د. اشرف وليد منصور

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د. اشرف وليد منصور

Dr. Ashraf Mansour is a writer and translator from Jordan. He’s recently received his PhD degree in English Literature and Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include Postcolonial Studies, Comparative Literature, Diaspora, Women Studies, Feminism, Human Rights, Democracy, and Cultural Studies. Mansour’s most recent research papers are “Arab Diasporic Women Between Challenges and Opportunities”, and “Is Diaspora the Solution for Women to Obtain their Social Rights?”. Mansour is a recipient of a few prestigious academic and research awards including: the Outstanding Dissertation Award (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2021), a Scholarship from the European Neighborhood Policy to do a graduate degree in European Studies in Public and Private Management in Germany, and a Scholarship from the European Commission to do graduate degree in Human Rights and Democratization in Malta.


الدرجات العلميّة

    • 2021, PhD in English Literature and Criticism, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, the United States.
    • 2010, M.A in English Literature, Philadelphia University, Jordan.
    • 2009, M.A in Public and Private Management, Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany.
    • 2009, M.A in European studies, Hochschule Bremen - University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany.
    • 2007, MA in Human Rights and Democratization, University of Malta, Malta.
    • 2006, BA in English Language and Literature, Jarash University, Jordan.
    • 2003, (GSEC) General Secondary Education Certificate, Literary Stream, Jordan.


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

  • October 2023 - Until now, Assistant Professor, Jerash University, Jerash, Jordan.
  • Sep 2017 – August 2023, English Trainer, Islamic Educational College – the American Program, Amman, Jordan.
  • Sep 2011 – July 2017, English Lecturer, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.
  • Sep 2011 – Aug 2012, Director of Public Relations and Media Department, Preparatory Year college, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.
  • Sep 2010 – Sep 2011, Director of the Cultural Activities Department, Irbid national University, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Jan 2010 –Sep 2010, Director of Public Relations and Media Department, Irbid national University, Irbid, Jordan.


الإنتاج العلمي


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

Mansour, Ashraf Waleed. "Examination of Marriage, Power, and Female Liberation in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber." International Journal of Social Science Exceptional Research, vol. 3, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2024, pp. 7-10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/IJSSER.2024.3.6.07-10. Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.

Mansour, Ashraf Waleed. "Beyond the Attic in Jane Eyre: Jane and Bertha as Feminist Archetypes." International Journal of Social Science Exceptional Research, vol. 3, no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2024, pp. 4-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/IJSSER.2024.3.6.04-06. Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

Mansour, Ashraf Waleed, and Ala Shdouh. "Exploring Gender Roles through Video Games Literature: Fostering Critical Thinking in Education." Journal of Lifestyle and SDGs Review, accepted for publication on 1 Oct. 2024.

Abdul Muttalib, F., and Ashraf Waleed Mansour. "Dreams and Disillusionment: A Critique of the American Dream in American Fiction." Journal of Ecohumanism, accepted for publication on 18 Sept. 2024.

Mansour, Ashraf Waleed. "Cultural Tensions in Feminism: Balancing Tradition and Liberation in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North." International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, vol. 5, no. 5, 2024, pp. 773-777. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/IJMRGE.2024.5.5.773-777.

Mansour, Ashraf Waleed. "Exploring Patriarchal Dominance in the Context of Colonialism in: The Story of Zahra and Things Fall Apart." International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, vol. 5, no. 5, 2024, pp. 768-772. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/IJMRGE.2024.5.5.768-772.

Al-Abdullah, Mufeed, et al. "The Supernatural vs. the Neuropsychological: Macbeth’s Fatal Entanglement in Future Memory." Journal of Ecohumanism, vol. 3, no. 5, 2024, pp. 1053-1062. DOI: https://doi.org/10.62754/joe.v3i5.3955.

Al-Abdullah, Mufeed, et al. "The Metamorphosis of Macbeth: A Neuropsychological Approach." International Journal of Religion, vol. 5, no. 11, 2024, pp. 1827-1842. DOI: https://doi.org/10.61707/nzt2dp14.

Mansur, Visam, and Ashraf Waleed Mansour. "Animal’s Gaze in Sinha’s Animal’s People." World Journal of English Language, vol. 14, no. 6, 2024, pp. 426-440. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n6p426.

Mansour, Ashraf W., Ala Shdouh, and Mead Banat. "Crossing Borders, Shaping Identities: Exploring the Diasporic Experiences of Arab Women in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz." International Journal of Religion, vol. 5, no. 7, 2024, pp. 531-542. DOI: https://doi.org/10.61707/1zwy5w96.

Mansour, Ashraf W., Visam Mansur, Sahar Banat, and Mead Banat. "Balcony of Disgrace: The Intersection of Patriarchy and Honor in Arab Societies." World Journal of English Language, vol. 14, no. 4, 2024, p. 116.

Hawamdeh, Mohamed A., Ashraf Waleed Mansour, Eman M. Rabea, and Mead M. Banat. "Explicature in Translating Arabic Modern Fiction into English: Protraction and Interjection." International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2024, pp. 18–23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32996/ijtis.2024.4.1.3.

Abdul Muttalib, F., Mohamed A. Hawamdeh, Hanan Al-Yousuf, and Ashraf Waleed Mansour. "A Historical-Critical Study of the First Latin Translation of the Holy Quran." International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, vol. 7, no. 1, 2024, pp. 183–190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32996/ijllt.2024.7.1.16.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "Is Diaspora the Solution for Women to Obtain their Social Rights? A Study of Laila Halaby’s West of the Jordan." International Journal of English Language Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022, pp. 28–36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32996/ijels.2022.4.1.4.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "Arab Diasporic Women Between Challenges and Opportunities in Al-Shaykh’s The Occasional Virgins." International Journal of Literature Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2022, pp. 1–7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32996/ijts.2022.2.1.1.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "Women’s Struggle and Resistance in Al-Shaykh’s Women of Sand and Myrrh." International Journal of Literature Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2021, pp. 110–118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32996/ijts.2021.1.1.14.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "The Construction of Arab Women’s Identities to Resist Patriarchal Oppressions in Selected Arab/Arab Diasporic Women’s Novels." Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2021. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "Do We Really Have a Democracy Deficit in the European Union?" Hochschule Bremen, 2009. Master’s Dissertation.

Mansour, Ashraf W. "Women Equality: Jordan as a Case Study, an Evaluation Paper." University of Malta, 2007. Master’s Dissertation.

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

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  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
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