المجلد الثالث عشر/ العدد الاول 2008 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد الثالث عشر/ العدد الاول 2008


Language plays an essential role in achieving objective news stories in journalism. With the progress made over the last decades in the fields of media and telecommunications, news stories written in a given language are expected to be translated and presented for the audiences of other languages. It should be remembered that the translator has a significant role to play in observing the objectivity of the texts rendered from a cultural. .
Due to the rapid economic growth worldwide and the need by the international companies to communicate with consumers of different languages and cultures in order to sell their products in different markets, the need has become urgent to take into account the peculiarities of the target audience when they are addressed by international ads campaigns. The attention given to the local needs and singularities within international advertising campaigns involves an integration process of thinking globally and acting locally. But in advertising, acting locally involves a translation process most of the time. The purpose of this study is to give an insight into the ways adopted by translators to localize the international campaigns of ads for publishing in the Arabic newspapers. To highlight these ways, a sample of ads published in some Arabic dailies, namely, the Jordanian al-Rai and ad-Dustour and the Kuwaiti al-Watan and al-Seyassah was chosen for the purpose of this study. The chosen ads show both the original ads text (in English) and the translated version (in Arabic). The study has found that ads which convey information about certain medicines, medication, technological products, invitations and offers are usually translated with little changes to source text. If a change occurs, it will be because of the linguistic constraints and peculiarities of the target language. In the effect-centred ads where the form plays a significant role in achieving a higher effect on the target audience, the translator mostly turns out into a copywriter rather than a mediator as he recreates the message to fit the culture of the target audience. In this case, the non-linguistic peculiarities of the target language lead the translator to adapt and recreate the text in the target language. .
The Present paper investigates the validity of Wagner's law: the tendency of government expenditure to grow as national income increases. In other words, this paper aims to test the causality relationship between real government expenditure and real GDP for the state of Qatat for the period 1980-2006. In doing so, the Granger-causality approach is used, and stationary and cointergation tests are performed to ensure the validity of the standard OLS regression estimates. The test results suggest the real GDP and Government expenditure are not stationary in their levels, but stationary in their first difference. The Johansen cointegration test does not support the existence of long run relationship between the variables, as a results the short run analysis is performed using the Granger-causality approach. The empirical results show that Granger-causality is a unidirectional relationship which runs from government expenditure to GDP. This implies that the Keynesian proposition is applicable to Qatar economy. Therefore Wagner's law is not valid for - Qatar economy. Keywords: Wagner's Low-Granger- causality, cointegration, .
The physical environment impact on the high value of services of shopping centers in Amman city from employees> viewpoint: Field study The study aims to identify the impact of physical environment on achieving high value services provided by Shopping centers in amman city as perceived by the employees of these centers . environmental factors included internal and external dimensions, while the value of services include reducing cost improving quality. customers satisfaction as well as empowerment and technical support. A convenient sample of (204) employees was selected from (3) shopping centers in Amman A questionnaire was developed for this Study. Among the statistical analyses used were multiple linear regression. The main findings showed: -the mean of envoirnmental factors Independent variable, was calculated as 305crather high and for - the dependent variable Service value was(3.38) which is also rather high - the environment alfactors Internal and external) had a significant impact on services value of shopping centers The study provided a number of recommandations including :redesign of internet envoironment by introducing neccassary improvement to increase employees satisfaction , Which in turn would attract More customers. Key Words Physical Environment , high value services , technical Support Quality , empowerment Shopping Centers . .
This study deals with the duties of the seller to buyer in these modern contracts that differ from those of traditional ones in their conclusion, with their parties living in different locations. Accordingly, the seller's obligations in the e-commerce contracts are relatively numerous, before and after the conclusion of the e-contract. This research paper shows that the seller is committed to many obligations before the conclusion of the e-contract such as identifying the necessary stages for the completion and implementation of the contract, listing of goods specifications and prices, costs of goods delivery, validity of quotation of contracted goods, payment methods, period and method of goods delivery, in addition to other obligations referred to in the study. This work has also identified the seller's post e-contract obligations: they are general and specific. The former include the delivery of purchased goods to the buyer, insurance of unnoticed defects, exposure and maturity. The latter include the buyer's obligation to notify the buyer about the details of the purchased goods, assuring conformity of goods specifications to contract terms, ensuring safety of purchased goods, assuring the buyer's right to abandon the purchase, and finally preserving the buyer's personal information obtained during the conclusion of the contract. .
The present paper studies and analyses the personality of the distinguished Iranian poet Mehdi Akhawan Thalith (1928-1990) one of the modern prominent poets in the modern Persian literature, The paper also analyses samples of his poetic collections. The poems of alnagsh, and winter represent the approach of this poet and his poetic characteristics in the modern Persian poetry his symbolism in covering social and political affairs, and they reflect the Iranian political space in the 1950s and 1960s of the last century. These two decades witnessed very serious events which influenced the literatures of this era. As the subject of this study is related to Mehdi Akhwan Thalith it was considered more study by introducing this poet who is considered as a pillar of the modern Persian poetry. .
This research was carried out during of 2005/2006 - 2006/2007 growing seasons at the experimental Bouqa farm of the agricultural faculty of study the effect of 5 rates of phosphorus fertilizers (0.30. 60.90 and 120 Kg (P205/ha) and its effect on chemical composition of faba bean plants. A randomized complete block design with 3 replications was used. The results has shown: The increased rates of phosphorus fertilizers from 30-120 kg P205/ ha) significantly increased the dry mater percentage crude Protein, curd fiber crud ach in leaves. pods and seeds comparing to the control. Except of percentage crud fat which not significant decreased. The control was significantly increased in all studies phosphorus rates in N-free extract in all plant parts. The addition of 90Kg P205/ha) gave better percentage of dry mater crude protein as ash in shoot vegetative and seeds comparing the phosphorus fertilizer rates, in addition harvesting during green filling stage, reserves the food value of seeds and forage vegetative parts. .
The first part of this study is titled Human Rights between the Concept of State Sovereignty and the Concept of International Protection and that will be followed shortly be another study titled The Legal Consequences of Human is mainly based on Rights Protection on State Sovereignty the triangular analysis: Human rights protection according to the legislative and application processes the legal role that is accorded to the United Nations in determining the international benefits and that of states sovereignties. This of the 7/will largely depend on a critical analysis of Article 2 UN Charter but in fashion that will reflect the relation of the concept human rights protection to the concept of state sovereignty. It goes without saying that the main focus of this research will depend on a case study bases to prove that human protection as a rule has become a principle of its own that processes the characteristics to be considered aloof. i.e. . 7/it should not be considered in conjunction with Article 2 .
Jordan addressed the legislature the right greenhouse in the articles 378 to 392 of the Civil Code, and the idea of this right confined to the creditor until the implementation of its commitment to the implementation of the city of commitment and thus limits the stop-creditor in the exercise of this right and the means to compel the debtor to fulfill, and that through its imprisonment of psychological or economic pressure on the debtor, which is often a place of detention. In order to be able to exercise the right of the creditor greenhouse there are concurrent conditions must be met including with respect to religion, including the stop-shop with regard to custody. if the majority of civil legislation Arabic has made just the right climate and a negative way for the defense, the Jordanian legislature has given the positive concept of the right to defend the legitimate right of granting the concession The aims human right to arrange for stop-creditor including the right to refrain from handing over the place of detention until the whole meet the right of the city is also the right thing in the imprisonment of the inmate and the benefits of the income generated from the other hand, there are obligations to be secured to the stop-and its followers adhere to including the preservation of the thing in custody, to provide account for the money in custody, has recently replaced the right of custody at the expiration of greenhouse. .
The reproduction biology of A.marmid in Tishreen lake (Euphrates river including age and sex composition age at first maturity, spawming, fecundity and reprodutive period were studied. The sex ratio of males and females in 231 samples were (41.99%) and (58.01%, respectively This This ratio was different from (1:1) The samples were distributed on five age groups. The first maturation happened at age 2years, the ratio of mature males and females was (75%) and (81.81%) in that year respectively. The spawning period extended from mid April to late June according to (GSI) values and to direct watching of gonadal development. The mean diameter of ripe eggs was (1.210.156mm). The fecundity ranged between (1156-8657 eggs). The relationships between fecundity(F) and length (FL) weight (W) and gonadal weight (GW) were (r2-0.5428) cr2-0.6145)and.«r2-0.6584). respectively. Key word: Age at first maturity. spawning, fecundity. A.marmid. Tishreen Lake Teacher at Animal Zoology- Faculty of Science - Tishreen university .