كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
-منذ 1/1/2018 و لغاية تاريخه مدرس جامعي
منذ شهر1 /1980 –1/1986 : مهندس إنتاج في مصنع ألبان مؤسسة مؤاب للألبان والمواد الغذائية لمدة سنتين الأولى ثم مديرا للمصنع في نفس الشركة للسنوات الأربعة التالية.
الارشادية المستخدمة في الارشاد المائي تمثلت في الاجتماعات الارشادية, و أشارت النتائج أن النساء الريفيات و صغار المزارعين من أهم الفئات المستهدفة بتنفيذ أنشطة الارشاد المائي. و بينت النتائج أن من أهم المشكلات التي تواجه المزارعين في مجال الريّ كان نقص مياه الريّ و ارتفاع اسعار المياه و ارتفاع اسعار الوقود, و أظهرت النتائج أن نقص الكوادر المتخصصة و قلة عدد المرشدين المائيين و نقص الخبرة بالارشاد المائي لباقي المرشدين من أهم المشكلات التي تواجه الارشاد المائي. و أوصت الدراسة ضرورة ايلاء الارشاد المائي الأولوية الأولى و دعمه بالكوادر الارشادية المتخصصة و الميزانيات الكافية, و ادخال تخصص الارشاد المائي بالخطط الدراسية
This study aimed at assessing the use of agricultural marketingextension services among extension methods provided by publicagricultural extension agents in Jordan. A sample survey of publicagricultural extension agents was conducted covering the wholeAgricultural Directorates in the country. The survey employed astructured questionnaire with pre-coded questions. The entire sampleconsists of 107 agricultural extension agents. To achieve its goalsqualitative as well as quantitative analytical procedures were adopted inthis study. A Four point likert-scales was used to compute therespondents overall mean score. The study provided empirical evidenceabout the lack of agricultural marketing extension among extensionmethods used by public extension agents in Jordan. Public extensionagents in Jordan consider agricultural marketing extension with lowpriority during their extensive activity. Public agricultural extensionactivities should be directed to enhance marketing extension activities.Extension methods such as newspapers, radio, TV, mobile, internet andexperts systems should be strongly considered to spread marketingknowledge to the farmers. Public agricultural extension activities shouldbe directed to enhance marketing extension activities. Extensionmethods such as newspapers, radio, TV, mobile, internet and expertssystems should be strongly considered to spread marketing knowledgeto the farmers.
The study aimed to determine the level of consumer attitudes towards purchasing organic food, byconducting a statistical analysis of the data collected from the questionnaires collected from asample of consumers in Amman Governorate in 2018 distributed to a sample of 384. The analyticaldescriptive approach was used in this research to study the relationship Between the variables, theresults of the study showed that the average degree of consumers to purchase organic foods was3.69 degrees, which is a high level according to the scale used. The independent variables ofconsumers were also distinguished by its clear impact on their attitudes towards the purchase andconsumption of organic foods. Through the study, it was found that there is a positive and importantrelationship between consumers attitudes towards organic foods and some factors that affect theirattitudes. Considering this, importance the researcher recommends the importance of conductingawareness programs on the importance of organic foods and to do other relevant studies indifferent regions of Jordan.
This study comes to reveal the farmer's perception of the level of accountabilityin agricultural extension in Jordan, and the effect of some social and economiccharacteristics on this perception. In this study, the researcher relied on thequantitative and analytical approach, whereby a sample consisting of 264farmers was taken, and a descriptive analysis was used to estimate the degree offarmers' perception of the level of accountability in agricultural extension inJordan. Logistic regression analysis was also used to investigate the impact ofparticipants 'social and economic characteristics on farmers' perception of thelevel of accountability. The study concluded that the level of accountability ofextension services as viewed by farmers has come at a moderate degree, as itwas found that the age, qualification, number of family members and thenumber of times of communication affect positively, while the value of theimpact of the number of family members has an adverse effect. As for gender,experience, income, style, training, and marital status, they were not statisticallysignificant in their effect. Based on the results, the study recommendsconducting awareness-raising seminars for farmers about their rights as clientsin the extension process, and that the design of agricultural extension policiesbe based on ensuring extension accountability by farmers, and that agriculturalextension systems in the public sector in Jordan undertake reforms that includedemand-based approaches Decentralization to increase the impact of extensionon agriculture and agricultural growth in Jordan.
Since early 2020, an outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has started to spread in Jordan challenging the sustainability of Jordan’s economic sectors and the agricultural sector. A study was conducted in Jordan to evaluate the role of Jordanian Agricultural Policies to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the agricultural sector while its full impact on the Jordanian agricultural sector is not yet evident. A scientific questionnaire was distributed to 100 samples of Jordanians who had direct contact with the effect of agricultural policies and they can touch the effect of Coronavirus and Agricultural Policies on the agricultural sector, data selected from farmers, farm labour, fruits and vegetable traders and merchants, and Jordanian citizens were selected randomly from different areas in Jordan. The study summarizes target group opinion and some evidence on the different COVID-19 impacts on the Jordanian agricultural sector. The virus limits the free flow of labour, the agricultural labour force had a slightly decreased in 2020 compared with the year 2019 to about 7%, the country lockdown led to damage of crops due to lack of harvest and/or crop accumulation, as a result, the Jordan Agricultural Contribution to GDP growth rate at current prices was decreased 1.4%, and the growth rate at constant prices was also decreased 1.6%, the exported agricultural commodities value were not affected by COVID-19 pandemic but the imported of Agricultural commodities value was increased. Jordanian government try to facilitate the process of agricultural production and the provision of food during the Corona pandemic through issue agricultural policies and measures to alleviate the effects of the Corona pandemic on the agricultural sector.
