المجلد الاول/ العدد 1- 1996 - Jerash University
Jerash for Research and Studies - المجلد الاول/ العدد 1- 1996


This study aimed at assessing the effect of computer - assisted learning ( CAL) of geography on the development of The female 10th graders, creative thinking. It specifically Attempts to answer the following basic questions 1- What is the effect of CAL on developing fluency, flexibility and originality - as creative ability components –in The thinking of the 10th grade basic stage female students ? 2- What is the effect of CAL on developing the global creative thinking ability of the 10th grade basic stage female students? The sample of the study consisted of a population of fe- Male students from Irbid Secondary School for Girls who Were subjected to a Torrance Creative Thinking Test before The experiment. The group then studied a unit on Jordan by CAL After the experiment the group took the same test. The statistical analysis revealed the following findings No significant difference was found between the means Of the students, performance on the pre-test and their Means on the post-test , regarding fluency However, there Are differences with regard to the other components of flexibility and originality as well as global creative thinking Ability of the subjects the study recommends the use or CAL in the teaching of geography .
This study aimed at assessing the effect of computer - assisted learning ( CAL) of geography on the development of The female 10th graders, creative thinking. It specifically Attempts to answer the following basic questions 1- What is the effect of CAL on developing fluency, flexibility and originality - as creative ability components –in The thinking of the 10th grade basic stage female students ? 2- What is the effect of CAL on developing the global creative thinking ability of the 10th grade basic stage female students? The sample of the study consisted of a population of fe- Male students from Irbid Secondary School for Girls who Were subjected to a Torrance Creative Thinking Test before The experiment. The group then studied a unit on Jordan by CAL After the experiment the group took the same test. The statistical analysis revealed the following findings No significant difference was found between the means Of the students, performance on the pre-test and their Means on the post-test , regarding fluency However, there Are differences with regard to the other components of flexibility and originality as well as global creative thinking Ability of the subjects the study recommends the use or CAL in the teaching of geography .
The title of this thesis is " Alfarra " and his opinion in Grammar, Qur’an Readings, and phonetics, as it cleared in his book " Qur’an Meanings". Alfarra was one of the ancient Arab scientist, He, as it was written in biographical and category books , was the person who put the bas, measures, and the idioms of Kufan grammar, in addition to his comprehension to the Arabic language Styles. This is clear in his book Qur'an Meanings " which represents prominent evidence that its author was interested in Qur'an science. Alfarra's method in clearing the readings concentrated on Arabic styles . He sometimes explains the reason for his selection , and he sometimes leaves the reason without explanation He was frequently equalizing the readings to on another In this thesis I explained the reasons for the Alfarra's selections, and they are two kinds pronunciatory and significant reasons pronunciatory reasons surpass the significant ones in number and variety according to Alfarra frequent usage of pronunciatory reasons, they are as follows The readers agreement, parsing the frequent usage equal order and style Abd Ullah Ibn Mas’uds reading Uthman Qur’an Copy, ety- mology Lightness. Ubai Ibn Ka’bs readings Measurement, resem- blance of the ends of Qur’an Verses the origin notification, Sound and pausing .
Abstract This study deals with the Arab historians, attempts to establish a Methodology to study history in the Islamic periods. This study was Mainly undertaken because modern studies in the west do not give the Arab Islamic tradition the attention it is worthy of to the extent that the Term “methodology " looked as though it were purely western. The study shows that the contemporary methodology for history has Been overshadowed by philosophy. Hence one would expect philoso-phy to be a science that helps history n vice versa although the Study does not claim that Moslem scholars of history yet it indicates the Bases that such scholars have laid the study maintains that if Moslems Had continued building on such bases then moslem scholars would Have proceeded others in providing scholars with the historical methodol-ogy to achieve the objectives of his study. The researcher has mainly Drawn on some quotations from Arabic primary sources and statements Of scholers of modern methodologies .
ABSTRACT The mourning of cities and Kingdoms in the Arabic poetry-the ages of the consecutive states-analytical study This paper reviews the lamentation of cities and Kingdoms which was prevalent and rendered a phenomenon drawing the attention of the scholars . It reviews three types of mourning: the mourning of the cities which fell down at the hands of the enemies. The mourning of the cities which fell down at the hands of the enemies . The mourning of the cities which were destroyed by natural disasters and the mourning of the states which lost their glory due to the occupation of the enemies The author opted the subjective analytical method in his analy- sis and he came to the conclusion that this Kind of poetry , in its three tendencies , bore many human experiences . The truthful- ness of the stands, feelings and sensibilities uplifted it to the stat- us of the artistic truth some of the poems are artistically come- parable to the best Known poems during the Abbaside era The author also reviews the beauties of the form such as pun antithesis divisions metaphor , simile and many others The author concluded that this kind of lamentation added to the Arabic poetry , especially in the East , a phenomenon which confirms its pioneering in this respect and defends the poetry this period against much of the judgment of some scholars who accused in of artistic barrenness .
Abstract This is what has been left from Amer Ibn Jowain Al-Ta’i s poetry ; the long-lived Islamic poet , the master , The night and honored . This research has been conducted from two perspectives : First , the poet’s name , nickname , characteristics morality , and reason of his murder are mentioned . Second , collecting and revising what has been from his poetry in the source of Arab heritage. .
Abstract This study examines problems and obstacles facing agricultural credit in Jordan in general, and Irbid district in particular. A questionnaire was designed for this this purpose. The statistical results were analysed and the Five point Likert Scale was applied, Using the well-known ( SPSSX). The study suggests the creation of a new agricultural credit institution to replace the actual infective credit organizations. The study ends with recommendations and policy implications for desistion maker in Jordan.4 .
The debate these days evolves around free trade agreements and the good things they will bring about . The consensus that all will benefit from reducing trade barriers . Yet , there are some who argue about the removal of trade barriers , insisting that it would be at best harm the growing and yet needs nurturing industries , and impacting severely the chances of these infants industries to compete . They also contend that developed countries tend to restrict trade and resort to such measures that eventually help their industries to capture large market shares . The most cited example from the latter group , is the one pertaining to commercial aircraft industries in Europe and the United States , not to include these industries in any free trade agreement using the theory in intra – industry trade , in this paper we opt to show that the agreement against removing trade barriers does not lack reason after all. .