كتابة النص: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس - جامعة جرش قراءة النص: الدكتور أحمد أبو دلو - جامعة اليرموك مونتاج وإخراج : الدكتور محمد أبوشقير، حمزة الناطور، علي ميّاس تصوير : الأستاذ أحمد الصمادي الإشراف العام: الأستاذ الدكتور يوسف أبو العدوس
فيديو بمناسبة الإسراء والمعراج - إحتفال كلية الشريعة بجامعة جرش 2019 - 1440
فيديو بمناسبة ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف- مونتاج وإخراج الدكتور محمد أبوشقير- كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
التميز في مجالات التعليم والبحث العلمي، وخدمة المجتمع، والارتقاء لمصاف الجامعات المرموقة محليا واقليميا وعالميا.
المساهمة في بناء مجتمع المعرفة وتطوره من خلال إيجاد بيئة جامعية، وشراكة مجتمعية محفزة للابداع، وحرية الفكر والتعبير، ومواكبة التطورات التقنية في مجال التعليم، ومن ثم رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجه من موارد بشرية مؤهلة وملائمة لاحتياجات سوق العمل.
تلتزم الجامعة بترسيخ القيم الجوهرية التالية: الإلتزام الإجتماعي والأخلاقي، الإنتماء،العدالة والمساواة، الإبداع، الجودة والتميّز، الشفافية والمحاسبة، الحرية المنظبطة والمستقبلية.
د. حسين محمد عتوم
كلية العلوم التربوية، جامعة جرش
د. عتوم خريج جامعة اليرموك تخصص الإدارة التربوية، وأستاذ مساعد في الإدارة التربوية في كلية العلوم التربوية، جامعة جرش، عمل كمدرس في وزارة التربية والتعليم، حاصل على دبلوم في إعداد وتأهيل مدربين معتمدين متخصصين (TOT)، وحاصل على العديد من الدورات التدريبية في مجال الإدارة والقيادة والإبداع والعمل الجماعي، ومؤلف كتاب إدارة المعرفة (بناء الذاكرة التنظيمية)، نشرفي العديد من المجلات العربية والمجلات ذات معامل التأثير والمصنفة في (Scopus) و(ISI) في المجالات الآتية: (المدرسة المجتمعية، الذاكرة التنظيمية، الأدوار الأكاديمية لرؤساء الأقسام، المشكلات الإدارية والأكاديمية لرؤساء الأقسام، القيادة، والتخطيط، والاتصال).
المؤهلات العلمية:
جهة التعليم
الإدارة التربوية
جامعة اليرموك
(88.1) ممتاز
الإشراف التربوي
(88.7) ممتاز
اللغة العربية
جامعة جرش
(77.4) جيد جدا
الخبرات العملية:
اسم المؤسسة
جامهة جرش
رئيس قسم المناهج والتدريس
أستاذ مساعد
وزارة التربية والتعليم
1/9 2012
جمعية أصدقاء التنمية والاستثمار
20/ 5/ 2010
1/ 9/ 2012
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of entrepreneurial leadership and the quality of academic leaders' work life from the perspective of faculty members in Jordanian universities. Methods: A descriptive correlational approach was employed, and the study sample consisted of 147 faculty members who were randomly selected. A questionnaire was used to achieve the study's objectives, comprising 49 items distributed across two dimensions: entrepreneurial leadership and work life quality. The questionnaire's validity and reliability were confirmed.Results:The study results indicated that the level of entrepreneurial leadership dimensions was moderate, and the level of work life quality was also moderate. The study further revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between entrepreneurial leadership dimensions (strategic vision, initiative, creativity, risk-taking, and opportunity investment) and work life quality.Conclusions:The study recommends raising awareness among academic leaders about the importance of implementing entrepreneurial leadership and its impact on improving work life quality in universities. This can be achieved through organizing training and educational courses to enhance the skills of academic leaders in the field of entrepreneurial leadership, fostering its development and growth
The study aimed to identify the institutional performance of scientific research deanships at Jordanian private universities and its relationship to the motivation of scientific achievement among faculty members, using the descriptive correlation method through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of (219) by (5%) of the study community of (4386) faculty members selected randomly from Jordanian private universities from the governorate of the capital Amman, and after conducting statistical analysis, the study concluded that the level of institutional performance of scientific research deanships in Jordanian private universities among faculty members came at an average level, and and that the level of motivation for scientific achievement among the faculty members was to a degree The study recommended to work on improving the strategies of the institutional performance level because of its impact on improving motivation to work in universities, and to conduct more studies dealing with institutional performance and achievement motivation and linking them with other variables.
The study aimed to identify administrative operations engineering and its relationship to knowledge management in Jordanian private universities among faculty members. The descriptive approach was used through a questionnaire distributed to the study sample of (278) by (50%) of the study community of (556) members. The teaching staff was chosen randomly from Jordanian private universities from the North Region (Jerash University, Jadara University, Irbid National University), and after the statistical analysis, the study showed that the degree of applying of administrative operations re -engineering in private universities came to a high degree, and the degree of practicing Knowledge management in Jordanian private universities came to a high degree also, and there is a positive correlation, which is a statistically significant value at a significant level (α = 0.05) between administrative operations re-engineering and knowledge management in Jordanian private universities from the faculty members point of view.The study recommended the development of policies and strategies that increase the distinction of administrative operations re-engineering and the creation of a specialized unit for knowledge management in universities, in order to ensure the continuity of work efficiently and effectively.
This study examines how Self-Motivation and learned Helplessness influence academic Procrastination. This study utilized a quantitative survey to analyze the relationships between learned Helplessness, academic Procrastination, and Self-Motivation among 421 Jordanian university students. Data analysis involved descriptive assessments, reliability, and validity checks using SPSS. SmartPLS 4, specifically Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), was employed for hypothesis testing, suited for complex models and smaller samples. The questionnaire was built based on scales by Moneva et al. (2020), Tuckman (1991), and Quinless et al. (1988), comprising of 45 items across three sections, measuring Self-Motivation, Procrastination, and Learned Helplessness. The study's findings provide substantial support for a significant inverse relationship between Learned Helplessness and Self-Motivation and between Self-Motivation and Academic Procrastination. Learned Helplessness is found to have a positive impact on Academic Procrastination, and Self-Motivation significantly mediates the relationship between Learned Helplessness and Academic Procrastination. In addition, the total effect of Learned Helplessness on Academic Procrastination is direct and indirect, signifying its extensive influence.
The study aimed to identify the degree of application of the foundations of academic promotion at Jordanian Universities, indicate the level of Psychological Adaptation among faculty members, and indicate whether there was a correlation between the application of the foundations of Academic Promotion at Jordanian universities and Psychological Adaptation due to the variables: type of University, College, and Academic Rank. among faculty members there. The analytical descriptive correlation approach was used. The study population consisted of all faculty members at Jordanian Universities, (8600) faculty members at the academic year 2022/2023 (Ministry of Higher Education, 2022), The sample was chosen randomly, it consisted of (269) faculty members at the Jordanian Private and Public Universities. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, after conducting the appropriate statistical treatment. The study found the following results: The degree of application of Foundations Promotion at Jordanian Universities among faculty members came with a medium degree, and the level of Psychological Adjustment among faculty members at Jordanian Universities was also medium, and there was a positive correlation at the significance level (@=0.05) between the Academic Promotion Foundations at Jordanian Universities and the Psychological Adjustment of faculty members there were due to the variables (type of University, College, Academic Rank).. The study recommended the need to reconsider and pay attention to participatory and to give the faculty members the opportunity to participate in decision-making and to explain the justifications to them in line with the interest of the work, and to hold periodic meetings between faculty members and departments to exchange views
هدفت الدراسة التعرف إلى درجة ممارسة القيادة الموثوقة في ضوء نظرية التفوق الإداري لدى القيادات الأكاديمية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة ومن وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة والإجابة عن أسئلتها تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي من خلال تطوير أداة الدراسة، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (255) عضو هيئة تدريس تم اختبارهم بالطريقة العشوائية المتيسرة، تم استخدام الاستبانة لتحقيق أغراض الدراسة وتكونت من (27) فقرة موزعة أربعة مجالات: (المنظور الأخلاقي، المعالجة المتوازنة، شفافية العلاقات، الوعي الذاتي)، بعد التأكد من صدقها وثباتها. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن درجة ممارسة القيادة الموثوقة في ضوء نظرية التفوق الإداري جاءت بدرجة متوسطة، ووجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى الدلالة (α=0.05) بين المتوسطات الحسابية لدرجة ممارسة القيادة الموثوقة في ضوء نظرية التفوق الإداري على متغير (الجنس، الرتبة الأكاديمية، عدد سنوات الخبرة، الكلية)، وبناء على ما توصلت إليه الدراسة من نتائج تمت التوصية بالتوعية بمفهوم القيادة الموثوقة كأسلوب قيادي فعال في الجامعات، وأهميتها في تحقيق التفوق الإداري من خلال عقد الدورات التدريبية.
The study aimed to understand the relationship between the application of attractive leadership by heads of academic departments and improving the performance of faculty members at Al al-Bayt University from their point of view. The descriptive, correlational approach was used, and the sample included )222(faculty members who were randomly selected. A questionnaire consisting of 49 items related to attractive leadership and improving job performance was used after verifying its validity and reliability. The study results showed that the level of applying attractive leadership was high, and the level of improving job performance was also high. The results also indicate a statistically significant positive relationship between applying attractive leadership and improving job performance. Based on these results, the study recommends developing the skills of academic leaders at the university to enhance their understanding of the best practices of attractive leadership and how they affect improving job performance through organizing training programs and courses.
The study aimed to identify the correlation between the practicing degree of distributed leadership among secondary school principals in Jerash Governorate and the level of improvement in their decision-making from the teachers' point of view The descriptive, correlational approach was used, and the questionnaire was used as a tool to collect to achieve the objectives of the study. The study sample consisted of (310) male and female teachers were chosen in a convenient way, and the results of the study showed that the practicing degree of distributed leadership among secondary school principals in Jerash Governorate was moderate, and the level of improvement in decision-making was moderate, and there was a moderate positive correlation which was statistically significant differences in the level (α = 0.05). Between practicing degree of distributed leadership among secondary school principals and the level of improvement in their decision-making.
Objectives: The study aims to identify the level of quality of work life among faculty members at Jerash University because it is important in motivating them to work in a good way and raising their motivation to work. The University competes with other Universities, so the majority of Universities in general and private universities in particular seek to attract the best academic cadres to create a university environment improve the educational environment, and increase the university’s productivity, as well as identify whether there is Statistically significant differences in the level of quality of work life among faculty members at Jerash University due to the variables: gender, academic rank, college, and experience in university teaching.Theoretical framework: This study focuses on the quality of work life among faculty members at Jerash University, Higher education institutions face enormous challenges and great competition between universities in general and private universities in particular. The concept of quality of work life is one of the modern concepts in the domain of management in general and in the domain of higher education institutions in particular and in light of the importance of educational institutions and their effective role in Developing the work and improving the performance of faculty members, which reflects positively on the student as a way out of the educational-learning process and competitiveness with other educational institutions.Method: Obtain survey data and use descriptive-analytical method and employing conceptual and analytical approach analysis of the literature articles and using a questionnaire as a tool for the study to collect data from a sample of (94) faculty members at Jerash University who were selected randomlyResults: The results indicate that the level of quality of work life among faculty members at Jerash University from their point of view was moderate. There were no statistically significant differences in the degree of strategic leadership practice among academic leaders from the point of view of faculty members due to the variables of gender, academic rank, and experience.Conclusion: These results highlight the need for college leaders to diversify the methods of evaluating faculty members in the college. Training courses for academic leaders related to resolving conflicts and problems through scientific methods.
The study aimed to unveil the degree of practicing communicative oral skills by preparatory year students as perceived by staff members at the deanship of Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University. The population of the study comprised (320) staff members representing all departments of the preparatory year. The sample comprised (136) male and female staff members which represent (43%) of the study population. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed in compliance with Likert five-point scale comprising of five-axis skills: speaking, listening, dialogue, persuasion and affecting, and final negotiation. The most important findings of the study were high and low for all items of the questionnaire except four. Responses means ranged between (0302-4.22) out of (5). There were no differences with statistical significance at the function level (a ≥ 0.05) for staff member responses attributed to the social type variable, but there were differences with statistical significance in staff members' responses regarding students’ academic departments in favor of self-development with a mean of (3.94) at the function level (a ≥ 0.05). There were no differences with statistical differences at the function level (a ≥ 0.05) in members’ responses which might be attributed to the variableof experience. There were differences with statistical significance in members’ responses pertaining to interaction between experience and department in favor of the self-esteem section whose experience ranged between (6-10) years with an arithmetic mean (.7.718) at the function level (a ≥ 0.05). There were also differences with statistical significance in the response of members to the interactionbetween social category and experience and department in favor of males in the department of self-esteem development and in the English language section for those whose experience ranged between (6-10) years with an arithmetic mean (.4.718). The calculated (f) degree for interaction was (7.834) which is statistically significant at the function level (a ≥ 0.05) between sections of self-esteemdevelopment and English language. The study concluded with a set of recommendations.
المؤتمرات والملتقيات العليمة:
اسم الموتمر
تمكين القيادات التربوية لبناء جيل قادر على قيادة المستقبل (نقابة المعلمين الأردنيين)
الأردن، (نقابة المعلمين الأردنيين) 5-6/8/2018
ربط نتائج البحث العلمي بالواقع العملي (جامعة اليرموك)
الأردن، جامعة اليرموك 3-4/7/2019
ملتقى جامعة الملك خالد التربوي عن بُعد كورونا.. الأزمة واستثمار الفرص
السعودية، جامعة الملك خالد 6-7/4/2020
مؤتمر العربي الأول التكنولوجيات الناشئة وتطبيقاتها في خدمة التنمية المستدامة بالوطن العربي
السعودية، جامعة الامام عبد الرحمن بن فيصل بالتعاون مع أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا في مصر 21-23 / 6/ 2020
ثلاث أيام
مؤتمر الأسبوع العلمي الأول
السعودية، جامعة الامام عبد الرحمن بن فيصل بالتعاون مع أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا في مصر. 4-5/ 7/ 2020
المؤتمر الدولي الافتراضي الأول تداعيات ازمة كورونا على مجالي: التربية الخاصة والصحة النفسية.
المؤسسة العربية للعلوم والآداب مصر
10-11/ 7/ 2020
The connected faculty summit virtual (مؤتمر قمة افتراضية حول التعلم الالكتروني)
Arizona state univesity USA, 13-14- 2020
التعلم والتعليم والتطلع نحو المستقبل )المتطلبات، والفرص، والتحديات(
الأردن، جامعة اربد الاهلية 31/5 إلى 2/6 2022
3 ايام
المؤتمر العلمي الحادي عشر التعليم عن بعد رؤية مستقبلية
الأردن، جامعة جرش 8-10/5/2023
3 أيام
المؤتمر الدولي الأول في البحث العلمي: "دور البحث العلمي في استشراف المستقبل"
الأردن، جامعة جرش 23-25/ 8/2023
المؤتمر العلمي الثاتي عشر التعليم عن توظيف الذكاء الاصطناعي في التعليم والتعلم.
الأردن، جامعة جرش 6-8- أيار 2024
المؤتمر الدولي الثاني في البحث العلمي: "دور البحث العلمي في بناء مجتمعات المعرفة"
الأردن، جامعة جرش 27-29 – 2024
المبنى والقاعة
المواد التي يدرسها
أساسيات القيادة التربوية
مقدمة في الإشراف التربوي
الساعات المكتبية
السبت، الأحد، الاثنين، الثلاثاء، الأربعاء
رابط زوم تصميم التدريس
التعريف بالقياس والتقويم والاختبارات النفسية وخصائص الاختبار الجيد وإعداد وبناء الاختبارات التحصيلية وعمل جدول المواصفات ومعرفة الخصائص السيكومترية للاختبار (الصدق والثبات ) تحليل الاختبار الإجمالي (مقاييس السرعة المركزية، مقاييس التشتت، معامل الارتباط، تمثيل البيانات، وتحليل فقرات الاختبار، معامل الصعوبة/ معامل التمييز، فعالية البدائل).وتفسير نتائج الاختبارات والتعرف على أدوات التقويم بغير الاختبار من مثل: (أدوات الملاحظة، المقابلة).
All Rights Reseved © 2025 - Developed by: Prof. Mohammed M. Abu Shquier Editor: Ali Zreqat