محمد ابراهيم توني

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

محمد ابراهيم توني


الدرجات العلميّة


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

2023 till now        lecturer in the faculty of nursing - Badr University in Assuit

Course Development: Designing and developing course, lesson plans, and instructional materials for nursing courses based on established curriculum guidelines and learning objectives.

Lecture Delivery: Delivering engaging and informative lectures that effectively communicate nursing concepts, theories, and best practices to students using various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, multimedia presentations, and hands-on activities.

Clinical Instruction: Supervising and guiding students in clinical settings to develop their practical nursing skills, critical thinking abilities, and professional judgment while adhering to ethical and legal standards of nursing practice.

Assessment and Evaluation: Designing and administering assessments, quizzes, exams, and other evaluation tools to measure student learning outcomes, provide feedback on performance, and identify areas for improvement.

Student Support and Advising: Providing academic and career advising to students, offering guidance on course selection, clinical placements, professional development opportunities, and licensure requirements.

Research and Scholarship: Engaging in scholarly activities such as research, publication, and presentations to contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge, evidence-based practice, and innovation in healthcare delivery.

Professional Development: Pursuing continuing education and professional development opportunities to stay current with advancements in nursing practice, education, technology, and healthcare policy.

Collaboration and Networking: Collaborating with colleagues, healthcare professionals, and community partners to enhance interdisciplinary education, facilitate clinical placements, and promote partnerships that benefit nursing students and the broader healthcare community.

Administration and Service: Participating in faculty meetings, committees, and other administrative activities to contribute to the governance and functioning of the nursing program or department.

2017  till 2022     Clinical instructor at Minia University Hospital

Participated and engaged   in   continuing   professional development and educational activities.

Participated in the formal and informal educational training of

Ensured optimal quality for nursing programs.

Provided instructions in both traditional and non-traditional learning methods.


Prepared lecture plans and evaluated nurse progress.

Graded nurses performance and provide constructive feedback

Administered orientation program for nursing

Designed appropriate learning materials in coordination with       senior staff members.

Attended lectures and conferences to remain updated on nursing techniques.

Chief Nurse 2017-2013 at Minia University Hospital

Work as chief nurse in intensive care unit and cardiac care unit at Minia University Hospital

Met with nursing staff to determine patient care needs and implemented strategies.

Addressed issues with patient care by taking the appropriate corrective actions.

Investigated complaints registered by patients and family members.

Supervised nursing personnel and provided periodic feedback.

Developed and implemented patient safety policies.

Established resource allocation procedures.


الإنتاج العلمي


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
المساق: تمريض المسنين (نظري) - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / ح(15.3-16.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (6)
المساق: تمريض المسنين (نظري) - شعبة (2) (وجاهي) / ن(15.3-16.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (5)
المساق: تمريض المسنين(عملي) - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / س(7-15) عدد المصادر التعليمية (2)
المساق: تمريض المسنين(عملي) - شعبة (5) (وجاهي) / ن(7-15) عدد المصادر التعليمية (2)
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
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المستخدم :(احمد احمد علي الفاضل- إدارة الأعمال) (2025-03-28 14:32:50)
المستخدم :(لمى سليمان عبدالرحمن التراكيه- رياضيات) (2025-03-28 14:31:58)
المستخدم :(عبدالعزيز محمد عبد العزيز صالح- علوم حياتية) (2025-03-28 14:29:27)
المستخدم :(امر خالد عبدالرزاق حياصات- حقوق) (2025-03-28 14:22:30)
المستخدم :(محمد ايمن كامل العويصي- رياضيات) (2025-03-28 14:10:16)
المستخدم :(ربا وفيق احمد الرواشده- صيدلة) (2025-03-28 14:10:15)
المستخدم :(مراد احمد محمود ابو عثمان- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 14:10:06)
المستخدم :(محمد اكرم لطفي العبيد- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:05:08)
المستخدم :(احمد كمال احمد الخليل- هندسة مدنية) (2025-03-28 14:00:40)
المستخدم :(فجر عبدالكريم مفلح العلوان- كيمياء) (2025-03-28 13:58:19)
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المستخدم :(تالا محمود موسى القادري- الأمن السيبراني) (2025-03-28 13:49:44)
المستخدم :(ايمن اياد احمد البشيش- علم الغذاء والتغذية) (2025-03-28 13:47:51)
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المستخدم :(محمد جمال عبود ابو ورده- محاسبة) (2025-03-28 13:39:33)
المستخدم :(محمد معين نوفان العطيش- شبكات الحاسوب) (2025-03-28 13:39:28)
المستخدم :(د صافي محمود- هيئة تدريس) (2025-03-28 13:38:43)
المستخدم :(احمد مسعود احمد مسعود- إنتاج نباتي ووقاية) (2025-03-28 13:38:25)