كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
الدكتور نزار عيسى الربضي حاصل على درجة البكالوريس في الصناعات الغذائية من جامعة الموصل / جمهورية العراق سنة 1999
وحاصل على الماجستير من نفس الجامعة سنة 2003
وحاصل على درجة الدكتوراة في علم ميكروبيولوجي الالبان كتخصص رئيسي وتخصصيصين فرعييين وهما الكيمياء الحيوية والوراثة من جامعة الاسكندرية /جمهورية مصر العربية سنة 2009
دكتوراه في ميكروبيولوجي الالبان
وتخصص فرعي في الكيمياء الحيوية والوراثة
Media Preparation.
Isolation and Identification of Bacteria.
DNA Extraction.
Using PCR in Bacterial Identification.
Molecular Techniques.
Elisa Techniques
Background: Anosmia and dysgeusia are symptoms associated with COVID-19infection following the announcement of the disease as a pandemic. Moreover,there is no effective treatment for the disease. Garlic is a well-known herb withantimicrobial and antiviral properties. This study evaluates the potential therapeuticeffect of garlic consumption on reducing the recovery time from anosmia anddysgeusia symptoms among participants with COVID-19. Methods: 388 Jordanianparticipants with COVID-19 infection were enrolled in an online computer-assistedweb survey during the period from 20th September 2021 to 20th January 2022. Thesurvey consisted of three constructs; socio-demographic profile, symptomsassociated with COVID-19, and frequency of garlic and onion consumption usedduring the infection. Results: The results of this study showed that almost half ofthe participants were between 20-40 (193, 49.7%); most of them complained aboutfever, fatigue, anosmia, and dysgeusia and used onion (20, 93%) and garlic (29,23%) to alleviate symptoms of the disease. In total, 40.7% of garlic-usingparticipants recovered from anosmia within the first 11-15 days, whereas35.3% recovered between 6-10 days. Results also revealed that there was nocorrelation between garlic consumption and recovery from dysgeusia. Hence, therewas a weak inverse association between garlic consumption and recovery timefrom anosmia. Conclusion: The authors concluded that consumption of garlic willenhance immune system during the fight against COVID-19. There is need forfurther study to identify the proper amount of garlic consumption to relieveanosmia symptoms during COVID-19.
This study aims to measure the prevalence of obesity, to assess the food habits and physical activity among university population in Jerash University, Northern Jordan. A cross-sectional survey of (203) university students and employee (147 males and 56 females) aged 20 to 60 years were selected randomly during the spring 2016 semester. Participants filled out a self-reported questionnaire (included questions on eating and physical activity habits). Weights, heights body mass index (BMI) measured. Study results showed that (39.4%) of sample were overweight and (24.1%) were obese. Prevalence of overweight and obesity was more common among males compared to females (40.8% and 25.2% vs. 35.7% and 21.45 respectively). In contrast 12.5% females were under weight compared to 5.4% males. Majority of the sample (68%) reported taking meals irregularly. A total of (64.3%) of the subjects reported the consumption of colored vegetable while (30%) reported eating fruits daily. More than half of both males and females did not eat fast foods. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were higher in males within the age of 20-25 years while in contrast it is higher in females within the age of more than 30 years (36% and 22.5% in males vs. 7.1% and 26% in females). More than one third of the participants did not engage in any sport exercises for at least 30 minutes during the week
This study investigates the bacterial contamination of the hands of food handlers in the dairy products factories in Jordan. Duplicates of 90 swab stick samples were taken from food handlers in six factories and were spread at the surface of specific media; the violet red bile agar was used to isolate Escherichia coli and Baird-Parker agar was used to isolate Staphylococcus aureus. Thereafter, the bacterial isolates were purified and pre-identification tests were performed. The identification of isolates was carried out using polymerase chain reaction. The results revealed that Escherichia coli has the occurrence of (24/372, 6.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus has the occurrence of (22/385, 5.7%) in all six factories. The highest count of Escherichia coli in a certain factory was 8, while the lowest count of it was 1. Same maximum and minimum counts were found for Staphylococcus aureus. Moreover, randomly selected samples of the final product were tested to the existence of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus and they were found free of both bacteria. These findings indicate good hygiene conditions in the Jordanian factories of dairy products. Thus, the few bacterial counts found on the hands of food handlers will be killed during the pasteurization process and the final product will be safe to eat.
This study investigates the effect of potassium sorbate on Aspergillius niger in Gouda processed cheese. Both microbiological and chemical analyses are performed. We first activate polyethylene films with potassium sorbate as an antifungal agent at different concentrations (0.0,1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0%). The minimum efficient concentration which is used in packaging Gouda processed cheese is found to be 2%. Thereafter, four treatments of cheese are executed on different samples. A control sample without coating, samples without coating and inoculated by Aspergillius niger, samples coated with polyethylene films that activated by potassium sorbate without inoculation and samples coated with the same films and inoculated by Aspergillius niger. The results indicate that that potassium sorbate is an effective antifungal packaging material of cheese against Aspergillius niger.
The current study demonstrated the biological method for the synthesis of magnesium oxide nanoparticles (MgO NPs) and Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) using Trichoderma viride. Thereafter, the characterized objects were determined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and UV-Visible spectroscopy. In addition, the antibacterial activity was evaluated against gram negative E. coli and gram positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by agar well diffusion method. The results showed that biosynthesized of MgO NPs and Ag NPs were found as extracellular and the absorbance band was apparent at 256.5 and 420 nm respectively using UV-Visible spectroscopy, and in the range size of 45.12 to 95.37 nm and 5 to 40 nm, respectively through characterization technique using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that both MgO NPs and Ag NPs are effective antibacterial agents against gram negative E. coli and gram positive S. aureus bacteria. The inhibition zone diameter of MgO NPs was 30 and 49 mm, against E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. While Ag NPs showed inhibition effects at 30 and 51 mm, compared with inhibition effects of amoxicillin antibiotics against E. coli and S. aureus at 27 and 45 mm, respectively.
The present study was conducted to isolate and identify Lactobacillus rhamnosus from locally fermented dairy products collected from different markets in Irbid city, Jordan. Thereafter, the ability of Lb. rhamnosus to detoxify aflatoxins (AFs) was investigated in vitro after incubation on 37°C in MRS medium and in artificial intestine fluid (AIF). Three Lb. rhamnosus out of nine different species of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolated from 15 fermented dairy products samples were identified. The isolates were characterized based on their morphological, microscopic, cultural and biochemical properties. The selection of isolates as probiotics depended on their abilities to grow in pH levels between 2 to 6 and their tolerance to grow at 1.0 % bile salts concentrations, Furthermore, Lb. rhamnosus was able to adhere to mucus onto the intestine surface at 54.7%. The ability of Lb. rhamnosus of AFs detoxification has significantly (p<0.05) increased with the increase in incubation periods, and the detoxification percentage after 72h incubation in each MRS medium and AIF, was 76% and 81.6%, respectively.
This study investigated the effect of different detergents used to clean cows' udders on the microbial content of the produced milk using twenty cows in Ajloun, a northern city in Jordan. The milking process was repeated from same cows on three successive days. On day 1, we milked the cows after cleaning their udders using water only. This was repeated on the two successive days. Thereafter, the cows were milked after cleaning their udders by a different detergent each day. The process was also repeated for three successive days for each detergent. Microbial Analysis was carried out on the collected milk samples. The results indicated that cleaning cows' udders before milking has improved the hygiene conditions and reduced the total bacterial count, total coliform, staphylococci and enterococci spp counts and the values of yeast and molds. Different detergents had different effects on the microbial counts. Finally, the effectiveness of the detergent differed according to its brand. Our findings are important to public health because milk has been a traditional food and ironically a very potent carrier of gastrointestinal infections, if contaminated.
Previous studies indicated that the extracts from different Ephedra species have antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activities. However, none of the published report described the phytochemical components and the antioxidant capacities of Ephedra alte belonging to the family Ephedraceae. To evaluate the in-vitro and in-vivo antioxidant activities of the butanolic extract from stems of Ephedra alte from northern Jordan. Graded concentrations of butanolic extracts from stems of E. alte plant were subjected to four different in-vitro antioxidant assays (DPPH, ABTS, ferrous ion chelating and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities). The in-vivo effects of two different doses of the extract (200 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg, orally for 12 days) on the activities of serum and liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were measured in mice. Strong in-vitro antioxidant activities in a concentration-dependent manner were recorded. As well, significant increases in both liver and serum CAT enzyme activity and in serum SOD activity were observed in mice treated for 12 days with the extract. These results suggested that the butanolic extract from stems of exhibited significant in-vitro and in-vivo antioxidant activities, supporting the use of E. alte as an important source of natural antioxidants.
تصنيع الالبان ح ث 11:00-12:30
كيمياء الاغذية ح ث 8:00-9:30
كيمياء الاغذية ن ر 11:00-12:30
الساعات المكتبية ح ن 10-11
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat