كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
Vision: The Faculty of Nursing at Jerash University aims to achieve excellence and leadership in nursing education at the local, regional, and international levels. It strives to equip the local and regional job market with graduates who possess a high level of knowledge and expertise in nursing and healthcare skills.
Mission: The mission of the Faculty is to graduate a nursing workforce that possesses the specific skills required for the nursing profession, is able to withstand work pressure, and demonstrates humanitarian and emotional qualities. Graduates are expected to be dedicated to serving patients and to play an active role in community service. The college also focuses on supporting and developing research in various nursing fields.
Basic Nursing Fundamentals (801201) - 3 Credit Hours: This course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of nursing and the importance of the nursing process in meeting individuals' essential needs. It provides students with the skills, concepts, and principles of professional nursing through integrating knowledge of biological, social, and psychological sciences into the nursing process. This approach helps students understand the factors related to illness and their impact on the course of health and disease. The course emphasizes learning, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving techniques.
Pharmacology for Nursing (801233) - 3 Credit Hours: This course covers the basic principles of pharmacology and provides students with information about the drugs used to treat common diseases in Jordan and worldwide. The course reviews medications based on the systems they affect, starting with the nervous system, followed by the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, and ending with antibiotics. It also addresses nursing considerations related to administering certain drugs and how to manage their side effects.
Growth and Development: This course provides students with fundamental knowledge about human growth and development, enhancing their ability to assess and understand the natural process of growth and development throughout the human lifespan. It also helps students comprehend the common issues and needs that arise during different life stages.
Research in Nursing: This course focuses on equipping nursing students with the knowledge and skills needed to utilize scientific research in developing nursing knowledge and practices. Emphasis is placed on understanding the research process and its steps. Additionally, students are trained to critically analyze research articles in nursing fields. The course also aims to develop students' abilities to use research findings to adopt evidence-based practices. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to design research objectives and hypotheses that address topics of interest in nursing, laying the foundation for future research projects.
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat