or to usurp his right was not merely a crime against human law, but a crime against God, and it means an attempt to decide something that only God could decide. Usurpation or the murder of a monarch is thus a huge sin and crime against Nature in Shakespeare. The idea that the King or Queen held his or her office from God was carefully fostered by monarchies through the ages, not least of all Elizabeth I, for the obvious reason that it was an added protection against rebellion and gave moral justification for their attempts to resist any attack on their throne. There was also a political element in the principle, in that once it was shown that a reigning monarch could be removed from the throne, a precedent would be created that could easily lead to chaos and civil war. Shakespeare\'s support for properly-constituted monarchs – even if they are weak at the job of government –indicates a support for stability as well as for kingship (Martin Stephen, Philip Franks, 1984, p. 32). Shakespeare\'s tragedies are considerably the best known of all his plays. Four in particular have become known throughout the world: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth. Various attempts have been made to define tragedy, but there is no comprehensive effective definition. Aristotle attempted a definition of tragedy in his Poetics (330 BC), and this is often used as a base from which to define tragedy. Some of Aristotle\'s tents are still useful in helping us to come to a definition of Shakespearian tragedy, or perhaps more usefully a feeling for its essential elements. Aristotle stated that the tragic hero was someone who was neither exceptionally evil nor exceptionally good. This tragic hero starts the play as prosperous and happy, and is high-born, usually a king or an aristocrat; he is moved from happiness to misery and eventual death through some fault or weakness in his part, the so-called \'tragic flaw\'. The effect of tragedy in Aristotle\'s view was to arouse the emotions of pity and fear, and then to purge them from the audience, and the play, by the action. Shakespeare\'s tragedies adhere to most of these principles – but certainly not all. Macbeth, for instance, can be seen as a tragedy of ambition, and ambition is obviously Macbeth\'s \'tragic flaw\'. He begins the play as a noble figure: he has fought magnificently for the king, the saintly Duncan, against rebels. But he soon departs from the noble, the Aristotelian model, and become infected and debased by the evil of ambition which eventually reveals his essential weakness. The combination of three witches prophesying that he will be king, his wife prompting him to murder Duncan, and Duncan\'s decision to spend a night at Macbeth\'s castle at the very time when the pressure to murder Duncan is greatest proves too much for Macbeth. He kills Duncan, and then suffers agonies until he is finally killed by a nobleman whose family Macbeth massacred when he was king. As do the \'history plays\' and Hamlet and King Lear, Macbeth confirms that usurpation is a major sin, punishable by turmoil for the country and death for the usurper (p. 43). This study offers a critical analysis of the issue of kingship in William Shakespeare\'s Macbeth. It presents several different points relevant to the issue of kingship such as: the king as God\'s choice and representative on earth, the difference between tyranny and honorable kingship, the brutal crime of regicide, the ambition to seize kingship, the acute struggle for monarchy, the chaos and destruction that result from the struggle over the throne and other relevant conflicts. A great deal of critical works have been produced on the issue of kingship, in Shakespeare\'s Macbeth, from different angles. This research tries to make use of the most relevant and recent of these critical works. These works are mainly in form of critical studies, that is, books, and research papers written on the different aspects of the issue of kingship. For example, Shweta Bali\'s essay, “Mechanics of Madness in Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear” (2014), examined the effect of madness on the kingship in Macbeth. David Blythe, in his article, \"Shakespeare\'s Macbeth\" The Explicator 48.3(1990), states (179) that the regicide is a symbol of the cosmic wrath caused by Macbeth. While Russell Willers in his, \"Models of Kingship: Shakespeare\'s Depictions of the Relationship between the Sovereign and the Realm in Henry V and Macbeth\" Research Gate (2008, 2009), argues (303) that Macbeth is an unsuccessful and oppressive king because a king should work for the good of his country, not for the suffering of it. Moreover, in his study, Heiner Zimmermann, \"Macbeth and Hercules\" Renaissance Studies 20.3(2006), states that the play ends with the triumph of good over evil. Malcolm becomes the new king of Scotland and restores Duncan\'s lineage to the kingship. Hence, \"Macduff\'s killing of Macbeth restores justice and installs hereditary kingship in Scotland\" (Zimmermann 377). The final speech in the play, \"My thanes and kinsmen, / Henceforth be earls\" (5.8.63-64), symbolizes James\' plans to unify England. Malcolm appears as an ideal king who also decides to recall everyone fled \"the snares of watchful tyranny\" (5.8.68). As for more extensive studies, Alexander Leggatt’s book, Shakespeare\'s Political Drama (1988), stressed the political interest and the idea of kingship in Macbeth. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard, A Companion to Shakespeare\'s Works: The Tragedies, volume 1(2003), examined the idea of kingship in Macbeth and how some characters fight fiercely to grab kingship. David Armitage, Conal Condren and Andrew Fitzmaurice, Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought (2009), focused on Shakespeare\'s thoughts as regards the idea of kingship. David Bevington, Shakespeare\'s ideas: More Things in Heaven and Earth (2008), focused on Shakespeare’s ideas on politics and political Theory. Leon Harold Craig, Of Philosophers and Kings: Political Philosophy in Shakespeare\'s Macbeth and King Lear (2001), discussed how someone some philosophies of kingship in Macbeth and King Lear. Sidney Lamb, Shakespeare’s Macbeth (2000), discussed the play’s penetrating exploration of human kingship and Shakespeare’s exploration of the themes of kingship. In this book, Lamb examined the idea that the king is God’s emissary on Earth and that kingship is passed patrilineally through the father. The views expressed in these works are so various, but the most pertinent among them will be consulted. The research will be carried out through a textual and analytical outlook, and the arguments and counter- arguments will be clearly presented. .
This paper is an attempt to apply Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness theory on Lady Macbeth's speech in Shakespeare's Macbeth. By analyzing her dialogues in the play, the researchers try to find the politeness strategies in these dialogues, and the reasons behind preferring the use one strategy over another. After classifying the analyzed selected parts of the play and arranging them according to Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness strategies, the researchers found that power, status and distance play the biggest role in preferring one strategy over the others. Moreover, the findings revealed that Lady Macbeth's ideology leads her to prefer one strategy over another in order to perform her plans successfully. Keywords: Politeness; Macbeth; Ideology; Power; Distance. .
This paper investigates the impact of corporate governance on financial performance by cement firms listed in Saudi stock market during the period of 2012-2016. Many studies have examined the association between corporate governance mechanisms, ownership structure and firm performance, the most of them conducted in the developed countries, produced diverse findings, influenced by the nature of the dominant governance system for each country. Using the Least Ordinary Square (OLS), the results of the current study revealed that managerial ownership and firm size have a positive and significant impact on firm performance. However, board independence, board size, board meeting and audit type have no effect on the financial performance. Keywords: corporate governance, board structure, ownership structure, performance, Saudi Arabia. .
The Formative Structuralist Approach is premised on the idea of studying the mechanisms of constructing literary texts. In analyzing literary texts, formative structuralism is fundamentally characterized by integrating the internal and external systems of analysis. This approach came in response to criticisms levelled at Formal Structuralism especially in regards to the issue of overemphasis on the linguistic part of analysis. By contrast, The Formative Structuralist Approach benefits from the socio-historical aspects as a way to understand the ideological content embedded within literary texts. This approach employs four elements of analysis, which are: semantic segmentation, comprehension and interpretation, comprehensiveness and harmony, as well as defining world views through texts.This paper consists of an introduction, three major sections and a conclusion. The three main sections addressed: Section 1: Formative Structuralism (Foundations, Terminology and Concepts). Section 2:Formative Structuralism (Tools and Issues). Section 3: The Relationship between Structuralism (Formative / Generative / Social) and Structuralism (Formal / First / Old). .