Dr.Fawzy Mansour Al Zureiqat Assistant proffessor in power engineering
Speciality Electric Machinery and Apparatus Obtained a PhD from the
Council of Donetsk National Technical University in 2004
Philosophy Doctor of Engineering Sciences Speciality Electric Machinery and Apparatus from the Council of Donetsk National Technical University in 2004 Dissertation title : (Improving the efficiency of the pulley electromagnetic separators)
Master of Science in electromechanical engineering from the East–Ukrainian State University in 1999
1. Lecturer at East Ukrainian State University by the name of Vladimir Dal in Department of Electric Machinery and Apparatus (period from 2000 till 2003).
2. - Lecturer at Najran Technology College in Department of Electrical Technology Technical and Vocational Training Corporation Saudi Arabia (period from August 2004 – 2009).
3. Assistant Professor at Najran Technology College in Department of Electrical Technology (period from August 2009 - 2014)
. 4. Assistant Professor at jerash private university in Department of Communications and Electronic Engineering period (period from March 2015- october 2018).
5. Teaching & Learning electrical Coach at Interserve Learning & Employment, Technical and vocational training corporation Al medina college of technology Saudi Arabia (Period from April 2019 till June 2020).
Head of the Department of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering at jerash private university (period from October 2024- until now).
The international scientific and technical conference “ Information technique and electro mechanics on a threshold of the XXI centuries ” (ITEM-2001, Ukraine, Lugansk, on April, 24-26, 2001);
Scientific conference of teachers and employees of The East-Ukrainian national university by the name of Vladimir Dal (Ukraine, Lugansk, on April, 16-18, 2002);
X international scientific - practical conference “ Information technologies: a science, technique, technology, education, health” (microCAD-2002, Ukraine, Kharkov, on May, 16-17, 2002).
Workshop in "Modern Engineering Technology and its application" jerash university in 21/05/2015.
Modern Engineering Technology in Technical and Vocational Education Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering. Al-Balqa applied university Maan college in 21/04/2016.
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