كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
جامعة القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية – يناير/كانون الثاني، 2015
جامعة عين شمس – جمهورية مصر العربية – ديسمبر/كانون الأول، 2011
جامعة حلب – الجمهورية العربية السورية – سبتمبر/أيلول، 1996
رئيس قسم الهندسة المدنية
October 11, 2022 - Present (In addition to the teaching assignments)
Faculty of Engineering, Jerash University, Jordan
عميد كلية الهندسة
October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2022 (In addition to the teaching assignments)
Jerash University, Jordan
June 1, 2019 - September 12, 2020 (In addition to the teaching assignments)
كلية الهندسة – جامعة جرش – المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
مشرف مكتب ضمان الجودة والإعتماد
November 1, 2016 - May 31, 2019 (In addition to the teaching assignments)
أستاذ مساعد
March 5, 2015 – Current
قسم الهندسة المدنية – كلية الهندسة – جامعة جرش – المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
المهام التعليمية:
§ Highway Geometric Design
§ Highway Lab
§ Pavement Design
§ Road Maintenance
§ Traffic Engineering
§ Geographic Information Systems
§ Materials Science and Engineering
مدرس مساعد
October 1, 2012 – February 26, 2015
قسم الهندسة المدنية – كلية الهندسة – أكاديمية طيبة – جمهورية مصر العربية (http://www.thebesacademy.org)
§ Highway and Airport Engineering
§ Maintenance of Highway and Airport
§ Properties and Tests of Materials (I + II + III + IV)
مهندس باحث (مهندس مدني – طالب دراسات عليا)
January 7, 2007 – September 27, 2012
وحدة استشارات هندسة الطرق – كلية الهندسة – جامعة عين شمس – جمهورية مصر العربية
مشاريع الوحدة
§ مشروع الطريق الاقليمى - دهشور جهاز تعمير القاهرة الكبرى
§ مشروع صفط اللبن - كرداسة جهاز تعمير القاهرة الكبرى
§ مشروع توسعة الدائرى - جهاز تعمير القاهرة الكبرى
البحوث التطبيقية للوحدة
§ تقييم الخلاطات الأسفلتية بناءً على تحليل الشروخ الناتجة على الإجهادات الحرارية
§ استخدام ركام الأنقاض في الخلطات الأسفلتية
§ دراسة وتحليل حيود التدرج الحبيبي على الخلطات الأسفلتية
§ تصميم خلطات الأسفلت باستخدام طريقة رصف الأسفلت فائقة الأداء ومقارنتها مع طريقة مارشال
§ دراسة بحثية لاستحداث خلطات خرسانية خاصة للاستخدام السريع للممرات
نائب مدير الفرع ، رئيس قسم هندسة الصيانة وتخطيط المرور ، ومهندس إشراف
December 29, 1996 - December 28, 1996
المؤسسة العامة للمواصلات الطرقية – الجمهورية العربية السورية
Practical Duties
§ Chairman of the Committee overseeing the project through the maintenance of Abu Kamal – Deir-Ezzor first phase of a length of 40 km and width of 7.6 m. The projects included removing the old layer of pavement and improve shoulders.
§ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of road maintenance in transit in the city of Deir-Ezzor a length of 14 km.
§ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of road maintenance in the town of Abu-Kamal crossing a length of 11 km.
§ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of maintenance and rehabilitation of the international road Deir-Ezzor - Damascus first phase of 62 km length of 8 meters width. The projects included removing the old layer of pavement and improve shoulders.
§ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of maintenance and rehabilitation of the international road Deir-Ezzor - Raqqa first phase length of 32 km and 7.6 m width.
§ Chairman of the Committee overseeing the project to expand and improve Deir-Ezzor - Raqqa (Husseiniya) with a length of 10 km and 15 m width.
§ Chairman of the Committee overseeing the implementation of expansion joints in bridges of the province of Deir-Ezzor.
§ Chairman of the Supervisory Committee on the paint road and traffic safety in the province of Deir-Ezzor.
§ Chairman of the Study Group for the preparation of statements of the estimated construction and maintenance of roads in the central province of Deir-Ezzor.
§ Central Committee member of the declarations of road
Many researchers have been interested in studying the effect of adding local natural materials or constructionwaste on the properties of poor subgrade soil. However, changes in size and strength of expansive soils cancause extensive damage to the geotechnical infrastructure. This damage is often repeatable and latent in the longterm, and is a critical issue in highway subgrade engineering. This paper examines the effect of adding both FineSilica Sand (FSS) and Granite Cutting Powder Waste (GPW) materials on the welling characteristics ofexpansive soils. Atterberg limits, free swell index, and rate of swell of the mixtures were used as a key to assessproperties of a group of expansive soil samples after adding different percentages of the mentioned materials.The rates of additions were 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60 and 70% of the weight of the soil samples. The testresults showed that FSS and GPW significantly affect the expansive soil properties. However, adding 70% ofboth FSS and GPW reduced the swelling index from 58.3% to 6.6% and from 58.3% to 11% after 7 days ofcuring, respectively. This study suggests that the Fine Silica Sand and Granite Powder Waste can be used asstabilizers for expansive highly plastic soils.
The continuous increase of traffic congestion in urban areas demands a high reliable traffic management system for monitoring traffic flows and providing key input parameters for predicting traffic conditions. Video sequences of road scenes are increasingly used in several contexts with an emphasis on automation, notably for tracking moving objects in a static background. This paper presents a multiple-vehicle surveillance model developed using Matlab Software for detecting and tracking moving vehicles, and collecting traffic data for different lengths of region of interest (ROI), ranging between 5 and 30 m. The model was validated using simulated video scenes, designed in VISSIM with known traffic data. Measurements from model were compared with actual measurements reported by VISSIM and results confirmed exact match of vehicle counts. Statistical t-tests of mean speed differences confirmed the model validity at 5% significance level, especially with ROI length of 10 and 15 m. Validation of headway measurements was also confirmed for optimum ROI lengths. The model processes one second in video clips of frame rate 20 frames/sec in 0.96 sec. This is appropriate for real-time applications to yield traffic parameters including vehicle speed, headway, count, incident detection, queue detection, etc. However, the model was validated assuming no lane changes and no overlap of vehicles, and, hence, model validity is limited to these assumptions. It is recommended that this model be validated using real world videos containing noises such as light variation, shadows, vibrations due to wind, skewed views, lane changes, and/or trucks that obscure full view of vehicles.
Most governmental projects in Jordan have cost overrun, it rises during the on-going stage to increase the cost and prolong the time of the project. Unfortunately, until this moment, there is no particular management system in Jordan construction industry to minimize cost overrun and variation order adopted by the government. In contrast, global construction industry has witnessed a huge transformation in terms of the use of digital technologies, particularly Building Information Modeling (BIM) which is a revolutionary digital technology and operation that is reshaping the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. approach and objectives causes before of this paper are firstly to review the factors contributing to variation orders in governmental road projects in Jordan, secondly, to propose a BIM design applications strategy to minimize variation orders, to achieve the objectives a quantitative approach was followed by distributing a questionnaire, then the data was analyzed statistically using relative importance index, the results were as follow. Our findings suggests that the most important factors causing change orders were as follow: Inaccurate quantity take-off (0.66); Labours or material not meeting the specifications (0.63); Logistic delays (0.60); Internal politics (0.566); and the equipment and tools are not available (0.55). The results also indicate that Contract Parties, Consultant, Contractor and Other Variations had significant positive effects on V. O, whereas the effects of BIM Design Applications, Facility Operations Simulation, Exploration Design Scenarios, BIM Design Detection, (BIM Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation) had a passive impact on V.O. Lastly, BIM has obtained a great reputability by enhancing the productivity in construction society, minimizing the total cost of the projects, and many other benefits.
This paper aims to modeling the relationship between the error of visual-based systems developed for vehicle speed estimation (as dependent variable) and each of the detection region length, the camera angle, and the volume-tocapacity ratio (V/C), as independent variables. Simulation software (VISSIM) is used to generate a set of video clips of predefined traffic based on different values of the dependent variables. These videos are analyzed with a video-based detection and tracking model (VBDATM) developed in 2015. Errors are expressed as differences between each of the actual speeds generated by VISSIM and the speeds computed by the VBDATM divided by the actual speed. The results conducted by the forward stepwise regression analysis show that the V/C ratio does not affect the accuracy of the estimate and there are weak relationships between the estimation error and each of camera position and the detection region length.
This course focuses on the ethical principles and responsibilities associated with the civil engineering profession. Topics include professional conduct, ethical decisionmaking, and the legal framework governing engineering practices. Students will explore case studies and scenarios to understand the ethical challenges encountered in engineering projects. The course aims to foster a strong sense of professional integrity and responsibility among civil engineering practitioners.
Principles of the Scientific Method: Theory and Measurement ,Principles of the Scientific Method: Validity and Control ,Ethical Issues in a Scientific Research ,Non-Experimental Research: Observational, Archival, and Case-Study Research ,Non-Experimental Research: Survey Research ,Single-Subject Experimental Research ,Group Experimental Research: Single Factor Designs ,Group Experimental Research: Factorial Designs ,Quasi Experimentation ,Reporting Research Results, Conclusions: Bias and Limitations of Experimental Scientifically
الأعمال الفنية و المعمارية البارزة لرواد العمارة والفنون التشكيلية من الحقبة المعاصرة , اتجاهات الرجوع الى الطبيعة , العمارة الخضراء والمستدامة.
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat