أ.د ميساء عطا

ملخّص السيرة الذاتيّة

نبذة مختصرة

أ.د ميساء عطا


دكتوراه في علم الحيوان من جامعة أركنساس الأميريكية،2011

الاستاذ الدكتورة ميساء عطا الحاصلة على شهادة الدكتوراه في علم الحيوان من جامعة اركنساس/ الولايات المتحدة الامريكية عام 2011 و هي عضو هيئة تدريس في كلية الزراعة قسم الانتاج الحيواني و الوقاية منذ عام 2011. اهتماماتها البحثية في غلم الحيوان بشكل عام و بتغذية الحيوان و المجترات (تخصص دقيق).


PhD in Animal Science/ University of Arkansas, USA

Mysaa Ata a professor in  Animal Science,currently works at the Department of Animal Production & Protection, Jerash University. Reasearch intrests in Animal Nutrition, Feed Formulation, Using Untraditional Feeds


الدرجات العلميّة


Aug. 2008-Aug. 2011         University of Arkansas/Animal Science Department              Fayetteville, AR, USA

  • D. in Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition /Immunology). Dissertation Title: The inter-relationship among endophyte-infected fescue, immune function, and specific gene polymorphisms in cattle (GPA = 3.9/4).

Aug. 2005-July 2007         Jordan University of Science and Technology                                         Irbid, Jordan

  • Master degree in Ruminant Nutrition from the Department of Animal Production/Faculty of Agriculture. Thesis Title: Effect of Forage Level in High Concentrate Diets on Growth Performance of Growing Awassi Lambs.

1998-2002                            Jordan University of Science and Technology                                          Irbid, Jordan

Bachelor degree in Agriculture/Animal Production from the Department of Animal Production/Faculty of Agriculture.



الخبرات الأكاديميّة والعلميّة

Nov, 2021 – Sep, 2022      Jerash University/ Faculty of Agriculture                                                                            Jerash, Jordan

         Dean Assistant for Quality Assurance Affairs

Nov, 2021-                         Jerash University/ Animal Production Department                                                         Jerash, Jordan


Teaching Ruminant Nutrition, Beef Production, Biotechnology, Sheep Production, Animal Genetics, Feed Analysis, Meat Science and Technology, Graduation Seminar, Graduate Project,  and Field training coerces.


Feb, 2017-                            Jerash University/ Animal Production Department                 Jerash, Jordan

        Associate Professor

Teaching Principles of Animal Nutrition, Beef Production, Biotechnology, Sheep Production, Animal Genetics, Animal Breeding, Feed Analysis, Meat Science and Technology, Graduation Seminar and Field training coerces.


Oct, 2011- Jan, 2017         Jerash University/ Animal Production Department                 Jerash, Jordan

        Assistant Professor

Teaching Principles of Animal Nutrition, Beef Production, Biotechnology, Sheep Production, Animal Genetics, Animal Breeding, Graduation Seminar and Field training coerces.


Nov 2014- Oct 2015           Jerash University/ Deanship of Academic Research                                Jerash, Jordan

        Head of the Scientific Research Department.


Oct 2012- Sep, 2014           Jerash University/ Animal Production Department                 Jerash, Jordan

        Head of the Animal Production and Nutrition Science Department


Aug–Dec, 2009                    University of Arkansas/Animal Science Department                               Fayetteville, AR  

        Teaching Assistant (TA)

  • Applied Nutrition course. Guest lectures, developing/grading exams/quizzes, and helping students with lab assignments.


April-May, 2008 & Oct-Nov. 2007      Nutrition and Food Technology Department/JUST       Irbid, Jordan

Research Assistant (RA)

  • Research Assistant at Microbiology Lab. Preparing Media, planting, counting Bacteria and results analysis.


Nov-Feb, 2008                     Agriculture Center for Research and Production/JUST*                       Irbid, Jordan

Research Assistant (RA)

  • Field Research Assistant. Feeding 36 lambs and monitoring their growth and body weight changes by using different rations.


الإنتاج العلمي
1-  The effects of feeding chickpea grains on the lactating performance and blood metabolites of ewes
Belal S. Obeidat, Mustafa M. Shdaifat, Mohammad K. Aloueedat, Mysaa Ata
Tropical Animal Health and Production
7-  The effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on intake, nutrient digestibility, and rumen fluid pH in Awassi female lambs
Belal S. Obeidat, Kamel Z. Mahmoud, Mohammad D. Obeidat, Mysaa Ata, Rami T. Kridli, Serhan G. Haddad
Veterinary World
9-  The Potential Use of Layer Litter in Awassi Lamb Diet: Its Effects on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality
Belal S. Obeidat1, Mohammad A. Mayyas, Abdullah Y. Abduallah1 Mofleh S. Awawdeh, Rasha I. Qudsieh, M


المؤتمرات العلميّة / المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

الجدول الدراسي

الجدول الدراسي والساعات المكتبيّة

Faculty of Agriculture/ Animal Production and Pritection Department

مساقاتي الالكترونية على التعليم الالكتروني

  • جميع المساقات
  • مساقاتي الالكترونية الفعالة
  • الأعضاء النشطون
عدد المصادر التعليمية في مساقاتي الالكترونية
المساق: التقنيات الحيوية للانتاج الحيواني - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / ح ن(9.3-10.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (13)
المساق: تغذية الحيوانات المجترة - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / ح ن(8-9.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (9)
المساق: انتاج و تكنولوجيا اللحوم - شعبة (1) (مدمج) / ن ر(11-12.3) عدد المصادر التعليمية (8)
المساق: تحليل الاعلاف - شعبة (1) (وجاهي) / ح(14-15) عدد المصادر التعليمية (2)
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