كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
Institution Name: Polytechnic of Milan
Web Site: http://www.PolitecnicodiMilano.it
(City: Milano (ITALY
PhD. Technical Innovation and design in architecture- 13 cycle, at 18 February /2002 Dipartment of Industrial Design & Technology of Architecture (Polytechnic of Milan) -Italy
Research work of Graduation . Public Administration strategies in urban requalification and rehabilitation of degraded areas in Amman city
Tutor : Prof. Stefano Garaventa )Lauria (BSc, MSc (Degree and Master) . Dipartment of Industrial Design (Polytechnic of Milan) Italy. At- 1990 with grade 87%
Research work of Graduation.Islamic Decoration, Specialized in Architecture and Interior design in Amman (Advisor : Prof Arturo Dell Acqua / Assistant Architect :Soldati G)
- Experimental projects in construction & researches in Desig
with Zeno Duca Milano – Italy from 1990 /1993
-An active participant in experimental projects with, Architect
Carlo Teodi in Milano from 1993/ 1994
- cooperation with italian Architect to exprimental projects disegn
- A care sperimental
- Aluminous Chardeliers & many type Doors
- A participant in international competion for Builiding & new Markets in Beirut at 1994 for riqualification and rehabilition the old sok
Assistant professore in the departiment of Architecture Applied Science University. At 2009 – 2011
I was envolved in teaching the fllowing courses
Landscape architecture
Architectural design, 1,4,5
Architectural design,7 Sustainable Architectural
Urban planning
Special topics in architecture
Architectural applications and working drwing
Graduation project 1and 2
Interior design
Assistante professore in the department of architecture Isra University. At 2011 – 2012
Architectural design, 3
Architectural design, 5 Sustainable Architectural
Islamic Architectural
Restoration & upgrading buildings
Specifications and construction assets of the profession
Assistante professore in the departiment of architecture Zarga University
At 2012 – 9/2016
Head of Architecture Departiment At. 9/2013 – 9/2015
Graduation project 1,2
Urban design, 6,
Architectural design, 5
History and theory of architecture 2
Contemporary Theories of architecture
Construction buildings 1
Assistante professore in the departiment of architecture Jarash University
At oct/2016 – oct/2017
Architectural design, 1 and 2
History and theory of architecture, 1 and 2
History of Art and Architecture
Journal of Engineering and ArchitectureDecember 2019, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 40-48ISSN: 2334-2986 (Print), 2334-2994 (Online)Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.Published by American Research Institute for Policy DevelopmentDOI: 10.15640/jea.v7n2a5URL: https://doi.org/10.15640/jea.v7n2a5Architectural and Structural Behavior Domes in Islamic Architecture(Case Study: Mosque of King Abdullah Ben Al-Hussein- Amman- Jordan)Mansour al Safran 1 Shehdeh Ghannam2 & Bassam Abu Awwad3AbstractThis research aimed at tracking and investigating the evolution and development of domes construction,design, sizes, shapes, used materials, and functions of the domes during the different eras of the Islamicarchitecture. To achieve the research’s objectives, the study used the descriptive, analytical and historicalmethods to deepen and enriching understanding the value and the aesthetic features of the domes, and theused instructional methods, how they were developed from bricks, stones, to reinforced concreted coveringwider spans of the mosque to provide good view to the Mihrab and to see the speaker. In addition, theresearch used a case study dome of Mosque King Abdullah Ben Al-Hussein to learn useful lessons fromsome of the tumbles in the construction of the dome during the construction and after the usage, includingsound distortion and echo resulting from lack of adherence with the golden percentage, between the dome’sheight and width of the mosque. Finally, the research based on the review of the previous domesconstruction introducing some recommendations to the designers of the domes, the most important tosustain the beauty and significance of the domes without imitation of other domes rather through carefullystudy the internal and external constraints to reach the optimal result at cost effectiveness.Keywords: Islamic Architecture, Dome of the Rock, Engineering Philosophy. Construction, King Abdullah.
This research aims at revealing the historicalimprovements of the Islamic Architecture in SoutheastAsia since the first design Idea of a mosque which has beencreated by prophet Mohammad till these modern days inSoutheast Asia. It is noted that the Islamic architecture hasbeen developed in six traditional typologies types ofmosque for renewal. Southeast Asia’s Mosque was dividedinto a set of types according to the prevailing culture in theregion.These types are: The Iranian Indian, Turkish, Chinese,and Southeast Asia’s Types. This research sheds light onthe main features of these types, to establish thecorrelation between the features of the mosque in Malaysiawhich contain characteristic of the main types, butdistinguish in the form according to the local community’straditions and culture.Keywords: Islamic Heritage, Mosques, Southeast Asia,Malaysia, Mosque Architecture
AbstractArchitecture research is the mother of all art, representing the civilization of the population in every part; it is influenced by religion,politics and economy which are the foundations of its art over the centuries. Research on the architecture of Arab-Islamic civilizationshould be discussed primarily through generality principles of architecture, and the values granted and realized by the human sense ofexisting or loaded aesthetic qualities in the form of architecture, general. Then continue to look for the champions reached by the particu-lar civilization. The position of the research in architecture, however, serves as a jump to conclusions before appropriate extracts arereached and not submitted to a rigorous examination. The research is a comparison between Arab-Islamic civilization and other civiliza-tions that have created values for completeness. To facilitate this comparison, the research choose the civilization closest to Arab Islamiccivilization in terms of the vision of existence and its proximity to the site, which is Western civilization. • Two civilizations have had somany shared values, thanks to the cultural and architectural imitations due to the proximity and commercial exchange between the Eastand the West, creating a mixed architecture, since the twelfth century. Christian civilization has made many moves, including multipleversions of completeness and various aesthetic values. While the Arab Islamic civilization reached an aesthetic value in its emergencyphase, in the eighth century, and stopped in the twelfth century. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Islamic Arab worldhas been aware of the entry of Napoleon into Egypt, since it addresses aesthetic values based on the knowledge of structural and aesthetictechnology that has had no role in its creation:1) Since man has found the art, caves (Lascaux) and (Altmira) attest the masterpieces of art in which human Zain, and for thousandsof years, Mgairh, who was based in his home, and live this, consisting of colored fees for extinct ornamental animals, skill and re-alism, confirm that Art is a means of communication that preceded language and literature in the human life.2) When civilization progressed, the dwelling became the space absorbed the skills and talent of artists, discovered in the homes suchas Valley Alntov (Palestine), or in Amartibt (Syria), which dates back to the seventh millennium BC, were decorated with colorfulpatterns.3) The architecture by itself, soon of became the exterior appearance and its mass and its divisions, something of three-dimensionalart, must be a creative work, and thought of engineering; however area that houses all the types of continuous plastic art architec-ture, shooting, or sculpture. This was reflected strongly in Islamic architecture, and we saw that in the Umayyad palaces, whichwere characterized by colorful or stained sculptures, and graphically mosaics and Altleuenah, which still freshly raised in the pal-aces of Heer and Mushatta Palace, and Amra bath.4) If the art collages to be separated from architecture in order to solve unmovable objects, such as manuscripts, pots and accessoriesarchitecture and furniture, the methods have not changed much, they can either be simulated realistically, or be abstract decorative,the diversity of methods and interpretations has changed even today.Keywords: Arab-Islamic Civilization; Modern Western Architecture; Confrontation Imitation; Arabic Architecture.
In many buildings, the roof is a major element that givesthe building its distinctive profile .The main purpose of aroof is to protect the building or the house in all types ofweather with a minimum of maintenance .a roof must bestrong to with stand snow and wind loads. Anotherconsideration is appearance .a roof should add to theattractiveness of the building roof styles are used tocreate different architectural effects. This paper reportsa study on flat roof systems include the layers ofstructural elements of the roof, types of finish used,flashing, roof edging, drainage, and other detailsassociated with the roof.
