الدكتور مشهور الخوالدة

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

الدكتور مشهور الخوالدة

Name: Mashhour   Mohammad   Hussein Alkhawaldeh



Al Qwesmeh - Amman - Jordan

Phone: 0770771212

Fax: 06-4751026

Email: mashhouralkhawaldeh@yahoo.com


Personal Data:

Date of Birth: 14/7/1971

Place of Birth: Amman. Nationality: Jordanian.

Marital Status: Married, 4 children.

Academic links:

Link on the Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mashhour_Alkhawaldeh

Link on the Google Scholar:


Link on the National Data Base for researchers: (user no.:90107) http://resn.hcst.gov.jo/ScientificQualifications.aspx



Good Command of 1. Arabic 2. English.



الدرجات العلميّة

Specialization:  Plant Protection  

PhD                Date Earned: July 2020

                        Major: Plant protection, The University of Jordan.

Thesis Title: Effect of Endophytic Fungal Isolates on Wheat Aphid Rhopalosiphum Padi (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Under Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions

Average: 3.7 Excellent                

M.Sc.              Date Earned: 15/9/1996

                        Major: Plant protection/ Entomology/Insect Taxonomy. The University of Jordan

                        Thesis title: Some of the Psylloidea (Homoptera) of Jordan

Average: 3.63                

B.Sc.               Date Earned: 13/7/1993

                         University of Bagdad.  Specialization:  Agriculture (Plant protection)           

Average: 84.83        The rank: first of Plant Protection Department, Second of The School of Agriculture

General Secondary education.   Date Earned: 1989

                        Major: Scientific stream. Jordan

                        Average: 84.1                


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

Assisstant proffissor Jerash Privet university since 2020

Teaching assistant (2016-2020); (5 semesters) The University of Jordan

Researcher (2017-2020):  University of Jordan, Doctorate research, Fields survey, Entomology laboratory and Insectary, Mycology laboratory (including DNA extraction and PCR) and Organic chemistry laboratory (fungi active chemical metabolites extraction).

IPM private consultant and Farmer (plastic houses and open field vegetables:) 1999-2015: including diagnosis of insects and diseases, date palm insect’s private researcher and other experiments for privet sectors with cooperation with university of Jordan and private work (three scientific published papers) 

Integrated pest management expert (IPM) (1996-2001): promotion of sustainable plant protection systems project- Deutsche

The activities during the past years included the following

Monitoring insects in a biodiversity of fauna of Jordan research in Jordan valley conducted by the project

Develop and implement IPM technologies for jordainain small holder farmers, including women farmers in open air vegetable fields.

Develop and implement IPM technologies for jordainain small holder farmers, including women farmers in greenhouse vegetable fields.

Solicit cooperation with number of small-scale farmers including women farmers (including illiterate farmers) in Jordan valley to assist them in adapting known, as well as experimental IPM technologies to suit their conditions and capabilities.

Coordinate with the IPM & Gender section of the project in Dair Alla area/ Jordan valley

Contribution to seminars, workshops, field days, written articles related to the project

Develop and implement alternatives of ozone depleting substances used in agriculture (methyl bromide) by using soil solarization technology and other biological method, including seminars, workshops, field days, written articles related to the project and spread the experience in Jordan and surrounding countries

Researcher: Master research -The University of Jordan Insects Museum from 1994 till 1996. The activities during the past years included the following:

Weekly field trips for collecting psyllid insects and psyllid predators and parasites form many localities in Jordan for the purpose of research.

Sorting, identifying and preservation the collected insect specimens.

Rearing insects Presenting short lectures for the museum visitors and answering their questions.

Training of agricultural engineers and lab technicians for the collecting, pinning and preservation of insects.

Pesticides residue, registration and toxicity, ministry of agriculture analytical labs, Baqah, Jordan (3 months, 1992)


Research Skills

Survey, collecting and Identification of many insect pests in Jordan and surrounding countries to the specific level.

Insect Digital and traditional Photography and scientific and technical drawing.

Use of computer programs related to insect taxonomy and computer keys for identification of insects.

Museum curatorial skills.

Gas chromatography analyst as a method of testing residues and formation of pesticides.

Insect rearing.

Survey and molecular identification of fungi

Biological and ecological studies.

Gesellschaf fur Technishe Zusammenarbiet (GTZ) GmbH from 1996 till 2001


الإنتاج العلمي
2-  Keys for Identification Arthropods Pests Attacking Date Palm
Tawfiq M Al-Antary, Mashhour M Al-Khawaldeh, Mazen A Ateyyat
Bothalia Journal
Al Khawaldeh M, Araj, S., Alababneh K and Al Antary T.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
6-  Economic importance of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L.(Liliopsida: Arecales: Arecaceae) pests in Jordan Valley
TM Al Antary, Mashhour M Al-Khawaldeh, Mazen A Ateyyat
Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

حشرات المحاصيل الحقلية والبستانية (س ن ) 8.00-9.30

مبادئ المبيدات (س ن ) 9.30-11.00

الزراعة العملية (1) نباتي (س ن) 11.00-20.00

الساعات المكتبية 9.30-11.00  / 13.00-15.00 (ح)

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
لا يوجد مساقات مفعلة
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
المستخدم :(امر خالد عبدالرزاق حياصات- حقوق) (2025-03-28 14:22:30)
المستخدم :(ربا وفيق احمد الرواشده- صيدلة) (2025-03-28 14:10:15)
المستخدم :(مراد احمد محمود ابو عثمان- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 14:10:06)
المستخدم :(محمد اكرم لطفي العبيد- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:05:08)
المستخدم :(فجر عبدالكريم مفلح العلوان- كيمياء) (2025-03-28 13:58:19)
المستخدم :(عبدالله حسين شاهر ابو رمان- إنتاج حيواني و وقاية) (2025-03-28 13:56:35)
المستخدم :(ايمن اياد احمد البشيش- علم الغذاء والتغذية) (2025-03-28 13:47:51)
المستخدم :(محمد جمال عبود ابو ورده- محاسبة) (2025-03-28 13:39:33)
المستخدم :(محمد معين نوفان العطيش- شبكات الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 13:39:28)
المستخدم :(احمد مسعود احمد مسعود- إنتاج نباتي ووقاية) (2025-03-28 13:38:25)
المستخدم :(البراء ابراهيم فرحان الحشاش- لغة عربية وآدابها) (2025-03-28 13:36:44)
المستخدم :(ساره ابراهيم احمد افسيسه- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 13:35:12)
المستخدم :(محمد ايمن كامل العويصي- رياضيات) (2025-03-28 13:34:56)
المستخدم :(ضياء محمد احمد رمضان- لغة عربية وآدابها) (2025-03-28 13:32:06)
المستخدم :(لجين حسن يوسف ابو هندي- لغة عربية وآدابها) (2025-03-28 13:31:34)
المستخدم :(البراء رامي محمد الصمادي- تمريض) (2025-03-28 13:30:55)
المستخدم :(زيد قدر جميل الزعبي- شبكات الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 13:27:42)
المستخدم :(عريب عبدالرؤوف احمد السواعي- علم الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 13:27:34)
المستخدم :(محمد كفاح حسن العسولي- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 13:27:04)
المستخدم :(محمد عبدالستار محمد عباس محمد- صيدلة) (2025-03-28 13:26:14)