د.عمر البقاعيد.عمر البقاعي
أهلا وسهلاً بكم في موقع

د.عمر البقاعي

أستاذ مشارك

كلية الزراعة  

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د.عمر البقاعي


الدرجات العلميّة

B.Sc. Public Health/ Nutrition, 1985. Faculty of Public Health and
Allied Medical Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
Ms. Nutritional Science, 1998. Faculty of Graduate Studies,
Jordan University, Amman, Jordan.
Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry, 2003. Faculty of Medicine,
Gezira University, Wad Madni, Sudan


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

Employment History:
17/10/2019- Present: Assistant Professor at faculty of agriculture and sciences ,
Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Jerash University, Jordan
1/10/2018-1/6/2019: Part time Lecturer, Faculty of pharmacy, Jadara University, Jordan
Following courses:
• Clinical biochemistry
• Clinical nutrition
• General pathology
2/10/2016-1/5/2017: Medical Project Coordinator- Al-Rukban - Jordan Health Aid Society
1/10/2013- 1/10/2016: Vice Dean, Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences- Royal University
for Medical Sciences, Amman, Jordan.
1/10/2009-1/10/2013: Assistant Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and
Food Science, Jerash University, Jordan. And a Part-time lecturer for
nutrition, Medical Nutrition Therapy and Biochemistry at Faculty of
Allied Medical Sciences, Calmoon University, Syria.
27/8/2003 – 2/4/2009: Clinical Nutrition Consultant and Director of all Nutrition and
Food Departments of Hospitals at Royal Medical Services.
Lecturer, Princess Muna College of Nursing and Allied Health
professions Mu‘tah University, Jordan.
2/12/2003 – 27/8/2008: Director of Allied Medical Division at Royal Medical Services
College, Al-Balqa Applied University and part time lecturer, Faculty
of Agriculture, JUST University.
12/5/2003 -- 1/12/2003: Lecturer, Princess Muna College of Nursing and Allied Health
professions Mu‘tah University, Jordan.
14/9/2002 – 8/5/2003: Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Gezira University,
Wad Madni, Sudan.
1993 – 2002: Lecturer, Royal Medical Services College for Allied Medical
Professionals, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan.
1989 – 1993: Head of the Nutrition Department, Royal Medical Services Hospitals
1985 – 1989: Clinical Nutritionist at King Hussein Medical Center, Royal Medical
Services, Jordan


الإنتاج العلمي
2-  Prevalence of and factors associated with overweight and obesity among Jordan University students
Ahmad A Suleiman, Omar K Alboqai, Nada Yasein, Jafar M El- Qudah, Moath F Bataineh, Bayan A Obeidat
3-  Vegetarianism among Jordan University students
AA Suleiman, OK Alboqai, S Kofahi, AA Aughsteen, K El-Masri
5-  Effectiveness of dietary intervention for obese women in Jordan
6-  Obesity and Serum Uric Acid
Omar Khalid Alboqai, Asad Abu Odeh, Huda M. Al Hourani, Faisal Al-Qudah,
7-  Iron Bioavailability, Deficiency and its Consequences in Infants and Children: State of the art
Ahmad A. Obeidat1 , Hani J. Hamad2*, Shamaail A. Saewan3 and Ashraf O. Khashroom4, Omar K Al- Boqai
8-  Iron Bioavailability, Deficiency and its Consequences in Infants and Children: State of the art
Ahmad A. Obeidat1 , Hani J. Hamad2*, Shamaail A. Saewan3 and Ashraf O. Khashroom4, Omar K Al- Boqai
9-  Evaluation of diabetic diets in Jordanian hospitals
Huda M. Al Hourani1, Manar Atoum1, Omar Alboqai2, Leila I Cheikh Ismail3


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

Prevalence of vitamin-mineral supplement use among Jordan University students.
The 5th Conference of Jordanian Medical Schools, The 6th Conference of Arab Society of
Medical Faculties : 15/May l/2009. (Presenting)
2- Life Style Modification for Management Overweight and Obese Patients with type
Diabetes among Nutritional Clinic Attendance at prince Rashid Hospital. The Fourth
International Conference of Royal Medical Services.12 -15/May /2008. (Presenting)
3- Generalized Obesity, with Metabolic Syndrome, Primary Fatty Liver and
Coronary Heart Disease Risk among Adult Males in Northern of Jordan. The 4th
International Conference of Royal Medical Services.12 -15/May /2008. (Presenting)
4- Central obesity rather than overall adiposity influences Metabolic Syndrome,
Primary Fatty Liver and Gallbladder Stones in Obese Adult Females in Northern of
Jordan. The 4th International Conference of Royal Medical Services.12 -15/May /2008.
5- Comparision OF Central Adiposity and Overall Obesity in Estimating Risk of
Coronary Heart Disease among Obese Adult Males in Northern of Jordan. The
16th Scientific Day for Nursing and Allied Health Professions: 23/4/2007. (Presenting)
6- Overall Obesity with metabolic syndrome, primary fatty liver and coronary heart
disease risk among adult males in northern Jordan. The 2th Bal’ Medical Conference,
Ministry of Health. 15/7/2007. (Presenting)
7- The relationships of Obesity with Fatty Liver and Serum Lipids among Obese
Adult Males. The Second Conference of Jordanian Medical Schools, the Third
Conference of Arab Society of Medical Faculties: 12- 13/April/2006. (Presenting)
8- Central obesity rather than Overall Adiposity Influences Serum Glucose in
Obese men in the north of Jordan. The 3th International Conference of Royal Medical
Services. 5/May /2006 (Presenting)
9- Central obesity rather than overall adiposity influences serum lipids and
lipoproteins obese men in the north of Jordan. The 5th conference of Faculty of
Medicine of JUST 27/4/2005. (Presenting)
العوامل المؤثرة في حدوث السمنة عند الذكور البالغين في شمال االردن – المؤتمر العالمي الثالث - 10
12/4/ لمركز سليمان الحبيب الطبي للتغذية واالمراض المزمنة – الرياض 2005
11- Obesity and hyperuricemia in Adult Males in the Semi-Urban Community in
Jordan. The Second International Conference of Royal Jordanian Medical Services.7-
10/October/2003. (Presenting)
12- Factors Influencing the Development of Obesity in Adult Males in the Semi-
Urban Community: Case Study, Al-Sareeh Area. Nursing Conference, Al- Zaytooneh
Private University of Jordan, Faculty of Nursing. 29-30/9/2003. (Presenting)
13- Obesity and Hyperuricacemia in Adult Males in the Semi-Urban Community:
Case Study, Alsareeh Area. International Jordanian Medical Conference. Royal Medical
Services, Amman – Jordan, 2003. (Presenting)
السمنة والمتالزمة االيضية في شمال االردن – المجلة العربية للغذاء والتغذية – مملكة البحرين – المؤتمر - 14
9/ديسمبر / 2004 – المنامة – البحرين )متحدث( - العربي الثاني للتغذية – 7
عالقة البدانة مع القياسات البيوكيميائية والذكور البالغين في االردن. المؤتمر العربي حول السمنة والنشاط - 15
2002 )متحدث( /9/26- البدني. المنامة- االبحرين 24
16-Overall Obesity and Biomarkers of Coronary Heart Disease. The 13th Scientific
day for Nursing. Royal Medical Services, Amman – Jordan, 14/8/2002. (Presenting)
17. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. The 13th Scientific day for Nursing.
Royal Medical Services, Amman – Jordan, 14/8/2002. (Presenting)
18. Overall obesity and Hypertension. The 7 th International Middle East Nursing
Conference. Jordan University of Science and Technology- Irbid- Jordan, 8-
9/5/2002. (Presenting)
19. The Relationship between Obesity and Impaired Fasting Blood Glucose.
The10 th Conference of Pharmacy. Jordan Pharmaceutical Association, 13-
16/3/2002. (Presenting)
20. The Disease Burden Associated with Overweight and Obesity. The Scientific
Day of Family Medicine. Family Medicine. Royal Medical Services, Amman –
Jordan, 24/1/2002. (Presenting)
21. Appropriateness of particular Frame Size Measures. The Third Scientific day
for Allied Health Proffesions, Royal Medical Services, Jordan Armed Forces.
Amman – Jordan, 23-24/5/2000. (Presenting)
22. Overweight is A Risking Fate. Royal Medical Services, Jordan Armed Forces.
Amman – Jordan, 23-24/5/2000. (Presenting)
23. Reassessment of Body Mass Indices as Obesity Indicator. The 11 th Scientific
day for Nursing, Royal Medical Services, Amman – Jordan, 12/7/2000.
24. Derivation Body Frame Size Model for Jordanian Group. First International
Jordanian Military Nursing Conference Royal Medical Services, Jordan Armed
Forces. Amman – Jordan, 16/9/1999. (Presenting)
25. A Study of Body Fat of A group of Jordanian Ault Males Using Some
Anthropometric Indicators. 1st International Jordanian Military Nursing
Conference, Royal Medical Services, Jordan Armed Forces. Amman – Jordan 16/9/1999.
26. The Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity and Underweight for A group of
Jordanian Adult Males using some Anthropometric indicators. 10th Scientific
day for Nursing and the Second Scientific day for Allied Medical Sciences, Royal
Medical Services, Amman – Jordan 15/5/1998. (Presenting)
27. Critical Evaluation of Frame Size Determination Using 1983 Metropolitan
Life Weight for High Tables Methods. 10th Scientific day for Nursing and the
Second Scientific day for Allied Medical Sciences, Royal Medical Services,
Amman – Jordan 14/5/1998. (Presenting)
Supervision of

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
المساق: تغذية الانسان - شعبة (1) ( مدمج) / ن ر(12.3-14) عدد المصادر التعليمية (32)
المساق: تغذية المجتمع - شعبة (1) ( مدمج) / ح ث(14-15.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (22)
المساق: مبادىء علم التغذية - شعبة (1) ( مدمج) / ح ث(12.3-14) عدد المصادر التعليمية (18)
المساق: مبادىء علم الاحياء الدقيقة - شعبة (1) ( مدمج) / ن ر(11-12.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (1)
احدث العمليات على الموقع :
لا يوجد عمليات حديثة