A study was conducted in Jordan to evaluate the role of Jordanian agricultural policies on agricultural production under the effect of climate change. A scientific questionnaire was distributed to 100 samples of Jordanian citizens who had direct contact with the effect of agricultural policies and they can touch the effect of climate change and agricultural policies on the agricultural production, data selected from farmers, agricultural rural communities, agricultural sector decision makers, and agricultural researchers were selected randomly from different areas in Jordan. The results show that Jordanian are aware of the climate change effect on the agricultural sector and agricultural production, they believe that the most effective ways to face the negative effect of climate change on agricultural production by implementing agricultural regulations and policies which try to develop the Jordan agricultural sector under the effect of climate change. On other hand, results show a significant effect of agricultural policies to adapt and face the climatic changes in Jordan.
To ensure that educational knowledge is well delivered, education strategies have been changed to beonline rather than in the field due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study was conducted toevaluate online education systems during a pandemic in Jordan. Electronic forms were distributed viastudents' emails to 559 students at the Faculty of Agriculture, Jerash University to study readiness,behavior, and obstacles of distance education through the students' impressions. A total of 1073 onlinesurveys were analyzed using program SAS (2012) to determine the effects of gender, age of students,specialization, and academic year on distance education. The results of the study showed a significantdifference between total scores for readiness, behavior, and obstacles of distance education. The age ofthe students also had a significant effect on distance education in general and within the status ofreadiness, behavior, and distance education obstacles. Where it was found that the higher the student'sage by one year from the average age, the higher his general acceptance, readiness, and behaviortowards distance education with percentages (0.12±0.06), (0.17±0.06), and (0.40±0.14)% respectively,while obstacles decreased by (0.22±0.004)%. The study concluded that age students of above(27.18±0.25) years played a positive role during the COVID-19 crisis in distance education.
Jordan is one of the Middle East developing countries that encourage green pioneering agriculture. A study was conducted in Jordan Jerash to evaluate green entrepreneurial farming and the challenges that prevent the adoption and development of green agriculture to address obstacles that prevent the green entrepreneurship activities in agriculture to sustain natural resources and provide food, the study was based on the category of and knowledgeable farmers who have an understanding of green agriculture, including traditional farmers in Jerash, samples included 248 farmers who were randomly selected during the period from March until June 2019 to identify obstacles (FA) in Jerash Governorate. The questionnaire was used to study 29 expected obstacles; Factor Analysis (FA) was used to identify the underlying grouped barriers where 25 items grouped into six factors while 4 items were removed followed by normalization and ranking to determine the extent to which barriers had an impact on theadoption of green culturing. The results showed that; barriers spread overtraining, risk orientation, Market orientation, Customer orientation, Innovation orientation, Grouping, and Green supporting supplies. However, the dominant barriers between the six groupings are dealing with training and development. The study recommended that; the government needs to play a more active role in adopting and encouraging the cultivation of green projects in Jordan.
The agricultural sector is considered one of the most important economic sectors in Jordan, the Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan cares about the development of the Jordanian agricultural sector through the offering of different services, and one is the agricultural advisory and extension services. Since early 2020, an outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has started to spread in Jordan challenging the sustainability of Jordan's economic sectors and the agricultural sector, the government starts to employ electronic services, such as; e-government, e-education, e-commerce, e-industry, and e-society, with the absence of e-agricultural policy which has a positive effect in developing of the agricultural sector in Jordan, the present study was conducted to highlight the need of electronic agriculture policy to shift from traditional to electronic agricultural advisory and extension services to activate and develop the Jordanian agricultural sector; a scientific questionnaire was distributed to 100 Jordanian agricultural advisory agents working at the Ministry of Agriculture. The study results emphasized the need of e-agriculture policy to improve and develop the agricultural advisory and extension services through shifting towards electronic services to reduce the challenges that was suffer from traditional process, the study also found that, the importance of electronic services to transfer of modern technologies at the right time and place, regulate the agricultural production, encouraging innovation and creativity among advisory agents and farmers, strengthening of agricultural knowledge and the need for more specialized information, the electronic agricultural advisory and extension is characterized as fast, modern, cheap advisory system, reduce time and efforts , support farmers abilities and increase of the farmers connection with different important aspects also can facilitate of integration with agricultural agencies, also requires an expensive infrastructure and maintenance, training and capacity building of agricultural advisory agents andfarmers, the study mention the target group opinion to integrate of traditional agricultural advisory & extension with e-agricultural advisory & extension process until the process became familiar to the farmers and agricultural advisory agents.
الاقتصاد و الارشاد الزراعي
الدكتور راضي عبدالمجيد الطراونة
اسم عضو هيئة التدريس
رقم المكتب
رقم القاعة
المواد التي يدرسها
ح ث
التمويل الزراعي
السياسات و التنمية الاقتصادية الزراعية
س ن
الزراعة العملي (1)
الساعات المكتبية
أحد – اثنين
عضو هيئة التدريس
مشرف مكتب الجودة في الكلية
رئيس القسم
عميد الكلية
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat