أ.د شادي فايز غرايبة

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

أ.د شادي فايز غرايبة

    • PhD. in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics), the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA, Degree requirements fulfilled in December 2004. Thesis work and research experience involve aspects important in the field of Industrial Pharmacy. Major advisor: Professor Dale Eric Wurster. Awarded the College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Excellence Award for the years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2003.


    B.Sc. in pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1995. Graduated with an excellent average, GPA = 86%


الدرجات العلميّة

  • PhD. in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics), the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA, Degree requirements fulfilled in December 2004. Thesis work and research experience involve aspects important in the field of Industrial Pharmacy. Major advisor: Professor Dale Eric Wurster. Awarded the College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Excellence Award for the years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2003.


  • Sc. in pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1995. Graduated with an excellent average, GPA = 86%, ranked second among the 79 students who were graduated in the same class.


  • High school degree, Altawjeehy, Prince Hassan High School, Irbid, Jordan, 1990. GPA= 92%.



الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

Research Experience:



  • The use of the Compression Calorimeter for the estimation of energies associated with the compaction of binary powder mixtures (thesis project). This work involved instrument upgrade efforts, which included the development of data acquisition computer programs in the Labview® format. The work also involved fundamental studies. The estimated energies were correlated with the composition fractions for each mixture. Trends in these correlations were noticed and explained according to the predominant deformation mechanism of the mixture


  • Comparison between the powders of different drug salts in their punch stickiness properties (spring of 2003), the University of Iowa. This work


involved the use of a multi-station tableting machine. In addition, solubility and dissolution profiles of these salts were characterized.


  • Effect of particle size and shape on the dissolution profiles of drug compounds (summer of 2001), Pfizer Inc., Groton, Connecticut. Aspirin was chosen as a model compound for its needle-shaped particles. It was sieved into different size fractions. Dissolution profiles were obtained and compared to computer


  • The compaction properties of heparin oral delivery agents (summer of 1999), the University of Iowa. These agents were stored at different relative humidity conditions. Compaction properties were then determined and


Research Skills:

  • Skilled in the use of the following instruments: TGA, DSC, Quantasorb® Surface Area Analyzer, Quantachrom® Helium Micropycnometer, HPLC, U.V. and IR Spectrometers, Gas Chromatography, and Atomic


  • Skilled in programming with Labview®.


  • Expert in using Microsoft Word, Excel, and


Teaching Experience:


  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Nursing at Jerash University between January 2017 and June 2019.


  • Current position at Jerash University as associate professor. Started at Jerash University since October 2016. I have taught several courses at Jerash University including physical pharmacy, pharmaceutics I, pharmaceutics II, industrial pharmacy, advanced pharmaceutical technology, and pharmaceutical quality control and assurance.


  • Part time lecturer at the college of pharmacy of the Hashemite University during the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020.



  • Assistant professor at Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, between 2005 and 2012. During that period I lectured in the following courses: advanced physical pharmacy, research methods for master’s students, physical pharmacy, pharmaceutics I, pharmaceutics II, industrial pharmacy, industrial pharmacy technology, and biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. In addition I have established pharmacy practice labs I, II, and


  • At the University of Iowa, for 6 semesters as Teaching Assistant for Pharmacy Practice Labs for PharmD. students in the academic levels 2, 3, and 4. These labs are involved in pharmaceutical compounding, use of sterile hoods for injectable and ophthalmic preparations, use of literature references, patient counseling, and other


At the University of Iowa, for l semester as Teaching Assistant for Quantitative Research Methods of Analysis Lab for graduate students. This lab is designed for teaching the students how to run experiments on different instruments. Ten different methods of analysis were discussed in this lab.


الإنتاج العلمي
1-  Antimicrobial activity of common mouthwash solutions on multidrug-resistance bacterial biofilms
MM Masadeh, SF Gharaibeh, KH Alzoubi, SI Al-Azzam, WM Obeidat
Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
6-  Tablet splitting practice in Jordan
Shadi F Gharaibeh, Linda M Tahaineh, Afaf H Khasawneh
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research
7-  Assessment of Self-Medication Use among University Students
Abdullah Alkhawaldeh1 , PhD, Omar Al Omari2, PhD, Mohammed ALBashtawy3, PhD, Omar Khraisat4, PhD,
International Journal of Nursing
8-  Spray Drying for Direct Compression of Pharmaceuticals
Nizar Al-Zoubi, Shadi Gharaibeh, Ahmad Aljaberi, Ioannis Nikolakakis
9-  Spray drying of naproxen and naproxen sodium for improved tableting and dissolution–physicochemical characterization and compression performance
Nizar Al-Zoubi, Faten Odeh, Ioannis Partheniadis, Shadi Gharaibeh, Ioannis Nikolakakis
Pharmaceutical Development and Technology


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

email: shadi.gharaibeh@jpu.edu.jo

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
المساق: أنظمة ايصال الدواء المتقدمة - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / س(8-11) عدد المصادر التعليمية (1)
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