د. جعفر البطوش

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د. جعفر البطوش

Date of Birth: 11-6-1977


Gender: (Male)


Marital Status: (Married)


Nationality: (Jordanian)



  • University Malaysia Pahang (PhD in Civil Engineering - Building Information Modeling).
  • MUTA, University, Karak, Jordan (Master’s in Construction Management).



  • Operations Management. Albalqa applied University, Faculty of Engineering, Amman, Jordan BSc in civil Engineering.


الدرجات العلميّة

  • University Malaysia Pahang (PhD in Civil Engineering - Building Information Modeling).
  • MUTA, University, Karak, Jordan (Master’s in Construction Management).


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

From October 2022 to present.


Jerash private university

Dean of Engineering Faculty


From 2020 to present.

​Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering (Jordan University of Science and Technology)




From September 2022 to October.


Jerash private university

Head of Civil Engineering Department


From November 2018 to July 2018


(Al-own / Elecnor ) JV

Al-own project manager, Taffila Wind Farm Project, 100.8 MW.


From September 2017 to present:


Alshawahed for contracting

Construction manager, Company projects: (maintenance, infrastructure and finishing works).


From September 2012 to September 2017


Alzarqa private university

Engineering faculty, civil Engineering Department, Teaching Assistance.


Teaching Field: Engineering Economy, Project Management, Traffic Engineering, Quantities, Specifications and Contracts, Statics, Engineering Statistics.


From Feb. 2011 to September 2012


Alshawahed for contracting

Construction manager, Company projects: (maintenance, infrastructure and finishing works).


From June 2010 to Feb. 2011


Bin laden group (Saudi Arabia)


As a senior engineer in implementing the company project (ministry of interior integrated project).


From Feb 2010 to June 2010


Arabtech Jardaneh (Engineers & Architects)


As an office engineer in supervising and implementing the projects of the company as a site engineer of the supervising al karak project.

Project Brief: Infrastructures: Water, Wastewater & the Environment.


From March 2009 to Feb 2010


Madi& Partners for consulting engineers

As an office engineer in supervising and implementing the projects of the company

.as a project manager of the supervising al mreagah project


Earthworks, Road Pavement Layers, Asphalt: Infrastructures: Project Brief water supply network, pedestrian foot baths, works.


From Jan 2009 to March.


Alsabeel for consulting

Construction building as a Site engineer


From March 2008 to Jan 2009


Madi &partners for consulting engineers

Project manager of the supervising sateh maan project, project brief: Earthworks, Road Pavement Layers, Asphalt works, Infrastructures, pedestrian foot baths


       From November 2006 to March 2008.


Al-mazar municipality & Mutah

As zone manager.


From March 2005 to March 2006.


Housing ministry, supervising management.


From August 2002 to March 2005.


Mazar municipality & Mutah


As zone manager, job brief: Paper recycling development, supervising the municipality constructions.


الإنتاج العلمي
Seybold Report
2-  Adoption approaches for BIM implementation in construction projects: Jordan as a case study
Mohammed A. KA. Al-Btoush, A. M. Faten Albtoush, S. I. Doh, Jàfar A. Aldiabat Albtoosh,Hashem K. Alm
AIP Conference Proceedings
A Ja’far, AM Faten Albtoush, Mohammed AKA Al-Btoush, Ibrahim F Varouqa,Abdulrazzaq Jawish Alkherret,
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
5-  A Review: The Impact of Waste On Cost Overrun in Construction Projects
AM Faten Albtoush, Omar Jamaludin, S Mohd Syamsyul Hairi, JAA Albtoosh
6-  Identification and Ranking of Accident Black Spots in Jordan
Musab Abuaddous, Anas Al-Hares, AM Faten Albtoush, Ja’Far A Aldiabat Al-Btoosh
Civil Engineering and Architecture
7-  Modeling Operating Speed on Multilane Highways Using Global Positioning System Data
Mousa Bani Baker Abdulrazzaq Jawish Alkherret, Musab Y AbuAddous, Ja’far A. Al Btoosh
International Review of Civil Engineering
8-  Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Cost Estimate in Construction Projects: A Review
Zaidi Faten, Albtoush and Doh, Shu Ing and Abdul Rahimi, Abdul Rahman and Ja’far A., Aldiabat Al-Bto
National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2020
9-  Variation Orders Causes in Construction Buildings Projects in Jordan
Ahmad tarmazi haron Ja’far A. Aldibat Albtoosh*
Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management
10-  Analysis of Government Residential Projects Overruns in Jordan
Ahmad Tarmazi Haron Ja’far A. Aldibat Albtoosh
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

  • Ja’far, A., Haron, A. T., & Albtoosh, M. A. A. (2016, September). An overview of using building information modelling (BIM) in construction management. Paper presented at The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia.


  • Faten, Albtoush and Doh, Shu Ing and Abdul Rahimi, Abdul Rahman and Ja’far A., Aldiabat Al-Btoosh and Syeda Maria, Zaidi , Factors affecting the accuracy of cost estimate in construction projects: a review , National Conference for Postgraduate Research (NCON-PGR 2020) , 2021.


  • M. Faten Albtoush, Omar Jamaludin S. Mohd Syamsyul Hairi2 J.A.A. Albtoosh3 , A.K.A Mohammed Al-Btoush4 , A Review: The Impact of Waste On Cost Overrun in Construction Projects , Proceedings of Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET) , 2021.


  • Mohammed A. KA. Al-Btoush; A. M. Faten Albtoush; S. I. Doh; Jàfar A. Aldiabat Albtoosh; Hashem K. Almashaqbeh , Adoption approaches for BIM implementation in construction projects: Jordan as a case study, AIP Conference Proceedings 2688, 030008 (2023).



الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة



مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
لا يوجد مساقات مفعلة
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
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المستخدم :(ادهم يحيى محمد عليوه- شبكات الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 14:44:48)
المستخدم :(محمد حمدان حمد المثيلي- لغة عربية وآدابها) (2025-03-28 14:42:52)
المستخدم :(احمد فارس احمد اسماعيل- إنتاج حيواني و وقاية) (2025-03-28 14:37:50)
المستخدم :(علي عبدالله صالح الياصجين- علم الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 14:32:50)
المستخدم :(احمد احمد علي الفاضل- إدارة الأعمال) (2025-03-28 14:32:50)
المستخدم :(عبدالعزيز محمد عبد العزيز صالح- علوم حياتية) (2025-03-28 14:29:27)
المستخدم :(امر خالد عبدالرزاق حياصات- حقوق) (2025-03-28 14:25:24)
المستخدم :(محمد ايمن كامل العويصي- رياضيات) (2025-03-28 14:10:16)
المستخدم :(ربا وفيق احمد الرواشده- صيدلة) (2025-03-28 14:10:15)
المستخدم :(مراد احمد محمود ابو عثمان- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 14:10:06)
المستخدم :(رسل حيد محمد على- علوم طبية مخبرية) (2025-03-28 14:05:22)
المستخدم :(محمد اكرم لطفي العبيد- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:05:08)
المستخدم :(احمد كمال احمد الخليل- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:00:40)
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المستخدم :(رغد محمود زكي العجيلي- علوم طبية مخبرية) (2025-03-28 13:56:30)
المستخدم :(تالا محمود موسى القادري- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 13:49:44)
المستخدم :(ايمن اياد احمد البشيش- علم الغذاء والتغذية) (2025-03-28 13:47:51)
المستخدم :(عائشه عقيل احمد السوالمه- علوم طبية مخبرية) (2025-03-28 13:43:06)