الاستاذ الدكتور مفيد فالح الحسين العبدالله

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

الاستاذ الدكتور مفيد فالح الحسين العبدالله

Graduation date









Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

English and American Literature



Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

English and American Literature



Kuwait University

English and American Literature



الدرجات العلميّة

Ph. D English & American Literature

Indiana University, Bloomington - USA


MA  English & American Literature

Indiana University, Bloomington - USA


BA English language & literature

Kuwait University, Kuwait


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة


Sept. 2018 – present               Professor of literature

Dept. of Languages and translation

College of Arts

Jerash University

Jerash, Jordan

Sept. 2004 – 2017                   Associate professor

Dept. of Languages and translation

College of Arts and Applied Sciences,

Dhofar university,

Salalah, Oman

Sept. 2009 – 2011                   Chair of the Dept. of Languages and translation

Sept. 2005- Sept. 2009           Assistant Dean,

College of Arts and Applied Sciences,

Dhofar university,

Salalah, Oman

Sept. 2004 – Sept.  2005         Acting Dean,

College of Arts and Applied Sciences,

Dhofar university,

Salalah, Oman

Sept. 2001 – Sept. 2004          Dean of University Faculty

Delmon Academy, Bahrain

June 1999 – Sept. 2000           Secretary General

                                                The Ministry of Education

Sept. 1998 - Sept. 2001          Dean of Arts and Science,

Irbid National University, Jordan

Sept. 1991- Sept. 1994           Chairman,

Department of English Language & Literature,

Yarmouk University, Jordan,


Sept. 1989- Sept. 1998           Associate Professor,

Department of English Language & Literature,

Yarmouk University, Jordan,

Sept. 1995 - Sept. 1996          Associate Professor (sabbatical),

Department of English Language and Literature,

Jordan University for Women,

Sept. 1988 – Sept. 1989          Associate Professor (sabbatical),

Department of English Language & Literature,

Mu’tah University, Jordan,

Feb. 1982 - Sept. 1988            Assistant Professor,

Department of English Language & Literature,

Yarmouk University, Jordan,



الإنتاج العلمي


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة



  • Al Abdullah, M. (2014). Teaching rhythm and rhythmical structures in literature classes. Presented at the First Dhofar University National English Language Conference (DUNELC 2014), organized by the Languages and Translation Department and Foundation Program Unit, Dhofar University, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman, 22nd - 24th  February 2014.
  • The Malaysia International Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (MICOLLAC), Putra University, Malaysia, 22-24 may 2007.Presented a paper entitled, "O'Neill's Parody of Shakespeare's Utopia."
  • 1st World Congress on The Power of Language:Theory, Practice, and Development,22 – 25 May 2006, Bangkok, Thailand. I presented a paper entitled, "Shakespeare's  Language Strategies in Hamlet."
  • The 10th international Conference on Translation 2-5 August 2005. Presented a paper a co-authored with Mutapha Tajdin entitled "the Metamorphosis of Hamlet in The Translation of Jabra Ibrahim Jabra." The paper was published in the proceedings of the conference.
  • "Strategic Choices for Education Reform," a workshop for six weeks sponsored by World Bank Institute, Washington, 12-30 June 2000.
  • Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Mediterranean, Third Annual Conference at The American University in Cairo, 13 - 15 May 1997.  Presented a paper entitled "The Internationalism of Shakespeare"
  • The 7th Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre, 31 Aug. - 12 Sept. 1995.  Presented a paper entitled "The Shakespearean Concept of the Human Body in Hamlet"
  • Chaired and participated in The First International Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and Translation held at Yarmouk University, 4 - 7 April, 1994.
  • Participated in The Intellectual Symposium held on the periphery of Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre.  I presented a paper on "Modernism and the Theatre,” August 1994
  • Participated in the American Theatre Program, sponsored by United States Information Agency (USIA), 19 March - 13 April 1990
  • Participated in the workshop on "Children Theatre," 30th May - 1st June 1989, sponsored by The Queen Alia Jordan Social Welfare Fund, Amman, Jordan; presented a paper entitled "The Phenomenon of Drama"
  • 5th - 10th Feb. 1989; and presented a paper entitled "Davenant and Dryden on Shakespeare's The Tempest"
  • Participated in the 25th Congress of The Australian Universities Language and Literature Association (AULLA), held at Macquarie University, Sidney,
  • Attended the Fourth Annual Conference on English, American, and Comparative Literature, Yarmouk University, Nov. 1988; and presented a paper entitled "Oriental Themes in Shakespeare"
  • Represented Jordan in "The Intellectual Symposium" held during The Damascus VIIIth Theatre Festival, Nov. 1986
  • Attended the Second Annual Conference on English, American and Comparative Literature, Yarmouk University, Oct. 1986
  • Arabic Theater Symposium, Kuwait, Oct. 1986.  Presented a paper entitled, “Arabic Theatre and the Problems of Clientship”
  • International Conference of "Popular Rhythms,” Tunisia, July 1985.  Presented a paper entitled, "Rhythm in The Arts," and chaired a session.
  • The Second National Cultural Conference, Jordan University, Oct. 1985, discussant (the drama session)
  • Literature, Yarmouk University, Oct. 1985.  Presented a paper entitled "The Enchanted Island:  A Cultural Approach"
  • The First National Cultural Conference, Jordan University, Nov. 1984.   Presented a paper entitled, "Al-Fawanis Adaptation of Hamlet"

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
لا يوجد مساقات مفعلة
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
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المستخدم :(محمد اكرم لطفي العبيد- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:05:08)
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المستخدم :(محمد كفاح حسن العسولي- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 13:27:04)
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