المجلد التاسع/ العدد 1- 2004 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد التاسع/ العدد 1- 2004


Abstract This study provides a clarification of the role of Kistaki AL - Hemsi. (1858-1941) ,in the process of the modern Arabic criticism discourse, in terms of the change in the nature of the discourse , to wards the European criticism discourse, on one side ,and the pioneer ship in the historical approach in the modern Arab criticism on the other side The researcher views that AL- Hemsi proceeded Ahmad Daif (1880 -1945), and Taha Hussein (1889 -1973), in exploiting this approach , in his critical studies. .
Abstract The ability of thinking and creation is a mental activity completed through the brain development, which is related to the neurons system that is influenced by heredity and environment. To develop the ability of thinking, we must consider the environment factors that affect the transformation of genetic factors to effective qualities of the intellectual development especially the period in which the brain shows rapid growth represented by the embryological stage, breast feeding, and early childhood; these factors include: nutrition, especially the availability of (DHA) in food, healthcare, introducing the sensorimotor experience to the embryo, coping with the worldly attitude to teach the newly-born, and fostering the informatics in developing intelligence. .
Abstract The aim of this article to discuss some of the productive characteristics of Iraqi local turkey, which raised particularly in the northern region of Iraq. Although it cannot considered as standard breed, it can be classified according to body weight as light breed and according to feather color to three types: white, black and red (brown). The Iraqi local turkey characterized with low body weight, slow growth rate, high feed consumption, low feed efficiency, wide difference in performance between males and females especially at late ages. The carcass traits in nearby the white small beltsvill breed but the dressing and breast percent-age are good. Egg production traits like average egg production, egg quality, fertility, hatch-ability, are low. There are possibility to improve its performance by crossing between the three types of local turkey or with standard breeds. .
Abstract The freedom in Islam is considered as a fundamental aspect which can determines the social char-acteristics and according to the Islam law, the social treating can make a man in a sage side and put him in a good society. Before Islam, a lot of social relations couldn't fulfil an ideal society in whit an individual couldn't find himself. In third society a lot of noble and fundamental aspects where absent, therefore the new believe concentrated on the most correct open minded equalzation and giving the riht to the science and education fields. Also, this new society confirmed the labor and cooperation. So, in order to make human beings treat and communicate in - such society, the need freedom. Finally, the freedom in Islam fixed and established the base of the relationships between the outhority and pepple depending on what our prophet Mohammed (God bless him) confirms the principle of consultation. .
ABSTRACT As our Arabic language is marked by its capacity of expression, abundance of words and diversity of meanings, I want in this research to look into one word from the holy Quran which represents the supreme style. This word is "favor" which is mentioned in many places in the holy Quran. It denotes different meanings in one place not to mention its meanings in all places. "Maroof" in the verses that call for maroof bidding, denotes monotheism (to say that there is only one God), and belief in the prophecy of Mohamed (God's blessing and peace be upon him). In other verses concerned with woman it denotes different meanings such as marriage, renewal of marriage and companionship; intimation; giving a just dowry; or expenditure and polite utterance. In other verses of Quran "maroof" denotes good invocation; nice promise to charity and contact; what is intimate; or what is allowed by legislation. All these occur by favor of the Quranic context. .
Abstract This research attempts to study incoming of past tense as an adverb between the Holy Qur'an and the Language. It aims to establish the origin of rule of incoming of past tense as an adverb through the most literary styles and other linguistic texts, bringing in to light changeableness of phenomenon of this rule in this style, and showing strong and young rule, as well as termination of disagreement of grammarians, and reaching to a point which discloses secrets in which complications are hidden and presenting suitable solution. It is completed through the Qur'anic recitations mentioned in the research, and it is analyzed by statements of scholars and their disagreements. It includes tow schools Basri and Kufi. It also contains sides of recitations in the verse. It also aims to study statements of scholars who support grammarians, reciters and interpreters of Basri School. It also covers opinions of Kufi and other scholars who disagree, with Basri School. It deal with scholars who mentioned the rule without taking specific position. And then attempts to study the Qur'anic verses in which past tenses stated as adverbs without Qad. The study has achieved results, more important of them are as follows: Basri school allows to come past tense as an adverb without Qad, because it doe,s not indicate to meaning of present tense, while Kufi school permits it, because it is stated in the Holy Qur'an and the lang Uage. The Researcher found out 61 places from the Holy Qur'an in which past tense appeared as adverbs without Qad. Accordingly, he proved that Kufi School and those who supported it, are right, because great number indicates to strength. It also showed that present tense dose not indicate to present time in general, but accordingly, previous Amil, and indicate some time to continuous past and some time future continuous as well as present tense. .
Abstract The present research is an attempt to shed light the poems of Abdul-Rahim Marashda . It relies on his collection of poems entitled ( Silence and the book of things) this sample of poems has been selected for its textual relevancy with the poems of Arabic heritage, on the one hand, and the modem poems on other. The relation that exists between these tests has been investigated to arrive at the possibility of carrying out a contrastive study in the respect. Then, it has become evident that there is a Sufi (Islamic Mistic) authority employed in a modem way this leads the refered to follow up the phenomenan in the poems of the poet to reach a conclusion which indicates the unutilization of the sufi dimension is justified in the poetic collectional, psychological and experiencing a modem poetry are talen in to consideration. .
Abstract The aim of the study is to examine the existence and the level of creative skills possessed by workers In Jordanian Banks - Irbid. To achieve this aim a sample of (10) banks was drawn with (24) branches in different locations that-were included. A Total of (158) questionnaires were distributed out of which (130) questionnaires were suitable for analysis. The instrument of the study was developed and tested interms of validity and reliability. It was found that it is valid, and reliability was measured by Cronbach's Alpha (a = 0.93). The Findings of the study include : 1. the level of creative skills varied between good and excellent levels among various Banks as shown in table (4). 2. All working groups in the banks possess varying levels of creative skills. The working group of Central Bank of Jordan came in the first place (Mean = 92.2%) followed by the Islamic Bank (mean = 88.4%) as shown in table (4). 3. Strong coorelations were found between creative skills that indicate the difficulty of separating the effect of each skill. In reality, the member of a working group uses all his skills when dealing with complex problems. 4. The effect of both age and experience was limited to some measures of each creative skill as shown in Tables (7, 10). 5. Finally, the findings show no relationship between the level of the creative skill and the gender of a worker as shown in Table (5). .
Abstract This study explores the extent to which Jordanian business firms adopt preventive measures to enhance the security of their marketing information systems on the intemet, and whether they recognize the potential sources of threats on information security. The study is based on an empirical research work for a convenience sample of 50 firms in the private 'sector. The most important research findings showed that Jordanian business firms were highly aware of the importance of information security in electronic marketing, as revealed through taking various preventive measures to enhance the security of their marketing information system on the intemet. However, they showed relatively little interest in cooperating with external organizations to control electronic piracy on the Internet, and in updating their current technologies in the field of information security. Moreover, the results revealed that most firms were highly concerned about computer viruses on the intemet, and that viruses were considered as the most threatening source of risk on information security. In the light of these findings, the study made a number of recommendations, such as the need to improve the current level of employees' awareness of the importance of information security on the intemet, and train them on the latest software in information security to deal with various computer viruses and electronic piracy. .