AbstractThe roof is part of a buildings outer skin, and fulfils a range of functions: first it protects the space below it, openor closed, from the weather. Here the most important aspects are drainage precipitation effectively, providingprotection from sun and wind, and affording privacy.Different roof structures can be used according to functional requirements or the design approach. In this paper,different Pitched roofs types were reviewed and compared and their advantages and disadvantages according toseveral comparison criteria were present. The Parameters of each of the systems, roof structure, roof battens,water proofing, thermal insulation methodologies, and Types of Finish are discussed.Keywords: Pitched roof, Mono pitch Roof, Gable roof, Mansard Roof.
--------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------------The research aims to put in evidence a complex issue at national and international level as that of the housingsituation of wellness investigating a case study as that of East Wahdat,in Amman in Jordan from the designpoint of view welfare, the training model of this district ,then the causes of abusive settlements and their geneticcode development, also studying system of life within the district as the level of study cultural and the economicsituation of the inhabitants, finally the model of intervention and which was carried out by local public bodiessuch as HC,UDD, following an innovative strategies in that area which is to the participation of the inhabitantsin the decision of intervention by upgrading and car construction. This Type Of intervention indistrictESTWahdat has said many national interest and international and was chosen as the best project forupgrading and rehabilitation of degraded areas in Istanbul in 95, to the speed of intervention, the cost andduration of the work.We have analyzed the problem of the district after 20 years of intervention and as thisdistrict still suffers of overcrowding which was not provided for in the first intervention, and infrastructureproblems motivated by the abandonment of the government, and we have highlighted some recommendation topreserve this district.Keywords: Upgrading, degradation, requalification, development, Housing Corporation HC, UrbanDevelopment Department UDD.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This Article Is about The principles of green architecture Adaptation to climate, such as Energy Conservation,Respect for the site, Respect for dealers and users, the inclusive design, and Global and Local examples of GreenArchitecture, with mention some recommendation about scarcity of rainwater and exploitation each of solarenergy and wind power.Keywords: sustainable building; environmental management; resource conservation; cost efficiency; humanadaptation
AbstractThe physical environment of city life consists of variety of elements with functions and semantics, impacting theperceptions of individuals, groups, and their behavior. Increasing population, communication, transportation,diverse lifestyles and machine invention all reflect the secretion of new urban problems in terms of human andenvironmental dimensions. Problems consisting of random growth in population, space exploitation to thespecial interests of users and the lack of a comprehensive regulatory scheme for such areas. The currentinvestigation discuss the intervention of official authorities in organizing the urbanization and the emergencedifferences and various related disciplines in Amman city. The urban fabric of the old downtown of Amman,Jordan, is randomly compact which leads to an overlapping of private and public movements, weakening thesupposed relationship between the different activities and their spatial molds and this negatively affects thebehavioral performance. Whereas, the city center, neighborhoods and other essential elements are notcontributing to the local community in prober manner. The study examines the spatial fabric of Amman city interms of behavioral fabric of the local community for instance, the social, religious, customs and traditions of thesystem. In order to overcome such issues, the architectural style reconfiguration, redistribution of services ondecentralization bases, removal the slums, organizing the pedestrian and vehicle movements and the mainmovement paths and routs; probably will lead to drastic improvements and changes in the city lifestyle.Keywords: physical environment, random growth, settlements, slums, Amman, Jordan
Participant in Convintion – in Milano about riqualification and rehabilition of degraded areas in Amman city specialy ( East Wehdat) at 9/ JuneAct 1999 – Politecnico Milano . An active participant
Cors and Researchwith Title ((Relatio in urban planning fore Publice imegrations with Nature of Milan) Organised by (C:E:R:T:A) . at .oct
An partcipant in seminar | Workshop * Urban and Architectural restoration, Italian techiniques, Materials an Services , Greater Aman Municipality . Al Hussein Cultural Center , 7- october – 2009
An partcipant of Ministry of water and Irrigation in * Climate Change Adaption to Sustain Jordan MDG Achievements , Inception Workshop – at . 4 – March – 2010 in Hotel Crown Plaza Amman
An partcipant of Ministry of water and Irrigation in training Water Demand
Management in Jordan – Land mark Hotel – Amman at .22-05-2011
An organiztione Science Day in Zarga University. At May/ 2014
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat