د.محمد الاعرجد.محمد الاعرج
أهلا وسهلاً بكم في موقع

د.محمد الاعرج

استاذ دكتور

كلية الصيدلة  

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

د.محمد الاعرج


الدرجات العلميّة

دكتور استاذ 


الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة


الإنتاج العلمي
1-  Differential expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3α and 3β isomers in brain cortex of mice following high doses of glucose
Mohd Alaraj, Irena Kosinska, Bahaa Deen Al-Trad, Ammar Almaaytah, Tarek D. Hussein, Ashfaque Hossain
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
2-  Early Detection of Renal Impairment by Biomarkers Serum Cystatin C and Creatinine in Saudi Arabia
Moh’d Alaraj, Nasim Alaraj and Tarek D. Hussein
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences
4-  Effect of royal jelly on gentamicin- induced nephrotoxicity in rats
Abdulkalig Babiker Hassana, Mohamed Al-Mogbel Sulimanb, Abdelhafiz Ibrahim Bashirc , Mamoun Shadeedb
5-  Hyperglycemia-Induced Intramitochondrial Glycogen Granules: A Potential Mechanism of Glucose Cytotoxicity in Brain of Mice
Mohd Alaraj, Bahaa Deen Al-Trad, Samir Qiblawi, Audah Al Hazmi, Fahaad S.H Alenazi, Tolgahan Acar, M
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
6-  Cigarette smoking could increase prevalence of carotid arterial plaque in obese male healthy collegiate students
Mohd Alaraj, Saleh Alamer, Omar Alshammari, Rashed Alshammari, Nasim Alaraj, Majdi M. Smadi, Ibrahim
9-  Vaccines: Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines and DNA Vaccines
14. Mohamed Jamal Saadh; Hala Mousa Sbaih; Ali Mohammed Mustafa; Abeer Mohammad Kharshid; Mohd Alara
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
10-  Differential expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3α and 3β isomers in brain cortex of mice following high doses of glucose
Mohd Alaraj, Irena Kosinska, Bahaa Deen Al-Trad, Ammar Almaaytah, Tarek D. Hussein, Ashfaque Hossain
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

1.       Mohd Alaraj, Ashfaque Hossain, Bahaa Al-Trad and Nasim Alaraj. The effect of ranitidine intakes on hemodialysis efficacy among end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in Saudi Arabia. 9th Annual European Pharma Congress. June 26-28, 2017 Madrid, Spain.


2.       Mohd Alaraj, Ashfaque Hossain, Bahaa Al-Trad, Ibrahim Ginawi, Saleh Othman Alamer, Audah Al Hazmi.The effect of serum uric levels on hemodialysis efficacy among population in Saudi Arabia. 5th Annual European Pharma Congress, July 18-20, 2016 Berlin, Germany. 

3.       B. Al-Trad, S. El-Metwally, A. Alhazimi, I. Ginawi, M. Alaraj, E. Alkofahi, O. Aljmsili. Effect of  Nigella Sativa Oil And Thymoquinone On Albuminuria And Renal Extracellular Matrix Accumulation In Experimental Diabetic Rats. The Ires 25th International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 24th January 2016. 

4.       Abuqurayn I , Al-Abdli A, Al-Tamimi N , Babiker A, Alaraj M.: The magnitude of home hoarding and self-drug prescription and their effects on bacterial resistance to amoxicillin in Hail- Saudi Arabia. The Ninth International Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC Countries, 2014, United Arab Emirates University, Arab Emirates.

              5.                                                             II International Conference of Royal Jordanian Medical Services –” Towards better health care

       in the New Millennium”, 7-10 October, 2003, Amman, Jorda

     6.                                                          4th International Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, 2-5 September, 1999, Gdansk,


   7                                                                                                  . Conference in Sleep and melatonin, PAS, 1998, Warsaw, Poland.

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
المساق: مشروع بحث/لطلبة الماجستير - شعبة (1) ( مدمج) / س(11-14) عدد المصادر التعليمية (4)
المساق: علم الأدوية (3) - شعبة (2) ( وجاهي) / ح ن(12.3-14) عدد المصادر التعليمية (3)
المساق: علم الأدوية (3) - شعبة (1) ( وجاهي) / ح ن(11-12.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (2)
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