د.بسام علي ابو عوادد.بسام علي ابو عواد
أهلا وسهلاً بكم في موقع

د.بسام علي ابو عواد

أستاذ مشارك

كلية الهندسة  

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د.بسام علي ابو عواد



Institution Name: Polytechnic of Milan

Web Site: http://www.PolitecnicodiMilano.it

(City: Milano (ITALY


الدرجات العلميّة

PhD. Technical Innovation and  design  in architecture- 13 cycle, at 18 February /2002 Dipartment of Industrial Design & Technology of Architecture (Polytechnic of Milan) -Italy

Research work of Graduation . Public Administration strategies in urban requalification and rehabilitation of degraded areas in Amman city

Tutor : Prof. Stefano Garaventa )Lauria (BSc, MSc (Degree and Master) . Dipartment of Industrial Design (Polytechnic of Milan) Italy. At- 1990 with grade  87%

Research work of Graduation.Islamic Decoration, Specialized in Architecture and Interior design in Amman (Advisor : Prof Arturo Dell Acqua / Assistant Architect :Soldati G)


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة


- Experimental projects in construction & researches in Desig

  with Zeno Duca Milano – Italy from 1990 /1993

-An active participant in experimental projects with, Architect

 Carlo Teodi in Milano  from 1993/ 1994

- cooperation with italian Architect to exprimental projects disegn

- A care sperimental

- Aluminous Chardeliers & many type Doors

- A participant in international competion for Builiding & new Markets in Beirut at    1994 for riqualification and rehabilition the old sok



Assistant professore in the departiment of Architecture Applied Science University. At 2009 – 2011

I was envolved in teaching the fllowing courses

Landscape architecture

Architectural design, 1,4,5

Architectural design,7  Sustainable  Architectural

Urban planning

Special topics in architecture

Architectural applications and working drwing

Graduation project 1and 2

Interior design

Assistante professore in the department of architecture Isra University. At 2011 – 2012

I was envolved in teaching the fllowing courses

Graduation project 1and 2

Architectural design, 3

Architectural design, 5  Sustainable Architectural

Islamic Architectural

Restoration & upgrading buildings

Specifications and construction assets of the profession

Architectural applications and working drwing

Assistante professore in the departiment of architecture Zarga University

At 2012 – 9/2016

Head of Architecture Departiment  At. 9/2013 – 9/2015

I was envolved in teaching the fllowing courses

Graduation project 1,2

Urban design, 6, 

Architectural design, 5

History and theory of  architecture 2

Specifications and construction assets of the profession

Contemporary Theories of  architecture

Construction buildings 1

Architectural applications and working drwing

Assistante professore in the departiment of architecture Jarash University

At oct/2016 – oct/2017

I was envolved in teaching the fllowing courses

Architectural design, 1 and 2

History and theory of  architecture, 1 and 2

Specifications and construction assets of the profession

History of Art and Architecture


الإنتاج العلمي
4-  Study on Flat Roofing Systems.
1.Bassam Abu Awwad 2. Manal O. Suliman
Journal of Advanced Sciences and Engineering
5-  Study of Different Pitched Roof Types
Bassam Abu Awwad 1* Manal O. Suliman2* Mansour Safran 1
Civil and Environmental Research
8-  Implications of Urban Environmental Issues on Individuals and Groups function .Case study.
1.Bassam Abu Awwad 2.MalekAl Mumani 3.NumanAbu Hammad
Arts and Design Studies ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)Vol.40,2016


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

Participant in Convintion – in Milano about riqualification and rehabilition of degraded areas in Amman city specialy ( East Wehdat) at 9/ JuneAct 1999 – Politecnico Milano . An active participant

Cors and Researchwith Title ((Relatio in urban planning fore  Publice imegrations with Nature of Milan)    Organised by (C:E:R:T:A) . at .oct 

An partcipant in seminar | Workshop * Urban and Architectural restoration, Italian techiniques, Materials an Services , Greater Aman Municipality . Al Hussein Cultural Center , 7- october – 2009

An partcipant of Ministry of water and Irrigation in * Climate Change Adaption to Sustain Jordan MDG Achievements , Inception Workshop – at . 4 – March – 2010 in Hotel Crown Plaza Amman

An partcipant of Ministry of water and Irrigation in training Water Demand

 Management in Jordan – Land mark Hotel – Amman at .22-05-2011

An organiztione Science Day  in Zarga University. At May/ 2014

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة


مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
لا يوجد مساقات مفعلة
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
لا يوجد عمليات حديثة